The Fisherman's Code


  1. Abide by fishery regulations.
    Overfishing reduces next year's catch and disrupts the Bay's food web.
  2. Carefully release unwanted fish.
    Undersized and unwanted fish must be conserved to maintain healthy fisheries.
  3. Dispose of old fishing gear on shore.
    Fishing line and nets discarded overboard entangle and kill marine life
  4. Collect all trash for disposal on shore.
    Trash cans should be standard gear. We must not treat our waters like a dump.
  5. Keep oil and gas out of the water.
    Oil and gas are toxic to fish. Be careful when filling tanks and changing oil.
  6. Contain human waste for on-shore disposal.
    Pollution from human waste reduces water quality and closes areas to fishing.
  7. Use antifouling paints with care.
    These and other paints and solvents are very toxic to marine life.
  8. Prevent cleaners from washing overboard.
    Even common cleaning products cause pollution.
  9. Save old antifreeze for on-shore disposal.
    Antifreeze can be very toxic to fish.
  10. Avoid boat speeds that cause large wakes.
    Boat wakes contribute to shoreline erosion and the loss of seagrass beds.

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