Visit the links below for the full story behind each highlight (note: some of these links will take you off the CBF website):
In April:
- President Biden requested budget increases for programs essential to restoring the Bay.
- CBF endorsed Rep. Sarbanes (D-Md.)'s bill to expand outdoor learning opportunities for school students.
- PA getting $3 million in federal funds for watershed plans spearheaded by CBF.
- EPA found that Pennsylvania's latest plan to achieve clean water commitments remains insufficient.
- The Climate Solutions Now Act is law, putting Maryland among the leaders in eliminating the pollution that's fueling climate change.
- Now unstuck from the Bay's floor, officials are evaluating the environmental impacts from the massive Ever Forward container ship.
- Problem-plagued Back River wastewater treatment plant in Baltimore is taken over by the state.
- At Fones Cliffs, the Rappahannock Tribe celebrated the return of 465 acres of land with deep cultural, historic, and environmental significance.
- On CBF's Farmers to the Bay trip, farmers from Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia visited Tangier Island to explore connections and conservation.
- The Virginia State Air Pollution Control Board found pipeline permit application failed to meet legal requirements for environmental justice.