Virginia General Assembly Session Hits Finish Line with Environmental Victories
February 28, 2025
Though it was a short legislative session, Virginia lawmakers secured significant victories this month for climate adaptation, conservation, and cleaner water – all helping lead to healthier communities and a stronger economy.
Reducing Pollution, Flood Relief, and Environmental Education Key Pillars of Virginia Budget
February 20, 2025
Virginia lawmakers made some of the strongest investments in recent years when it comes to flood protection, cleaner rivers and streams, and more hands-on outdoor learning in the compromise budget proposal announced Thursday.
Menhaden Study Fails to Advance in Virginia Budget
February 20, 2025
Despite mounting troubling signs about the health of the Chesapeake Bay’s menhaden population, this legislative session Virginia lawmakers failed to approve three separate efforts to fund a study intended to answer long-standing questions about the Bay’s menhaden.
Environmental Wins and Losses at Virginia General Assembly Crossover
February 5, 2025
The Virginia General Assembly session has reached its midpoint, marking some wins and losses for key environmental measures.
Virginia Proposed Budget Features Environmental Gains
February 2, 2025
Virginia lawmakers recognized the strong connection between thriving, healthy Virginians, a cleaner environment, and robust living resources with their proposed budget amendments released Sunday.
Lawmakers Focus On Protecting Virginians From Flooding and Extreme Weather
January 28, 2025
During the Virginia legislative session this month, lawmakers will consider measures that address rising challenges from climate change and strengthen Virginia’s protections against extreme weather.
Virginia Lawmakers Target Invasive Blue Catfish
January 24, 2025
A proposal advancing through Virginia's General Assembly hopes to get more invasive blue catfish out of state waters and on to people’s plates.
Recreational Angling, Conservation Community Supports Menhaden Science Funding
January 15, 2025
During the 2025 legislative session, Virginia lawmakers will again consider providing funding for university research into the Commonwealth’s largest fishery: Atlantic menhaden.
Virginia Legislators Primed for New Environmental Measures
December 20, 2024
Virginia legislators are poised to consider key environmental budget and policy during the 2025 legislative session on Chesapeake Bay restoration, flooding and resiliency, menhaden, oysters, and environmental education.
Virginia Governor Youngkin Proposes Funding for Pollution Reduction and Clean Water Programs
December 18, 2024
Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin proposed budget amendments Dec. 18 that include an additional $17 million for agricultural best management practices that lead to cleaner rivers and streams.
New Program Pays Virginia Farmers and Landowners for Reducing Pollution
December 3, 2024
The bigger the pollution cut, the bigger the payment. That’s the idea behind a new pilot program Virginia farmers and landowners can now benefit from through the state.
Judge Rules Virginia Unlawfully Withdrew From Carbon Emissions Reduction Program
November 21, 2024
A judge released his opinion stating that Virginia unlawfully withdrew from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a multi-state carbon emission reduction program that also provided much needed funding for energy efficiency and resilience programs in the Commonwealth.
Virginia Oyster Gardening Nears Record During Virginia Oyster Month
November 21, 2024
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) celebrates a near record-breaking year for its oyster gardening program in Virginia as November marks Virginia Oyster Month.
CBF Congratulates Virginia’s New Congressional Delegation
November 8, 2024
As a pivotal moment arrives for Chesapeake Bay restoration, Virginia voters have chosen three new members to send to Congress next year.
Virginia Regulators Vote Against Extension of Blue Crab Harvest
October 28, 2024
Virginia state regulators decided against lengthening the blue crab harvest season on Oct. 28, maintaining previously adopted regulations for a struggling population that supports one of the Commonwealth’s most valuable and iconic fisheries.
Virginia Tribal Leaders Explore Connection Between Land Stewardship and Health
October 18, 2024
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) is proud to partner with Old Dominion University (ODU) for a “Healing Through the Land” panel discussion with Tribal leaders on Oct. 21.
Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s Kati Grigsby Recognized as Top 40 Under 40 Professional
October 18, 2024
Kati Grigsby, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s (CBF) Hampton Roads Restoration Coordinator, was named as a Top 40 Under 40 professional by Inside Business this week.
Volunteers Complete 158-Foot Living Shoreline to Protect Hampton City Shoreline
October 17, 2024
Over 100 volunteers joined the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) and the City of Hampton to complete a living shoreline at Bluebird Gap Farm that will enhance native habitats and stabilize shorelines.
