This Month on the Bay: From Fall Colors to Dead Leaves
November 7, 2018
Tuesday's elections may determine the success or failure of the Chesapeake Bay cleanup.
This Week in the Watershed: The Bay Ballot
November 2, 2018
Tuesday's elections may determine the success or failure of the Chesapeake Bay cleanup.
Chesapeake Requiem
October 31, 2018
Earl Swift spent most of two years living with the watermen of Tangier Island. In his new book, Swift gives a detailed profile of island life in a changing climate.
The Chesapeake Bay’s Environmental Success Story Is in Danger
October 27, 2018
The Trump administration is threatening to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, but it’s not too late to turn things around.
This Week in the Watershed: Your Air at Risk
October 26, 2018
Most living creatures, whether they walk, swim, or crawl, are harmed by poor air quality. And if the EPA rolls back two critical Clean Air Act initiatives, our climate, health, and water quality could suffer.
This Week in the Watershed: Dropping Temps, Changing Bay
October 19, 2018
Autumn is officially here, as temperatures have plummeted this past week. And the Bay and its rivers and streams are reacting to the dramatic shift.
This Week in the Watershed: An Oyster Revival
October 12, 2018
Before the Chesapeake was first explored by Captain John Smith in 1608, the Bay was known for its oysters. But the magnitude of the Bay's oyster population has dropped precipitously since the days when Smith wrote that oysters "lay thick as stones."
This Week in the Watershed: Resisting Rollbacks
October 5, 2018
It was less than a generation ago that America was confronted with the consequences of the degradation of the environment.
Small Localities Unite to Tackle Large Stormwater Goals
October 2, 2018
‘Circuit rider’ connects communities across Maryland's Eastern Shore.
This Week in the Watershed: Living with a Smoker
September 28, 2018
Higher rates of asthma, increased chances of lung cancer, chronic bronchitis. These are just a few of the health impacts caused by the long-term breathing of fine particulate matter.
Queen Anne’s County Board of Commissioners Candidate Forum on the Environment Rescheduled for Oct. 8
September 27, 2018
(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—The Queen Anne’s County Board of Commissioners candidate forum on the environment that was canceled due to the potential of hazardous weather related to Hurricane Florence has been rescheduled for Oct. 8.
This Week in the Watershed: Breathe Easy?
September 21, 2018
Most understand that how we treat the land has a direct correlation to the health of our waterways. But often overlooked is the major impact air pollution has on water quality.
Chesapeake Bay Foundation: EPA Decision on Interstate Air Pollution Fails to Protect Human Health and the Environment
September 17, 2018
(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—The Chesapeake Bay Foundation is dismayed, but not surprised by the Environmental Protection Agency's decision Friday to abdicate its responsibility under the Clean Air Act by denying petitions requesting coal-fired power plants in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky reduce air pollution that travels across state lines.
This Week in the Watershed: Rain Repercussions
September 14, 2018
All eyes are south of the Bay watershed this week, as Hurricane Florence barrels towards the Carolinas. The storm is predicted to cause billions of dollars in damage, with historic flooding and devastating storm surge forecast.
Already Water-Logged, Chesapeake Braces for Florence and More Rain
September 12, 2018
As Hurricane Florence barrels toward landfall along the Carolina coast, local areas in the Chesapeake region are readying for strong winds and considerable flooding.
This Week in the Watershed: Hellbent on Clean Water
September 7, 2018
The Keystone State is renowned for its abundance of beautiful rivers, streams, and creeks. But roughly 19,000 miles of Keystone State rivers and streams are polluted. And one of its native critters is suffering.
CBF Issues Statement Concerning Oyster Sanctuary Changes
September 5, 2018
(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—Today Governor Hogan announced that the state will shift restoration efforts from Breton Bay to the Manokin River. The decision to use only state funds for restoration on the Manokin raises serious concerns that the sanctuary could be opened to harvest in the future.
This Week in the Watershed: Another Chain of Events
August 31, 2018
As we wrote last year at this time, there is no shortage of opportunities to join us in the field, on the water, or in the classroom this fall.
Rod and Reef Slam Fishing Tournament Returns for Second Year to Highlight Diversity of Fish Species on Oyster Reefs
August 31, 2018
(SHERWOOD, MD)—Anglers seeking a unique experience on the Chesapeake Bay should register now for the second annual Rod and Reef Slam on Maryland's Eastern Shore.
Trump Plan Endangers Chesapeake Bay Blue Crabs
August 28, 2018
It's difficult growing up a crab. Cold winters, predators, dead zones, vanishing habitat — these are just some of the threats a young crustacean faces. And now, a plan by the Trump administration to open the Atlantic seaboard to oil and gas exploration and drilling could upset the already precarious life cycle of the Chesapeake Bay blue crab.
The Chesapeake Clean Water Blueprint is Working
August 23, 2018
This is a critical time for bay restoration. At the halfway point between 2010 and 2025 the question is: Are we on track?
This Week in the Watershed: Wavering Waters
August 17, 2018
For more than 40 years, CBF Senior Naturalist John Page Williams has explored the many waterways in the Chesapeake Bay, particularly his home Severn River. And despite all that time on the water, he often says, "Every time I go out on my river, I learn something new."
Chesapeake Bay Foundation Backs Maryland in Conowingo Lawsuits
August 9, 2018
(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—The Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) today filed a motion to intervene in a federal lawsuit that may determine whether Exelon Corporation, the owner of the Conowingo Dam, must contribute to clean up pollution problems related to the dam.
CBF Issues Statement on Court Ruling on Chlorpyrifos
August 9, 2018
(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) President William C. Baker issued this statement following the decision by the federal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals requiring EPA to end its approval of the use of chlorpyrifos.
This Week in the Watershed: A Torrent of Trash
August 3, 2018
The health of our local waterways and the Bay is often hidden below the surface. But other times, water quality is in plain sight.
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