Fones Cliffs Consent Decree Does Not Go Far Enough
April 6, 2020
Though we appreciate the Commonwealth’s enforcement efforts, this consent decree does not go far enough to respond to the damage being done to the Rappahannock River.
A Banner Year for Baby Oysters
April 2, 2020
The lack of rainfall in 2019 and corresponding increase in salinity are key factors behind oyster gardeners seeing a record year for these beloved bivalves.
CBF Issues Statement on Concerns over EPA Memorandum
March 31, 2020
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation today sent a letter EPA expressing deep concern about the ramifications of a recent decision that EPA would not take enforcement action against entities that claim, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, to be unable to comply with their obligations under federal law, federal permits, EPA administrative orders, and judicial consent decrees.
CBF Weighing All Options to Oppose Weakened Vehicle Emissions and Fuel Economy Standards
March 31, 2020
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation is considering all options to oppose the final rule weakening vehicle greenhouse gas emissions and fuel economy standards the Trump administration unveiled today.
CBF Urges White House to Pause Public Comment Period for Federal Rules during National Emergency
March 23, 2020
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation urged the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs to ensure all citizens can participate in the federal rulemaking process by pausing the comment periods for non-emergency pending and proposed new regulations, and postponing all related hearings, until President Trump lifts the national emergency declaration he issued March 13.
CBF Commends Bipartisan, Bicameral Legislation to Measure Farmers’ Conservation Efforts
March 12, 2020
Sens. Bob Casey and Shelley Moore Capito and Reps. Marcia Fudge and Glenn Thompson have introduced companion bills in the Senate and the House that direct the Department of Agriculture to measure, evaluate, and report on the effectiveness of its conservation programs.
White House Bid to Weaken Environmental Reviews Would Ignore Climate Change, Restrict Citizen’s Input
March 10, 2020
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation today filed comments opposing the Trump administration’s dangerous proposal to ignore climate change when evaluating the environmental and community impacts of major projects requiring federal approval.
Virginia Completing Remarkable Legislative Session for Clean Water
March 9, 2020
The Virginia Senate and House of Delegates are expected to vote Thursday on a budget for the next two years that includes investment in programs that benefit Virginia’s rivers, streams, and the Chesapeake Bay.
Richmond to Address Sewage Overflows into James River under Legislation
March 4, 2020
Richmond will take aggressive steps to address sewage overflows into the James River under legislation just passed by the Virginia Senate and House of Delegates.
Farm Conservation Bills Pass Virginia House and Senate
March 3, 2020
The Virginia Senate and House of Delegates have passed legislation to accelerate farmers’ adoption of key conservation practices to enable Virginia to meet Chesapeake Bay water quality goals by the end of 2025 (HB 1422 and SB704).
Virginia to Join Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative
February 28, 2020
The Virginia Senate and House of Delegates have passed legislation that would allow Virginia to join the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a program under which Virginia energy generation plants will steadily reduce carbon emissions.
Menhaden Legislation Approved by Virginia House And Senate
February 27, 2020
The Virginia legislature passed bipartisan legislation to transfer management of Virginia’s menhaden fisheries from the General Assembly to the Virginia Marine Resources Commission (VMRC).
CBF Appreciates Sarbanes Leadership Moving Bill to Renew Chesapeake Gateways and Watertrails Network
February 26, 2020
The House of Representatives today overwhelmingly passed legislation spearheaded by Rep. John Sarbanes and supported by 15 bipartisan original co-sponsors to reauthorize the Chesapeake Bay Gateways and Watertrails Network through 2025.
Offshore Drilling Ban Passes Virginia House and Senate
February 25, 2020
The full Virginia House and Senate yesterday passed legislation that would prohibit oil and gas drilling and related infrastructure in Virginia waters up to three miles off the coast.
CBF Opposes Permit for Chickahominy Power Station
February 19, 2020
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation has filed comments opposing the issuance of a special exception ground-water withdrawal permit for the proposed Chickahominy Power Station.
CBF Statement on Clean Water Programs in Proposed Virginia Budgets
February 17, 2020
In separate proposed budgets released Sunday, the Virginia Senate Finance Committee and House Appropriations Committee released funding proposals for the Commonwealth’s clean water programs for the next two fiscal years.
CBF Applauds Gov. Northam’s Actions to Protect Migratory Birds
February 14, 2020
Today Governor Northam ordered a series of actions to protect migratory birds in the face of federal rollbacks to the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.
CBF Calls on EPA to Honor Its Commitments and Enforce the Clean Water Act
January 29, 2020
By taking no action to hold Pennsylvania accountable, EPA has failed to adhere to the commitment to use its existing statutory authorities, abdicating its responsibilities under the Clean Water Act.
Menhaden Legislation Approved by Virginia House and Senate Committees
January 29, 2020
Today key committees in Virginia’s Senate and House of Delegates passed bipartisan legislation to transfer management of Virginia’s menhaden fishery from the General Assembly to the Virginia Marine Resources Commission.
CBF Preparing to Sue EPA
January 27, 2020
That EPA failed to take any action to hold Pennsylvania accountable for its inadequate clean-up plan puts the success accomplished with the Chesapeake Clean Water Blueprint over the last ten years in jeopardy.
Virginia Bills Would Set 2026 Deadline for Farm Conservation Practices
January 24, 2020
In a major step forward, legislation being considered for the first time in Virginia's General Assembly would set a deadline for farmers to install key conservation practices that lead to healthier waterways and benefit farmers.
It’s Time to Take Politics out of Fisheries
January 21, 2020
For once, the Trump administration has made a good decision for the environment and the Chesapeake Bay.
Environmental Justice Court Win Comes at Pivotal Time in Virginia
January 15, 2020
A major court win last week for the people of Union Hill could help move the needle in the right direction for Virginia to meaningfully apply environmental justice.
Conservation Groups Defend Virginia Clean Water Plan from Wastewater Challenge
January 13, 2020
The Virginia Association of Municipal Wastewater Agencies and several of its members have filed suit against Virginia to challenge expectations in Virginia’s Watershed Implementation Plan of additional pollution reductions from sewage treatment plants.
CBF Statement on Senate Passage of Bill Renewing and Increasing Funding for Federal Bay Program
January 10, 2020
The U.S. Senate last night passed a wide-ranging conservation bill that includes crucial provisions to reauthorize EPA’s Chesapeake Bay Program and fund it at $90 million annually through 2025.
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