This Week in the Watershed: A Slap in the Face
March 15, 2019
Whether on cable news, your social media feed, or at the family dinner table, political bickering feels inescapable. But across the Chesapeake Bay watershed, individuals of all political persuasions can all agree on one topic–clean water.
One Prolific Voice for Clean Water
March 12, 2019
CBF's Hampton Roads Grassroots Manager Tanner Council describes Hampton resident Claire Neubert as one of the most prolific volunteers CBF has ever worked with.
This Week in the Watershed: The Bulldozers Are Waiting
March 1, 2019
It’s a scene that’s far too common. A fleet of gas-guzzling bulldozers flatten acres of high-value, mature, and healthy forest. In a flash, decades, even centuries, of nature’s hard work is reduced to stumps and mud.
Budget Increases for Virginia Clean Water Programs
February 24, 2019
(RICHMOND, VA)—Today Virginia's General Assembly approved modifications to the state's budget for this fiscal year and the next, including several funding changes for key programs that restore Virginia's waterways.
This Week in the Watershed: The Bay's Cornerstone
February 22, 2019
Following decades of restoration work, we are making progress restoring the Bay's native oyster population. And two pieces of legislation before the Maryland General Assembly would take restoration efforts even further.
Optimism Amid Challenges as Maryland’s Oyster Farming Industry Continues to Grow
February 20, 2019
2019 Maryland Shellfish Aquaculture Conference highlighted changes in the Bay’s regenerative business.
This Week in the Watershed: Exposing Our Values
February 15, 2019
There is perhaps no document more revealing than a budget.
Clean Water Voices in the Old Dominion
February 13, 2019
Good things happen when voices join together for the Bay.
This Week in the Watershed: Forest Fervor
February 8, 2019
We are losing our forests at an alarming rate throughout the watershed.
2018 State of the Bay: A Stiff Reality Check
January 15, 2019
A cynic might be tempted to say that our optimism for the Bay a year ago was false, but a clear-eyed optimist will instead look closely at the important scientific signals and watch carefully as 2019 progresses.
This Week in the Watershed: The Wavy Line of Progress
January 11, 2019
The work to save the Bay and its rivers and streams is not without challenges. And in 2018, one of the greatest challenges came from above–rain, and lots of it.
2018 Bay Health Score Drops as Massive Rains Increase Pollution
January 7, 2019
(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—The Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s biennial State of the Bay report score decreased one point this year to 33, equivalent to a D+. The drop was largely due to increased pollution and poor water clarity caused by record regional rainfall.
Eastern Shore State Senators and Delegates to Discuss Environmental Legislative Priorities Monday, Jan. 7
January 4, 2019
(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—Members of the media and the public are invited to attend the Eastern Shore Environmental Legislative Preview in Easton Monday night.
A Sustainability Sham
December 21, 2018
A student who fails to complete all their assignments doesn't receive a passing grade. But if Omega Protein gets their way, this logic won't hold true in the world of fishery management.
Stewardship Event Emphasizes the Value of Conservation Practices and Partnerships
December 19, 2018
Visitors on hay wagons rode through rolling hills of corn, cover crops, and contour strips under a blazing sun in Juniata County, to get a closer look and to learn about conservation efforts through farmers' eyes.
CBF Statement on Gov. Northam Budget Proposal
December 18, 2018
(RICHMOND)—Today Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam announced his Administration’s budget proposal, which includes historic investments in programs to restore Virginia waterways and the Chesapeake Bay.
This Week in the Watershed: A Win for the Bay
December 14, 2018
At first glance, the federal Farm Bill, full of wonky agriculture policy and programs with countless acronyms, doesn't appear to have a connection with the health of the Bay and its rivers and streams.
Students Determined to Continue Efforts to Recognize Hellbenders
December 11, 2018
Despite stalling out in the Pennsylvania House, these students aren't giving up on saving and recognizing Eastern hellbenders.
Ten Million New Trees Can Stem the Tide of Rushing Waters
October 24, 2018
One of the most ambitious and challenging efforts to reduce the pollutant payload that flows into the Susquehanna, other Commonwealth waterways, and down to the Chesapeake Bay has taken root—the Keystone 10 Million Trees Partnership.
This Week in the Watershed: An Oyster Revival
October 12, 2018
Before the Chesapeake was first explored by Captain John Smith in 1608, the Bay was known for its oysters. But the magnitude of the Bay's oyster population has dropped precipitously since the days when Smith wrote that oysters "lay thick as stones."
Renowned Photographer James Balog Talks Climate Change and the Bay
October 11, 2018
For decades, photographer James Balog has focused on the relationship between people and nature. For his latest project, Balog traveled across the country to examine how people are altering the elements of life—from wildfires to air pollution to rising waters.
CBF Statement on Atlantic Coast Pipeline Oral Arguments
September 28, 2018
(RICHMOND, VA)—Today the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit in Richmond heard oral arguments in a challenge to the Atlantic Coast Pipeline's water quality certification by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and other conservation organizations.
A Call to Action for Hellbenders and Trees
September 11, 2018
There's no denying that I have a greater interest in the happenings in the Pennsylvania State House than my fellow 17 year-olds. But as a member of Pennsylvania's Student Leadership Council, I understand the value of clean water to the Commonwealth and recognize the influence the halls of government in Harrisburg have on our rivers and streams.
This Week in the Watershed: Hellbent on Clean Water
September 7, 2018
The Keystone State is renowned for its abundance of beautiful rivers, streams, and creeks. But roughly 19,000 miles of Keystone State rivers and streams are polluted. And one of its native critters is suffering.
CBF Issues Statement Concerning Oyster Sanctuary Changes
September 5, 2018
(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—Today Governor Hogan announced that the state will shift restoration efforts from Breton Bay to the Manokin River. The decision to use only state funds for restoration on the Manokin raises serious concerns that the sanctuary could be opened to harvest in the future.
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