Help keep harmful pollution out of your neighborhood storm drains and the Bay.
Storm drains are located throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed in neighborhoods, towns, and cities. When it rains, the water that runs along the gutters on your street seems to disappear down the storm drains. But have you ever wondered where the water goes from there? It does not go to a wastewater treatment plant, so no pollution is removed from the water. Any substance that goes into your storm drain goes directly into a local stream or river, which eventually empties into the Chesapeake Bay.
Materials Needed for this Project
- Stencils: "Chesapeake Bay Drainage" and "Don't Dump"
- Beige or white background outdoor latex paint (1 quart = 20 drains)
- Green CFC-Free spray paint. (1 can = 6 drains)
- Three-inch paint brushes
- Wire brushes
- Masking tape
- Dropcloths (old sheets work best)
- Paint stirrers
- Screwdriver to open paint cans
- Large cans with one end cut out for cleaning brushes
- Newspaper and rags
- "Wet Paint" signs
Securing Permission
Obtain permission from the county or city department that maintains the storm drains. This is usually the Department of Public Works. Call with the following information:
- the neighborhood where you want to do the project
- the message you are painting on the storm drains ("Chesapeake Bay Drainage" on the vertical side or gutterface, "Don't Dump" on the horizontal side or catch-basin)
- who is participating in the project
- who will supervise the project
Follow up with a letter if necessary and allow six to eight weeks for written approval.
Informing the Community
If the neighborhood or community has a local citizens group, inform them of the project and ask for their support. Design a flyer for distribution to the residents of the neighborhood involving them in the project. Include the following information:
- Purpose of project
- Dates of project including a raindate
- Message to be stenciled
- Neighborhood or area to be painted
- Who is doing the project
- A request for residents to move cars blocking the storm drains
- A contact person if residents have questions
- Scrape area to be painted, using wire brushes to remove rust and dirt.
- Place dropcloth in front of drain.
- Hold "Don't Dump" stencil centered on the top-face of storm drain.
- Place tape along the edges of the stencil.
- Paint area between tape with beige or white background paint.
- While Paint is Drying: Center "Chesapeake Bay Drainage" stencil on gutter-face of storm drain (one person on each end).
- Hold stencil in place and spray paint from six to twelve inches away.
- Remember to use a back and forth motion across the letters rather than concentrating on one letter at a time.
- After Beige Background Paint is Dry: Center "Don't Dump" stencil on top face of storm drain.
- Use spray paint to stencil message.
- Attach a "Wet Paint" sign.
- Cleaning Up: Remove tape and "Wet Paint" signs from each storm drain.
- Clean brushes using soap and water, cans, and newspaper.
- Clean stencils using mineral spirits and rags.
- Discard used newspaper in trash
- Air out and wash rags and drop clothes to reuse.
Participants and Time Required
One stencil will serve a group of thirty participants. Try breaking large groups into teams, and then assign tasks or work in an "assembly line" format. Allow 30 minutes per storm drain including drying time and keep in mind that the more drains you do, the less time each one will take.
We recommend at least four or five chaperones per 30 youth, or at least one supervisor with any group. Watch for paint spilling and paint used for graffiti.
Weather Conditions
It must be at least 50 degrees outside to ensure that paint will dry. Avoid stenciling in high humidity or wind, in the rain, or on wet surfaces.