Save the Bay Blog June 2024

  • Save the Bay News: Blue Crabs Abroad, Osprey, and a Summer Vacation for Striped Bass

    June 29, 2024

    This month, we explore all the incredible wildlife our Chesapeake Bay has to offer, the threats these critters face, and what we can do to help.

  • The Osprey Garden: A Chesapeake Eden at Risk

    June 25, 2024

    In the 1960s and ’70s, osprey almost entirely disappeared from the Bay region. The reason? The harmful insecticide DDT. After the chemical was banned, the Bay's osprey population rebounded. But today, in one portion of the Bay, osprey have plummeted to even lower levels.

  • A Rising Tide for Climate Literacy

    June 24, 2024

    Over the past school year, CBF partnered with Anne Arundel County Public Schools to develop classroom investigations studying climate resiliency and the local impacts of climate change. The new program lead to the first field experience in Annapolis in May.

  • Blue Catfish Conundrum

    June 21, 2024

    While invasive blue catfish continue to eat the Chesapeake Bay alive, the voracious predators are being released and welcomed into parts of Pennsylvania, where they are native.

  • To Thrive in the Chesapeake Bay, Striped Bass Need a Summer Vacation

    June 20, 2024

    The hot days of summer are when striped bass are most vulnerable. With the right steps now, we can rebuild a healthy striped bass fishery for the future. Anglers, find out what you can do this summer to give striped bass a boost.

  • Bonjour Blue Crabs: Low in Chesapeake, On the Rise Elsewhere

    June 14, 2024

    While the recent blue crab survey showed numbers remain low for blue crabs in the Chesapeake, this iconic Bay species is showing up in wildly unexpected places across the globe, including France, Croatia, and Maine.


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The Bay Needs You

The State of the Bay Report makes it clear that the Bay needs our support now more than ever. Your donation helps the Chesapeake Bay Foundation maintain our momentum toward a restored Bay, rivers, and streams for today and generations to come.

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Do you enjoy working with others to help clean the Chesapeake Bay? Do you have a few hours to spare? Whether growing oysters, planting trees, or advocating for a clean Bay, there are plenty of ways you can contribute.

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