New Map of Mussel Hotspots Created
October 17, 2024
The Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) this month released a new map that identifies potential habitats of native freshwater mussels, part of a project funded by a grant to the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF).
Richmond Faith Forum to Explore How Spiritual Leaders can Inspire Climate Change Resilience
October 11, 2024
To help faith leaders navigate critical issues in the face of climate change, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF), Church in the Public Square, Second Presbyterian Church of Richmond, Union Presbyterian Seminary, and Virginia Interfaith Power and Light are co-hosting a two-day Faith Forum beginning Oct. 16. The forum will explore the vital role of spiritual leadership in caring for creation.
Chesapeake Bay Foundation Urges Virginia Communities to Apply for Climate Adaptation Grants
September 25, 2024
Another round of grant funding opened this month for projects that strengthen communities’ resilience to climate change and protection from extreme weather through the Community Flood Preparedness Fund.
Virginia Regulators Reverse Course to Keep Ban on Winter Blue Crab Season
September 24, 2024
In a significant reversal, Virginia state regulators Tuesday killed the possibility of opening the blue crab winter harvest for the upcoming 2024/2025 season.
More Than 60 Anglers Reel in Nine Different Species During Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s Rod and Reef Slam in Hampton
September 14, 2024
More than 60 anglers caught nine different species of fish from the Hampton River during the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s (CBF) Rod and Reef Slam in Hampton Saturday.
Plant for a Healthier Community: Free Native Trees and Shrubs Available in Richmond
September 12, 2024
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF), Virginia Interfaith Power & Light (VAIPL), and Mosby Memorial Baptist Church will give away 200 native trees and shrubs to Richmond residents on Saturday, September 21, from 9:00 am to noon.
Fairfax Delegate Tran Earns CBF’s Virginia Legislator of the Year Award
September 11, 2024
Delegate Kathy Tran (D-Fairfax) received the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s (CBF) Virginia Legislator of the Year award last week for her work protecting Virginians and the Chesapeake Bay from toxic substances and reducing pollution flowing into beloved waterways.
Hampton River Oyster Grant to Bring One Million New Oysters and Engage Local Students and Community
September 4, 2024
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) today awarded the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) a grant to restore oyster habitat in the Hampton River.
Farmers Share Conservation Practice Experiences at Clarke County Grazing Roundtable
August 29, 2024
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation is a partner in the Mountains-to-Bay Grazing Alliance, which hosted a roundtable Wednesday, providing local farmers an inside look at conservation practices in action at a local 227-acre farm.
More Than 100 Tour Participants Explore Norfolk’s Urban Greening Projects That Address Climate Change
August 24, 2024
More than 100 visitors explored rain gardens, living shorelines, bioswales, tree plantings, and other green infrastructure projects throughout Norfolk Saturday during a garden-style, self-guided tour offered by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation.
Tour Norfolk’s Urban Greening Projects That Address Climate Change
August 16, 2024
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) invites the public to enjoy a self-guided, garden-style tour of green infrastructure projects in Norfolk, which create beautiful, natural solutions to flooding and pollution.
Virginia Beach Panel Tackles Bay Restoration’s Future at Pivotal Crossroads in Forty-Year Effort
August 15, 2024
The future of the Chesapeake Bay’s restoration in Virginia was the focus of the “Beyond 2025: How the Bay Agreement Can Impact Our Community” panel discussion Wednesday in Virginia Beach at the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s (CBF) Brock Environmental Center.
Algal Mats Impair North Fork Shenandoah River
August 14, 2024
The North Fork Shenandoah River is once again experiencing excessive algal growth, restricting the community's full use of the river for fishing and swimming.
Chesapeake Bay Foundation Volunteers Maintain Eastern Shore Living Shoreline
July 18, 2024
A living shoreline on the Eastern Shore will protect land and residents from erosion thanks to a crew of volunteers who worked with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) throughout this week to complete maintenance projects.
Volunteers Needed for Eastern Shore Living Shoreline
July 5, 2024
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) is seeking volunteers this summer to help maintain the Royall Woods living shoreline, located in Belle Haven on the Eastern Shore.
Reopening Virginia’s Winter Crab Season a Mistake Amid Lackluster Crab Numbers
June 20, 2024
Despite Virginia Marine Resources Commission (VMRC) staff’s advice to keep the winter crabbing season closed, the Blue Crab Management Advisory Committee voted at their May 29 meeting to support opening the winter dredge fishery for the 2024-2025 season.
