Search Results

Displaying results 1 - 10 of 17 items found.

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1. CBF in Maryland

(Web Page; Mon Oct 17 15:40:00 CDT 2022)

Description: The Chesapeake Bay Foundation opened its first office in Annapolis, Maryland's state capital, in 1967. Both the Foundation headquarters and our Maryland Office are located in Annapolis.

2. Our History

(Web Page; Wed Jul 19 15:26:00 CDT 2023)

The video above was produced for CBF's 5oth Anniversary in 2017. In 1964, a group of Baltimore businessmen, all sailors, waterfowl hunters, and fishermen, began meeting regularly over lunch to discuss problems they saw looming on the C...

Description: From 1964 to present day, this brief history of CBF summarizes its battles for clean water and its mission to save the Bay.

3. Why Work for CBF

(Web Page; Tue Nov 28 15:47:00 CST 2023)

Our Culture Since its founding in 1967, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) has been widely known by its simple and direct mission statement: Save the Bay. Among our staff are scientists, policy experts, attorneys, educators, and commu...

Description: Enthusiastic about saving the Bay? Then we want you!

4. CBF in Virginia

(Web Page; Thu Feb 16 12:05:00 CST 2023)

Description: Since opening the Virginia office in the early 1980s, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation has been leading the efforts to Save the Bay™ in the Old Dominion through environmental advocacy, education, science, policy, litigation, and restoration.

5. Pennsylvania Office

(Web Page; Fri Dec 22 09:04:00 CST 2023)

Description: Find out how CBF is fighting for clean water in the Commonwealth.

6. Chesapeake 2000 EPA Suit

(Web Page; Wed May 13 14:49:00 CDT 2020)

EPA Signs Binding Commitment to Reduce Pollution; CBF and Partners' Lawsuit Achieves Goal! Settlement Summary This historic settlement is a legally binding, enforceable document that requires EPA to take specific actions by dates certa...

Description: The EPA must take to take specific actions by dates certain to ensure that pollution to local rivers, streams, and the Chesapeake Bay is reduced sufficiently.

7. Five Actions Your Local Elected Officials Should Take for Clean Water

(Web Page; Wed Nov 09 08:23:00 CST 2022)

Implement the Chesapeake Clean Water Blueprint.Provide leadership that drives community investment in finishing the job of restoring the Bay. Publicly report actions taken and insist on transparent and verifiable results. Tackle ...

8. Eastern Shore Office

(Web Page; Fri Aug 30 09:10:00 CDT 2024)

Description: Since 1990, our Easton Office has been working to protect and restore the remarkable Eastern Shore waterways for us and future generations.

9. Baltimore's Wastewater Treatment Plants

(Web Page; Tue Nov 07 09:42:00 CST 2023)

The Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) has detailed the maintenance and operational issues at the Back River and Patapsco wastewater treatment plants in a series of inspection reports. Many of the problems could be seen in pho...

Description: Maryland’s two largest wastewater treatment plants have not been working as designed since at least spring of 2021, resulting in an unknown amount of excess pollution entering the Chesapeake Bay.

10. Concluded Litigation Cases

(Web Page; Fri Aug 16 21:23:00 CDT 2024)

Contents Chesapeake Clean Water Blueprint Clean Air Act Challenges Clean Water Act Challenges Clean Water Act Permit Challenges Forest Conservation Hazardous Waste Hydropower Land Use and Zoning Cases Maryland Critical Area ...

Description: List and description of concluded cases that Chesapeake Bay Foundation has filed.

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