CBF and SERC Announce New Oyster Restoration Partnership
November 14, 2022
Today, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) and Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) are proud to announce a new partnership centered on oyster restoration.
A Bay Without Borders
November 1, 2022
Aquaculturist and activist Imani Black is changing the status quo in the oyster world.
Hampton Groups Declare Oyster Renaissance in the City
October 27, 2022
Business, science, and conservation organizations in the City of Hampton today declared an oyster renaissance, highlighting increasing oyster populations, a growing local seafood scene, volunteer oyster growing efforts, and the support of Hampton businesses.
5th Annual Maryland Rod and Reef Slam Winners Announced
October 19, 2022
The Chesapeake Bay’s unique fishing tournament, the Rod and Reef Slam, wrapped up this past weekend with 35 participating anglers catching more than 130 fish, including 19 different species, over restored oyster reefs.
A Shellabration on Water
August 10, 2022
With oyster kayak tours, Hampton-based eco-tourism company Shored Up LLC celebrates the Bay’s favorite bivalve.
CBF Applauds Fiscal 2023 Funding for Marine Species Restoration and Environmental Education
June 28, 2022
CBF thanked the House Appropriations Committee for approving two fiscal year 2023 spending bills that contain encouraging funding levels for restoring marine species vital to the Bay region’s economy and educating young people about the Bay and its tributaries.
Save the Bay News: All About Oysters
June 24, 2022
Our monthly roundup of engaging and educational content. This month we look at the importance of oysters and how we can restore and protect them.
Pass the Salt, Please
June 17, 2022
Oysters like things a little salty. So, what happens when the Bay gets fresh?
Four Faces of the Oyster Industry
June 16, 2022
From oyster farmers to oyster shuckers, we asked four different key figures in the industry about their journeys toward saving the Chesapeake Bay's beloved bivalve.
Save the Bay News: Striped Bass, Sturgeon, and Where Oysters Are Thriving
March 18, 2022
Our monthly roundup of engaging and educational content for you to enjoy at home. This month we look at the state of striped bass, sturgeon, and where oysters are thriving.
A Day in the Life of an Oyster Farmer
March 16, 2022
We joined Maryland-based Hollywood Oyster Company for a glimpse of what life is like on an oyster farm.
Chesapeake Marvel, the Patricia Campbell, Celebrates 20th Year of Oyster Restoration
March 11, 2022
This one-of-a-kind vessel has changed the way we restore oysters—and save the Bay.
Norfolk’s Lafayette River Holds Hundreds of Oysters per Square Meter
March 3, 2022
Restoration reefs built in Norfolk’s Lafayette River are thriving beyond expectations, with hundreds of oysters found growing per square meter during a recent survey by CBF.
Save the Bay News: Local Food, Whales, and Hatching Oysters
February 18, 2022
Our monthly roundup of engaging and educational content for you to enjoy at home. This month we look at how the way we farm ultimately affects everything downstream, including Bay critters big and small.
Virginia Budget Items Support Clean Water, Oysters, Mussels, and Environmental Education
February 16, 2022
As Virginia legislators consider the budget for the next two fiscal years, the CBF urges support for many important clean water initiatives.
How Does an Oyster Hatchery Work?
February 11, 2022
Virginia-based oyster hatchery, Oyster Seed Holdings, invites the public to a behind-the-scenes hatchery experience.
Chesapeake Bay Trust Issues Chesapeake Oyster Innovation Awards
December 21, 2021
The Chesapeake Bay Trust, in partnership with the Chesapeake Oyster Alliance, is pleased to announce the approval of 13 grants in Maryland and Virginia for the Chesapeake Oyster Innovation Awards, a program supported by CBF.
95-Year-Old Williamsburg Man Honored as Longest-Serving Oyster Restoration Volunteer
December 1, 2021
CBF today presented Walter Zadan with an award for outstanding environmental stewardship recognizing him as CBF’s longest-serving Virginia oyster shell recycling volunteer.
Virginia Completes Major Oyster Restoration Projects
November 30, 2021
Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam today announced the completion of major oyster restoration projects on Virginia’s Piankatank and Great Wicomico rivers, totaling more than 150 acres of oyster habitat combined.
Partners Introduce Oyster Spat to New Solar-Powered Aquaculture System in Baltimore
October 21, 2021
Staff from CBF and Solar Oysters loaded about 300,000 spat-on-shell oysters onto a new automated aquaculture platform in the Baltimore Harbor. The platform uses solar power to rotate large oyster cages filled with young oysters to clean the bivalves and help them grow over time.
Prizes Announced for Rod and Reef Slam Fishing Tournament That Starts Oct. 9
October 5, 2021
Anglers who catch the most different species of fish in the unique Rod and Reef Slam Fishing Tournament can win a grand prize worth up to $1,400 in Under Armour fishing apparel and All Tackle gift certificates while division winners receive other exciting prizes.
Virginia Efforts Plant 3.5 Million Oysters This Season from the Northern Neck to the Eastern Shore
September 7, 2021
CBF's Virginia Oyster Team is completing its 2021 oyster restoration season today after raising about 3.5 million new oysters on innovative oyster barges docked at the Brock Environmental Center in Virginia Beach. The barges produced a CBF Virginia record high spat set this year.
Rod and Reef Slam Fishing Tournament Returns This October in Maryland
September 1, 2021
The Rod and Reef Slam Fishing Tournament returns for its fourth year in Maryland waters this fall from Oct. 9 to Oct. 17. The contest is designed to highlight the diversity of fish that surround oyster reefs. To do that, anglers will fish in areas where oyster reefs have been restored in Maryland.
CBF Praises House Passage of Legislation to Fund Priority Programs Next Year
July 29, 2021
CBF praised today’s passage by the U.S. House of Representatives of fiscal year 2022 spending bills that include promising budget numbers for EPA’s Chesapeake Bay Program, a new Interior Department program to restore habitat in the Bay watershed, and Army Corps of Engineers oyster restoration work.
Partnership Adds 78 Oyster Reef Balls off Coast of Chesapeake Beach, Maryland
July 29, 2021
CBF staff and project partners added 78 reef balls to the Maryland Artificial Reef Initiative site located in the Herring Bay oyster sanctuary. The oyster reef balls were placed about two miles offshore in a sanctuary protected from oyster harvesting.
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