Aggressive Hurricane Season and Extreme Rainfall on Virginia’s Horizon
June 19, 2024
As a heat wave hits Virginia this week, twin challenges fueled by climate change could also send the state deadly and damaging weather that increases pollution to waterways, according to two recently released reports.
Chesapeake Bay Foundation Opposes Virginia Governor’s Withdrawal From Clean Car Standards
June 5, 2024
Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin today announced his intention to unilaterally withdraw the state from standards requiring a cleaner fleet of vehicles on the Commonwealth’s streets, raising environmental, health, and legal concerns.
More Than 100,000 Pounds of Litter Removed Across Virginia on Clean the Bay Day
June 1, 2024
Reports indicate that more than 100,000 pounds of litter will not flow into Virginia’s waterways thanks to thousands of volunteers who participated Saturday in the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s (CBF) annual Clean the Bay Day, Virginia’s largest and longest-running litter and shoreline cleanup.
Leaders Seek Solutions to Protect Tangier Island From Climate Change Threat
May 31, 2024
Seeking solutions for Tangier Island, one of the country’s communities most at risk from sea level rise, federal, state, and local officials met on Tangier Island on May 30 with Tangier community leaders and the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF).
Virginia Lawmakers Highlight Environmental Victories
May 21, 2024
In a press conference, Virginia Democratic leaders underscored environmental accomplishments from the 2024 General Assembly session and expressed support for returning Virginia to the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI).
Nansemond Indian Nation Regains Ancestral Land From Suffolk
May 17, 2024
The Suffolk City Council voted 7-1 Wednesday to transfer a 71-acre site to the Nansemond Indian Nation, ending a decades-long effort to regain what is considered the Tribe’s cultural heart.
Virginia Budget Agreement Includes Investment in Environmental Programs
May 11, 2024
Virginia state lawmakers proposed investments in key clean water and conservation programs in a budget agreement with Gov. Glenn Youngkin unveiled on Saturday, May. 11.
Experts Shape Future of Climate Change Resiliency in ODU-ICAR Forum in Partnership With Chesapeake Bay Foundation
May 7, 2024
As Virginia confronts increasing climate change risks, Old Dominion University’s Institute for Coastal Adaptation & Resilience (ODU-ICAR), in partnership with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, convened experts from diverse backgrounds May 7 to help shape the future of nature-based resilience design solutions.
Chesapeake Bay Foundation Calling New Virginia Oyster Foster Parents
May 7, 2024
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) is calling all interested oyster foster parents to join more than 700 other oyster gardeners across the state in raising oysters that help clean and restore tidal waterways.
Sailors Complete Projects at Chesapeake Bay Foundation Brock Environmental Center During Day of Service
April 25, 2024
On Thursday, April 25, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s Brock Environmental Center welcomed 90 sailors and their families for a day of service known as the Thousand Points of Light.
Virginia Governor Celebrates Lower York River Oyster Restoration Goal Achievement
April 24, 2024
Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin celebrated Earth Day 2024 by announcing the achievement of a milestone in the state’s effort to restore oyster habitat in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
Virginia Legislators Appointed to Chesapeake Bay Commission
April 23, 2024
Virginia Senators Richard Stuart and Jeremy McPike and Delegate Alex Askew, leaders on conservation and Chesapeake Bay restoration efforts, have been appointed to the Chesapeake Bay Commission.
Registration Opens for Virginia’s Largest Annual Litter Clean Up
April 23, 2024
Registration is now open for Clean the Bay Day, Virginia’s largest and longest-running annual litter cleanup scheduled this year on Saturday, June 1.
Former Chesapeake Bay Foundation Leader Receives Top Virginia Award
April 15, 2024
Peggy Sanner, former Virginia Executive Director of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, received a top statewide environmental award for the pivotal role she played in building partnerships and advancing legislative and regulatory policy for a healthier environment for Virginians.
Virginia Oyster Shell Recycling Marks Record Increase
April 3, 2024
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s oyster shell recycling across the state of Virginia marked a record increase in the number of shells recycled in 2023, a significant gain with benefits for oyster restoration efforts, wild oyster fisheries, and aquaculture operations.
Town Of Chincoteague Receives Critical Flood Protection Funding
March 22, 2024
The latest round of grants and loans from the Community Flood Preparedness Fund includes $65,000 to the Town of Chincoteague on the Eastern Shore for development of a resilience plan, as well as regional training and education to build climate resiliency capacity.
