Seeing the Watershed Anew
May 17, 2022
CBF President and CEO Hilary Harp Falk shares a new look at Bay restoration after an insightful first few months on the job.
A Cleaner, Greener Future for Pennsylvania Is Within Our Reach
May 10, 2022
State legislators have the chance to enact change by passing the Clean Streams Fund.
Acid Mine Drainage: A Toxic Brew Flowing Downstream
May 6, 2022
The headwaters of Kittanning Run are like other coldwater fisheries in Pennsylvania. The stream is clear and supports diverse aquatic life. But less than a mile downstream, the Kittanning turns ugly.
Electrify Your Lawn Care to Help Save the Chesapeake Bay
May 6, 2022
Switching from gas-powered to electric lawn and garden equipment significantly reduces air pollution that contributes to smog—a major threat to human health—and the nitrogen pollution that harms waterways.
52 Years of Earth Day
April 21, 2022
This Friday marks the 52nd anniversary of Earth Day. This important day set off an extraordinary movement to celebrate our natural world and inspire people from all walks of life to stand up for its critical protection and restoration. Look at the history of what this day has meant to all of us who insist on a clean and healthy Earth.
Five Facts You Didn’t Know About Beavers
April 7, 2022
These toothy, big-tailed creatures are some of the Chesapeake’s best Bay savers.
Wood and Kreps: Floaters, Heelsplitters and Pigtoes—Why Virginia Must Invest in Freshwater Mussels
February 21, 2022
Freshwater mussels, the unsung heroes of Virginia's rivers and streams, are facing extinction. Virginia legislators are now considering proposals that could help bring them back.
Full Attention on Halfmoon Creek
February 4, 2022
CBF and partners create a unique watershed restoration plan.
Save the Bay News: Are We on Track?
January 21, 2022
Our monthly roundup of engaging and educational content for you to enjoy at home. This month we discuss the 2021 State of the Blueprint report and how we can get Bay restoration back on track.
Pennsylvania's Steep Road to Clean Water
January 20, 2022
Earlier this month, CBF released its 2021 State of the Blueprint report with a large focus on Pennsylvania. Here are the highs, lows, and next steps for the Keystone State.
Love Deer? Plant a Tree
November 22, 2021
Hunters and wildlife enthusiasts in Pennsylvania are finding many benefits in streamside forests.
Eastern Shore Development's Wastewater Treatment Plan Raises Environmental Concerns
October 28, 2021
The precedent setting Lakeside at Trappe wastewater permit deserves additional public scrutiny.
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