
  • Testifying on Behalf of Clean Water

    January 12, 2021

    CBF Student Leader Connor Ransom reflects on his experience giving public testimony on an environmental amendment in Maryland.

  • CBF Student Leaders Ask Congress to Save the Bay

    January 11, 2021

    As the 117th Congress is sworn in, a group of students has come together to share their thoughts on what the federal government needs to do to save the Bay.

  • Little Fish, Big Success

    December 15, 2020

    Virginia fisheries advocate John Bello was part of a team that advocated for the scientific management of the Bay’s important menhaden.

  • Living Room Lobbyist

    December 7, 2020

    CBF Clean Water Captain Mike Taylor took advantage of technology to share testimony with EPA from his home in Virginia Beach.

  • Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Pennsylvania

    November 23, 2020

    The state is taking a stand against climate change and protecting human health, the environment, and the economy in the process.

  • Advocacy in the Age of COVID

    October 29, 2020

    While the pandemic has changed every part of our lives, there are still ways to safely advocate for the Bay.

  • The Bay’s Voice: Citizen Advocates Make a Difference

    October 27, 2020

    Your voice matters. Need proof? Watershed advocates helped drive these five Bay wins.

  • Bringing Clean Water to All in Baltimore

    October 22, 2020

    Trees and civic engagement are two things we need to ensure clean water for all, according to CBF Student Leader Kaitlyn Leitherer.

  • The Fight for Maryland Forests Continues

    September 17, 2020

    Charles County becomes the latest battleground over forest protections.

  • Waters in Jeopardy

    August 26, 2020

    The unravelling of Clean Water Act protections for streams and wetlands significantly threatens the health of the Chesapeake Bay watershed.

  • News Spotlight: Watching Out for the Bay

    July 9, 2020

    A news roundup of some of the big issues we’re watching this year.

  • Bringing the Planet to a Safe Place

    April 29, 2020

    Student leader Kallan Benson is tackling climate change and working to create positive change for the Chesapeake Bay watershed.

  • Why the Chesapeake Bay Program Is Critical to Saving the Bay

    December 19, 2019

    Year after year, the Trump administration has attempted to slash nearly all funding for EPA's Chesapeake Bay Program. But what exactly does this program do and why is it so critical to Bay restoration? Find out!

  • This Month in the Watershed: A Climate for Change

    October 30, 2019

    Climate change might be a global problem, but we are feeling the impacts here at home.

  • Old Dominion Clean Water Memories

    October 22, 2019

    This fall, 34 Virginia Clean Water Captains gathered together at CBF's Brock Environmental Center for a weekend of discussion, learning, and preparation for year filled with advocacy.

  • The Forest for the Trees

    October 18, 2019

    Forests are one of our most valuable resources in our work towards clean water. But despite their value, forests are disappearing at an alarming rate in Maryland's Anne Arundel County.

  • The Bulldozers Are Winning

    October 2, 2019

    Forests are one of our most valuable resources in our work towards clean water. But despite their value, forests are disappearing at an alarming rate in Maryland's Anne Arundel County.

  • This Month in the Watershed: Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

    September 30, 2019

    Collaboration and teamwork are critical when working towards a goal as complex and challenging as saving the Bay.

  • Fighting for Oysters

    September 6, 2019

    On a blustery and snowy March day at Maryland’s General Assembly, about a dozen hearty oyster advocates to support two bills designed to help increase the oyster population in Maryland’s portion of the Chesapeake Bay.

  • How Will the Story of Chesapeake Bay Restoration End? Virginia’s New Plan Is a Crucial Chapter.

    September 5, 2019

    It's up to Virginia state legislators to ensure the funding and programs are in place to make Virginia's strong Chesapeake Bay Blueprint a reality.

  • Chesapeake Bay Cleanup Heads in the Right Direction

    September 4, 2019

    Virginia recently released a strong, detailed and practical plan to reduce pollution to its portion of the Chesapeake Bay and the tidal rivers that feed it. Now, Gov. Ralph Northam and the General Assembly must turn the plan into action.

  • A Watershed Moment

    May 31, 2019

    The Bay's recovery is fragile. And we are at a pivotal time to save the Bay.

  • Caring Vet is a Hero Among 'Heroes'

    April 17, 2019

    Retired Navy Senior Chief and Chef Adam Gagne relishes the chance to share his passion for kayak fishing with veterans and first responders.

  • This Week in the Watershed: A Slap in the Face

    March 15, 2019

    Whether on cable news, your social media feed, or at the family dinner table, political bickering feels inescapable. But across the Chesapeake Bay watershed, individuals of all political persuasions can all agree on one topic–clean water.

  • One Prolific Voice for Clean Water

    March 12, 2019

    CBF's Hampton Roads Grassroots Manager Tanner Council describes Hampton resident Claire Neubert as one of the most prolific volunteers CBF has ever worked with.

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