$53.9 Million in Flood Protection Awards Highlights Importance of Virginia’s RGGI Reentry
March 21, 2024
Flood prevention and protection projects across the state will receive a total of $53.9 million in awards using proceeds from Virginia’s participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative.
Virginia Lawmakers Pass Landmark Climate Resiliency Bills
March 20, 2024
The Virginia General Assembly has sent two passed bills to Governor Youngkin that would significantly bolster the state's resiliency to climate change threats.
Virginia Lawmakers Release Budget With Significant Environmental Investments
March 8, 2024
Significant investments in cleaner water, conservation, and climate readiness were proposed by Virginia state lawmakers this week as the General Assembly session heads toward the finish line.
Tree Planting Revitalizes Nansemond Indian Nation Ancestral Land
March 1, 2024
The Nansemond Indian Nation’s efforts to heal and deepen their physical connection to their ancestral riverfront land took a significant step with the first tree planting in Mattanock Town on March 1.
Virginia Senators Show Historic Support for Toxic Sealant Ban
February 29, 2024
Virginians are closer than ever before to receiving protection from harmful toxic sealants commonly used to coat driveways.
Environmental Wins and Losses in Proposed Virginia Budgets
February 19, 2024
The Virginia House and Senate unveiled separate proposed spending plans Sunday, which included needed investment in environmental efforts but also marked missed opportunities to support critical issues.
Virginia Lawmakers Show Historic Support for Critical Environmental Issues
February 15, 2024
Virginia state lawmakers marked the midpoint of their 60-day legislative session on February 13 with historic support for environmental issues.
New Bill Streamlines Virginia Flood Protection Resources
February 7, 2024
Sea level rise and flooding are a growing part of Virginians’ lives, but the Commonwealth’s resources to contend with these threats are scattered across multiple government agencies.
Tree Conservation Gains Landmark Support From Virginia Lawmakers
February 6, 2024
Tree conservation picked up historic momentum in the Virginia General Assembly this session, getting local leaders one step closer to preserving and replacing more trees.
Chesapeake Bay Foundation Court Filing Supports Legal Effort to Keep Virginia in RGGI
February 1, 2024
Ahead of a Feb. 5 court hearing, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation has filed a supporting brief arguing for Virginia’s continued participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI).
Crucial Menhaden Study Delayed by Virginia House Subcommittee
January 30, 2024
Following opposition by Virginia’s industrial menhaden fishery, the Commonwealth is facing yet another delay in letting science answer one of the Chesapeake Bay’s most longstanding and controversial questions.
Local Leaders Could Save More Trees Under New Virginia Bills
January 24, 2024
Tree conservation has taken center stage as seven new bills progress through the Virginia General Assembly.
Virginia Climate Resiliency Efforts Advance in General Assembly
January 23, 2024
Multiple efforts progressing in the Virginia General Assembly would strengthen the state’s carbon emission reduction and adaption work.
Virginia Bill Proposes Ban of Toxic Pavement Sealant
January 23, 2024
Toxic products used mainly to seal asphalt driveways for homes and neighborhoods would be prohibited in Virginia under legislation introduced by Del. Kathy Tran (House Bill 985).
Virginia Legislators Face Critical Environmental Issues This Legislative Session
January 10, 2024
As Virginia legislators begin the legislative session, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) is highlighting key environmental policy decisions faced in Virginia.
Mayo Island Purchase Highlights Importance of Virginia’s RGGI Participation and Sustainable Resiliency Funding
January 10, 2024
Richmond residents will benefit from a new public park through the city’s recent purchase of historic Mayo Island, an acquisition made possible by the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI).
Virginia Gov. Youngkin Proposes New Funding for Water Quality and Flood Preparedness Programs
December 18, 2023
Today Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin announced that his proposed budget will include $500 million for conservation projects, including support for water quality and flood preparedness.
Struggling Striped Bass Population Prompts Proposed Changes
December 18, 2023
The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) is asking the public to comment on changes to the fisheries management plan intended to help the struggling striped bass population.
Hampton Roads Land Conservation Summit Advances Discussion on Sea Level Rise, Water Quality, and Resiliency Solutions
December 5, 2023
A coalition of Hampton Roads leaders explored solutions to sea level rise, climate change, and other key water quality and habitat issues at a land conservation summit Friday in Virginia Beach.
