CBF Report: The State of the Blueprint
May 28, 2019
(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—A new Chesapeake Bay Foundation report examining the state of the Chesapeake Clean Water Blueprint found both good and bad news.
What You Need to Know about Pennsylvania’s Clean Water Blueprint
May 10, 2019
Pennsylvania’s waters have been slowly improving, but the state is still falling far short of meeting its pollution reduction and local water quality goals.
5 Things to Know about Maryland’s Clean Water Blueprint
May 7, 2019
Maryland's Clean Water Blueprint must get Maryland to the reductions necessary to meet its commitment to the 2010 federal “Total Maximum Daily Load.”
What You Need to Know about Virginia’s Clean Water Blueprint
April 30, 2019
Virginia’s Clean Water Blueprint (also known as the the Phase III Watershed Implementation Plan) is the single most important road map to restoring Virginia’s waterways
Hope Springs Eternal. So Do the Shrimp.
April 26, 2019
Upon meeting the Bay for the first time, I came away an optimist.
CBF Statement on Virginia Stream Fencing Proposals
April 17, 2019
(RICHMOND, VA)—CBF Virginia Executive Director Rebecca Tomazin issued the following statement on livestock stream fencing proposals in the draft update to Virginia’s Clean Water Blueprint
CBF Statement on Maryland’s Release of the Phase III Watershed Implementation Plan Draft
April 12, 2019
(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—Today, Maryland released its draft "Phase 3 Watershed Implementation Plan" for public review.
CBF Statement on Virginia’s Draft Clean Water Blueprint
April 5, 2019
(RICHMOND, VA)—Virginia Governor Ralph Northam today released a draft of the final update to Virginia’s Clean Water Blueprint, more technically known as the Chesapeake Bay TMDL Phase III Watershed Implementation Plan.
Farmer Profiles: Dave Graybill
April 4, 2019
“You have to control the good things in your environment.”
CSAs for the Bay
March 6, 2019
In the Chesapeake region, small scale farming that emphasizes best management practices is vital in supporting the health of the Bay and its waterways.
This Week in the Watershed: The Bulldozers Are Waiting
March 1, 2019
It’s a scene that’s far too common. A fleet of gas-guzzling bulldozers flatten acres of high-value, mature, and healthy forest. In a flash, decades, even centuries, of nature’s hard work is reduced to stumps and mud.
Budget Increases for Virginia Clean Water Programs
February 24, 2019
(RICHMOND, VA)—Today Virginia's General Assembly approved modifications to the state's budget for this fiscal year and the next, including several funding changes for key programs that restore Virginia's waterways.
This Week in the Watershed: Forest Fervor
February 8, 2019
We are losing our forests at an alarming rate throughout the watershed.
Broad Coalition Supports Trees for Clean Water Bill
January 18, 2019
(RICHMOND, VA)—A broad coalition of Virginians urges support of legislation introduced by Virginia Delegate Mark Keam to expand the ability of localities to require tree planting or replacement during the development process to achieve specific water quality goals.
2018 State of the Bay: A Stiff Reality Check
January 15, 2019
A cynic might be tempted to say that our optimism for the Bay a year ago was false, but a clear-eyed optimist will instead look closely at the important scientific signals and watch carefully as 2019 progresses.
2018 Bay Health Score Drops as Massive Rains Increase Pollution
January 7, 2019
(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—The Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s biennial State of the Bay report score decreased one point this year to 33, equivalent to a D+. The drop was largely due to increased pollution and poor water clarity caused by record regional rainfall.
Hampton to Tackle Flooding with Creative New Tool
December 19, 2018
(VIRGINIA BEACH)—The City of Hampton could be the first in Virginia to take on pioneering projects that reduce flooding and prevent pollution by using environmental impact bonds, a creative new funding tool being leveraged through a partnership with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and Quantified Ventures.
CBF Statement on Gov. Northam Budget Proposal
December 18, 2018
(RICHMOND)—Today Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam announced his Administration’s budget proposal, which includes historic investments in programs to restore Virginia waterways and the Chesapeake Bay.
CBF Statement on Gov. Northam Proposing Historic Investment in Natural Resources
December 12, 2018
(VIRGINIA BEACH)—Today Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam announced his Administration’s proposed budget increases for critical programs that benefit Chesapeake Bay restoration.
Chesapeake Bay Foundation Statement on WOTUS Change
December 11, 2018
(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—Chesapeake Bay Foundation Vice President Lisa Feldt issued this statement today following the EPA announcement proposing to revise the definition of "waters of the United States" rule.
CBF Names Brenda Sieglitz to Manage the Keystone 10 Million Trees Partnership
December 11, 2018
(HARRISBURG, PA)—The Chesapeake Bay Foundation has named Brenda Sieglitz to manage the Keystone 10 Million Trees Partnership, one of Pennsylvania’s most ambitious, collaborative, and challenging efforts to restore and protect its rivers and streams by planting 10 million trees by the end of 2025.
CBF Issues Statement on Compromise Federal Farm Bill
December 11, 2018
(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—After reviewing the proposed federal Farm Bill compromise, which will be considered by the House and Senate, Chesapeake Bay Foundation Director of Science and Agricultural Policy Beth McGee issued this statement.
CBF: From Paper to Practice, Real Benefits Come When Farm Plans Are Implemented
December 7, 2018
(HARRISBURG, PA)—Harry Campbell, executive director for the Chesapeake Bay Foundation in Pennsylvania, made the following statement after the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection reported that inspections found that 96 percent of almost 3,000 small farms visited in the watershed meet state requirements for having pollution reduction plans.
CBF Statement on Grant to Increase Hopewell Trees
December 7, 2018
(HOPEWELL)—This week the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation awarded an approximately $200,000 grant to continue a major effort in Hopewell by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and partners to increase the city’s tree cover and the use of natural solutions to flooding.
CBF Issues Statement on Grant to Expand Rotational Grazing
December 4, 2018
(HARRISBURG, PA)—The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation announced yesterday that the Chesapeake Bay Foundation will receive more than $850,000 to promote rotational grazing (also known as prescribed grazing) in Maryland, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Virginia.
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