Save the Bay News: Plastic, Pollinator Gardens, and Trees from Space
April 22, 2022
Our monthly roundup of engaging and educational content for you to enjoy at home. This month we check in with a man on a mission to rid the Susquehanna River of plastic; see which plants will help you create a pollinator buffet; and track trees from space.
52 Years of Earth Day
April 21, 2022
This Friday marks the 52nd anniversary of Earth Day. This important day set off an extraordinary movement to celebrate our natural world and inspire people from all walks of life to stand up for its critical protection and restoration. Look at the history of what this day has meant to all of us who insist on a clean and healthy Earth.
Saving the Bay from Space
April 15, 2022
With half a million new trees slated to take root in Pennsylvania over the next few months, the Keystone Ten Million Trees Partnership is getting help from landowners on the ground—and satellites in space.
River Protector
April 13, 2022
Pennsylvania resident John Naylor is on a mission to rid the Susquehanna of its plastic problem.
Five Facts You Didn’t Know About Beavers
April 7, 2022
These toothy, big-tailed creatures are some of the Chesapeake’s best Bay savers.
Enhancing the Environmental Justice Policy in Pennsylvania
April 6, 2022
The Department of Environmental Protection is working on long overdue updates to its EJ policy. Here’s how you can help.
Nine Reasons We Love Spring
April 5, 2022
As if we really needed a reason! Still here are some of our favorite things about this special season in the watershed.
Save the Bay Blog April 2022
Recent Posts
- We Must Go On
- Our Charge Is Clear: Focus on What People and Nature Need
- Virginia Leaves Critically Needed Menhaden Study Plan Unfunded
- Our Bay, the Perfect Classroom
- What’s the State of Bay Restoration 50 Days into the New Administration?
- EPA’s Chesapeake Bay Program Grant Sparks Healthy Living Movement at Richmond Church
- Keep 'Forever Chemicals' Out of Our Water and Food
- “My Voice Was Really Heard”
- Save the Bay News: Fighting for the Bay We Love
- We Are Built for These Moments
- Black History and the Bay
- Community
- Farmer Success Stories
- Fishing
- Fox Island Farewell
- Fun
- Guardians of the Headwaters
- History for All
- Honoring Will Baker
- Learn Outside
- Locally Grown
- Nature Journaling
- Politics
- Save the Bay News
- Saving the Striper
- Slowing the Flow
- State of the Bay
- Student Leadership
- Voices for Clean Water
- Volunteers
- Water Quality
- Watershed Watchdogs
- Women's History and the Bay
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