Raiding Dedicated Conservation Funds to Plug the State’s Budget Gap Would Further Damage Pennsylvania’s Environment
November 18, 2020
As Pennsylvania legislators begin looking under the Commonwealth’s cushions for enough spare change to plug a state budget gap that could be higher than $4 billion, they should keep hands off of funds already dedicated to conservation and environmental programs.
CBF Suing EPA Will Benefit Pennsylvanians
October 20, 2020
In this season and all going forward, we should remind those elected to serve us and who may have forgotten, that clean water counts in Pennsylvania.
CBF Applauds Senate Cost-Share Bill That Invests in Clean Water Efforts by Pennsylvania Farmers
September 25, 2020
CBF is applauding new legislation in the state Senate that will offer financial support that farmers in Pennsylvania want and need so they can keep soil on the land, reduce polluted runoff into local streams, and protect their long-term viability.
Time for Pennsylvania to Live up to Promises Made
August 31, 2020
Since more than half of the freshwater that pours into the bay comes from the Susquehanna River, saving the Bay is only possible if we first save the local Pennsylvania rivers and streams that feed into it.
Agriculture Cost-Share Program Taking Root in Pennsylvania
August 12, 2020
A proposed program aims to help Pennsylvania farmers and bring the state back on track toward meeting its clean water goals.
Bringing Silvopasture to the Keystone State
July 29, 2020
A new study, led by CBF, on five Pennsylvania farms is exploring how farmers can implement silvopasture cost-effectively and successfully.
Legislation Aimed at Increasing Long-Term Conservation Practices on Maryland Farms Becomes Law
May 7, 2020
Recently approved legislation became law Thursday that will enable Maryland farmers to more easily access state funds to make environmental improvements on their land.
NRCS Funding Will Support Maryland Grazing Program
April 16, 2020
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service announced today that it will contribute more than $770,000 to efforts by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and partners to efforts to reduce pollution from agriculture in Maryland.
General Assembly Approves Legislation to Help Farmers Make Environmental Improvements; Other Environmental Priorities Fail to Pass in Shortened Session
March 18, 2020
The Maryland General Assembly passed legislation to help farmers add environmental best practices to their land, but the shortened session due to the spread of coronavirus left many environmental and other issues unaddressed.
CBF Commends Bipartisan, Bicameral Legislation to Measure Farmers’ Conservation Efforts
March 12, 2020
Sens. Bob Casey and Shelley Moore Capito and Reps. Marcia Fudge and Glenn Thompson have introduced companion bills in the Senate and the House that direct the Department of Agriculture to measure, evaluate, and report on the effectiveness of its conservation programs.
Farm Conservation Bills Pass Virginia House and Senate
March 3, 2020
The Virginia Senate and House of Delegates have passed legislation to accelerate farmers’ adoption of key conservation practices to enable Virginia to meet Chesapeake Bay water quality goals by the end of 2025 (HB 1422 and SB704).
Proposed Maryland Legislation Aims to Help Farmers Reduce Agriculture Pollution
February 26, 2020
On Tuesday, Maryland farmers and environmental advocates testified in favor of new legislation to help farmers more easily add long-term, fixed natural filters such as tree buffers and grass pastures to farms.
Yes, Clean Water Can Be Costly for Farmers in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed but There’s an Answer for That
February 20, 2020
Environmental farm upgrades can be a burden for farmers to install. That’s why environmental organizations that work on the ground with farmers have advocated for government assistance to help fund these upgrades.
Draft Rule to Amend Farm Conservation Program Omits Updates Vital to Advancing Bay Cleanup
February 4, 2020
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation today filed comments on the draft rule to update the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program required by the 2018 Farm Bill.
Virginia Bills Would Set 2026 Deadline for Farm Conservation Practices
January 24, 2020
In a major step forward, legislation being considered for the first time in Virginia's General Assembly would set a deadline for farmers to install key conservation practices that lead to healthier waterways and benefit farmers.
Pennsylvania Has Been ‘Growing Greener’ for 20 Years
January 10, 2020
Twenty years after Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge signed a bill establishing Growing Greener at $650 million over five years, the Commonwealth struggles today to make the adequate investments necessary to clean and protect its waters.
Trees and Grasses Make a Haven for Wildlife and Clean Water
December 17, 2019
Planting trees to protect Elk Creek in Centre County has given landowner Chip Brown more bang for the buck by improving habitat for fur, feathered, and finned wildlife.
CBF Statement on Recommendation to Implement Phosphorus Management Tool
December 13, 2019
Today the Phosphorus Management Tool Advisory Committee recommended continuing to implement the phosphorus management tool as scheduled.
New Virginia Leadership Should Look to Blueprint for Clean Water, Climate Action, and Green Jobs
December 12, 2019
This session we can implement the blueprint, meaningfully address climate change, support green jobs and ensure clean water for future generations.
No-Till Pioneer on a Mission for Soil Health
December 10, 2019
Leroy Bupp uses no-till farming as a way of growing crops without disturbing the soil through tillage.
PA Legislators Need to Put the Money Where the Boots Are—on Farms
November 8, 2019
The boots on the ground—the farmers and the conservation community—are leading the way. It’s time state legislators invest in them.
Bringing the Farm to Life
October 30, 2019
Planting trees is part of treating the land—and cattle—right at Drager Farms in Lancaster County.
Pennsylvania Farmers Experience the Bay Their Efforts Can Save
October 3, 2019
Pennsylvania farmers recently spent a weekend on the Chesapeake Bay to see and feel the effects of their clean water efforts are having downstream.
How Will the Story of Chesapeake Bay Restoration End? Virginia’s New Plan Is a Crucial Chapter.
September 5, 2019
It's up to Virginia state legislators to ensure the funding and programs are in place to make Virginia's strong Chesapeake Bay Blueprint a reality.
Chesapeake Bay Cleanup Heads in the Right Direction
September 4, 2019
Virginia recently released a strong, detailed and practical plan to reduce pollution to its portion of the Chesapeake Bay and the tidal rivers that feed it. Now, Gov. Ralph Northam and the General Assembly must turn the plan into action.
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