Photo of the Week: Bring It!
May 29, 2018
This blue crab was skirting the shore trying to find a way into the marshes.
The Original Clean the Bay Day Crew Reunites
May 24, 2018
On May 15, a small group of people concerned about the state of the Bay and its beaches reconvened for the first time in many years.
Naturally Sunkissed Farm: Making the World Wilder and More Flavorful
May 23, 2018
This couple has made it a priority in life to craft a wilder world by mimicking the natural processes of the earth in their farming techniques.
Photo of the Week: Wingspan
May 21, 2018
I was thrilled to catch this osprey spreading it's wings right before take off.
This Week in the Watershed: A Little Spark
May 18, 2018
When Robert Dean was planning the first Clean the Bay Day 29 years ago, his greatest worry was getting enough volunteers to leave the comfort of their homes on a Saturday morning to get dirty and tired picking up trash. But he underestimated the love Virginians have for their waterways.
Parachutes for the Planet: Aiming for a Livable Future
May 17, 2018
We have to be the promise for the planet.
Pennsylvania's Ambitious Antidote for Polluted Streams: 10 Million Trees
May 16, 2018
Larry Herr's contribution is modest: 50 to 75 new young trees, a biological buffer for Silver Creek, which babbles through 76 rolling acres of his farm in Lebanon County, Pennsylvania.
Sprouting Enthusiasm for Bay Conservation in the Classroom
May 15, 2018
Looking at a bucket full of gardening spades shouldn’t be exciting.
Photo of the Week: Life Doesn't Get Better Than This
May 14, 2018
This is Mother Nature at her best.
This Week in the Watershed: Threats and Resilience
May 11, 2018
Like the victim of Chinese water torture, the Chesapeake Bay seems afflicted by a constant stream of assaults, most of them man-made.
Centre County 7th-Graders Learn About Water Quality in Their Own Backyards and the Bay
May 10, 2018
It was a wet and wild day of outdoor learning at Fox Gap Rod & Gun Club in Centre County, 30 miles east of State College.
This Month on the Bay: A Mahogany Tide in May
May 9, 2018
Mahogany tides are natural occurrences, but a bloom as widespread and deep as the one that came this week is a serious reminder of how much we have overfertilized our waters with nitrogen and phosphorus.
In the Path of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline
May 8, 2018
Water is life, and clean, abundant water is our right.
Photo of the Week: Headed Fishing
May 7, 2018
This Week in the Watershed: A Big Dam Problem
May 4, 2018
It's not often you can see water pollution from space. But a well-known image following Tropical Storm Lee in 2011 has a long, complicated story to tell.
Thirty Years of Stewardship
May 3, 2018
On a cold night in January 1989, I gathered 12 friends of mine together. Plastic bags, fishing line, cigarette butts, and heaps of other trash were defiling our waterways. And we wanted to do something about it.
A Good Tree to Lean On
May 2, 2018
As a couple, we have been members of Branch's Baptist Church in Richmond and active in the Spanish-speaking congregation for over a decade.
El que a Buen Árbol se Arrima, Buena Sombra le Cobija
May 2, 2018
Como pareja, hemos sido miembros de la Iglesia Bautista Branch's en Richmond y activos en el ministerio de habla hispana por más de una década.
A Powerful New Restoration Tool for the Bay
May 1, 2018
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers–a key federal partner in the Chesapeake Bay Program–recently gave Capitol Hill a sneak peek at a unique and powerful new federal restoration tool that will be unveiled on May 31: the Chesapeake Bay Comprehensive Plan.
Save the Bay Blog May 2018
Recent Posts
- Save the Bay News: Menhaden, the Perfect Classroom, and the Garden that Grew
- We Must Go On
- Our Charge Is Clear: Focus on What People and Nature Need
- Virginia Leaves Critically Needed Menhaden Study Plan Unfunded
- Our Bay, the Perfect Classroom
- What’s the State of Bay Restoration 50 Days into the New Administration?
- EPA’s Chesapeake Bay Program Grant Sparks Healthy Living Movement at Richmond Church
- Keep 'Forever Chemicals' Out of Our Water and Food
- “My Voice Was Really Heard”
- Save the Bay News: Fighting for the Bay We Love
- Black History and the Bay
- Community
- Farmer Success Stories
- Fishing
- Fox Island Farewell
- Fun
- Guardians of the Headwaters
- History for All
- Honoring Will Baker
- Learn Outside
- Locally Grown
- Nature Journaling
- Politics
- Save the Bay News
- Saving the Striper
- Slowing the Flow
- State of the Bay
- Student Leadership
- Voices for Clean Water
- Volunteers
- Water Quality
- Watershed Watchdogs
- Women's History and the Bay
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