Chris Moore Named Chesapeake Bay Foundation Virginia Executive Director
December 4, 2023
Chris Moore, most recently the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) Senior Regional Ecosystem Scientist, has taken the helm of the CBF Virginia office as its executive director.
CBF Virginia Oyster Gardeners Break Record in 2023
October 6, 2023
Volunteer oyster gardeners set a record in the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s Virginia program this year, with 691 volunteers across Virginia’s tidal waterways raising and returning 146,533 oysters in 2023.
Virginia Legislators Agree to Significant Investments in Clean Water Programs
September 2, 2023
In a budget agreement reached this week, legislators in Virginia’s General Assembly agreed to amendments for the second year of Virginia’s two-year state budget for fiscal years 2023 and 2024.
Chesapeake Osprey Reproduction Problems Linked to Menhaden Depletion in William & Mary Study
July 17, 2023
Osprey nests in Virginia’s lower Chesapeake Bay are failing at the highest rate ever recorded, according to data released this month by the College of William & Mary’s Center for Conservation Biology.
CBF Statement on Virginia Wetlands Guidance Post-Sackett
June 29, 2023
The Virginia Department on Environmental Quality (DEQ) today announced an updated process for protecting Virginia wetlands following the Sackett Supreme Court decision.
Richmond Environmental Course Equips Residents to Advocate for Thriving Communities and Healthy Waterways
June 29, 2023
Richmond-area residents will discuss the most pressing environmental issues facing Central Virginia while building leadership skills at a free adult environmental course this summer held by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF).
VMRC Takes Action on Blue Crabs, Striped Bass
June 27, 2023
The recovery of both blue crabs and striped bass depends on careful management of the fishery and accelerating work to improve water quality and habitat in the Bay.
Air Board Votes to Withdraw Virginia From Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative
June 7, 2023
The Virginia State Air Pollution Control Board today approved the Youngkin Administration’s proposal to repeal the regulations that govern Virginia’s participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI).
Pipeline Plan and Petersburg Compressor Station Raise Pollution, Environmental Justice Concerns
June 6, 2023
This week the Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC) submitted comments on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC) draft environmental impact statement for Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line (Transco)’s proposed Commonwealth Energy Connector Project and Columbia Gas Transmission’s Virginia Reliability Project (VRP).
Volunteers Cleaned Up Nearly 100,000 Pounds of Litter on Clean the Bay Day
June 5, 2023
Thousands of volunteers across Virginia picked up about 100,000 pounds of litter Saturday as part of Clean the Bay Day, a Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) annual event and Virginia’s largest and longest-running litter and shoreline cleanup.
Following Net Spills, Menhaden Industry Signs Agreement on Chesapeake Bay Fishery
April 25, 2023
Virginia menhaden industry officials last week signed a non-enforceable agreement with the Virginia Marine Resources Commission (VMRC). Under the memorandum of understanding, the menhaden fishery would limit fishing operations on summer weekends and holidays and within one mile of the shore in some of Virginia’s portion of the Chesapeake Bay.
Hampton Roads Celebrates CBF Environmental Education’s 50th Anniversary
April 24, 2023
Hampton Roads students today celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s (CBF) award-winning environmental education program with a hands-on learning experience aboard a boat with Virginia Beach high school students
Registration Opens for Virginia’s Largest Annual Litter Clean Up
April 14, 2023
Registration is now open for Clean the Bay Day, Virginia’s largest and longest-running annual litter cleanup.
Chesapeake Bay Foundation and Old Dominion University Launch Resilient and Adaptable Communities Partnership
March 15, 2023
Marking an important step in Virginia’s efforts to adapt to climate change and sea level rise, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) and Old Dominion University (ODU) launched a new Resilient and Adaptable Communities Partnership this week.
Henrico County and Conservation Groups Finalize Settlement to Reduce Sewage Pollution
March 1, 2023
In an important step toward reducing sewage pollution to the James River and its tributaries, conservation groups and the County of Henrico have finalized a settlement agreement to reduce violations at the County’s Water Reclamation Facility and the system of pipes that send sewage to that plant.
Virginia Oyster Harvest Could Be Highest in 35 Years After VMRC Approves Season Extension
February 28, 2023
The Virginia Marine Resources Commission (VMRC) today extended the Virginia oyster season in certain waters after a recent evaluation found the Virginia oyster stock at its best condition in a generation.
Virginia House and Senate Commend Chesapeake Bay Foundation Environmental Education Program’s 50th Anniversary
February 21, 2023
Today legislators in the Virginia Senate and House of Delegates commended the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s (CBF) environmental education program on its 50th anniversary with a joint resolution.
Virginia Beach Middle Schoolers Launch Bay Art Exhibit at CBF's Brock Environmental Center
February 7, 2023
A new Bay art exhibit by Virginia Beach Middle School students is on display at the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s (CBF) Brock Environmental Center through Feb. 9 from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Virginia House and Senate Propose New Investment in Clean Water Programs
February 6, 2023
In separate bills approved this Sunday, the Virginia Senate and House of Delegates released proposed amendments to Virginia’s two-year state budget.
Virginia Bill Advances for Tax Credit to Restaurants Supporting Oyster Restoration
January 17, 2023
Restaurants and other businesses that recycle oyster shells to restore oyster populations would receive a tax credit under legislation that passed a Virginia Senate committee today.
Richmond and Petersburg Churches and Parks Will Add Trees Under Expanded Planting Movement
December 15, 2022
Building on seven years of efforts in Central Virginia to plant trees at churches and community spaces, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) and partners will remove pavement, install conservation practices, and plant hundreds of trees in Richmond and Petersburg under a new grant.
Virginia Gov. Youngkin Proposes New Funding for Clean Water Programs
December 15, 2022
Today Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin proposed budget amendments that would be applied to Virginia’s biennial budget approved last June.
1,000-Acre Fones Cliffs Property Goes to the Conservation Fund
December 9, 2022
After a years-long push to preserve an ecologically outstanding stretch of Virginia’s Rappahannock River from development, a 1,000-acre parcel along Fones Cliffs has been acquired by The Conservation Fund.
Air Board Approves Plan to Withdraw Virginia From RGGI
December 7, 2022
The Virginia Air Pollution Control Board today approved a proposal to begin a long-term regulatory process that could end Virginia’s participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI).
VMRC Rejects New Menhaden Fishery Limits
December 6, 2022
The Virginia Marine Resources Commission (VMRC) today failed to approve proposed regulations on Virginia’s menhaden purse seine fisheries, opting instead to propose a memorandum of understanding between the menhaden harvesting industry and Commission.
Virginia Rep. Donald McEachin, Champion for Clean Water and Environmental Justice, Passes
November 29, 2022
U.S. Rep. Donald McEachin, who represented Virginia’s fourth Congressional district including parts of Richmond and Central and Southside Virginia, passed away Nov. 28.
Virginia Freshwater Mussel Restoration Advances Under New Grants
October 31, 2022
Freshwater mussel restoration in Virginia is taking another step forward with new projects by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) and James River Association (JRA) under two recently announced National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) grants.
Hampton Groups Declare Oyster Renaissance in the City
October 27, 2022
Business, science, and conservation organizations in the City of Hampton today declared an oyster renaissance, highlighting increasing oyster populations, a growing local seafood scene, volunteer oyster growing efforts, and the support of Hampton businesses.
Chesapeake Bay Juvenile Striped Bass Numbers Remain below Average in Maryland
October 20, 2022
The Virginia Institute of Marine Science and the Maryland Department of Natural Resources today released the results of annual surveys of the juvenile striped bass population in the Chesapeake Bay.
Rockbridge Conservation Presents Award to Chesapeake Bay Foundation
October 12, 2022
The Rockbridge Area Conservation Council last Sunday presented CBF with a Conservation Impact Award for its work with landowners to plant and maintain streamside buffers of trees in Rockbridge County.
Virginia Announces $13.6 Million in Flood Preparedness Grants Paid for by RGGI
September 29, 2022
Yesterday the Youngkin Administration announced it has awarded $13.6 million in flood preparedness grants to 27 projects across Virginia using funding generated by Virginia’s participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI).
Richmond Church Completes Reforestation of Formerly Paved Areas
September 26, 2022
Last Saturday, volunteers joined CBF in planting 30 native trees, capping off a major effort that looks to nature for solutions. The project at Branch’s Baptist Church is an important test case, piloting efforts to remove asphalt and concrete and enrich the underlying soil to reforest formerly paved areas.
Portsmouth Toxic Site's Cleanup Plan Needs Public Input
September 15, 2022
Following decades of threats to Portsmouth residents from toxic and radioactive waste at the Peck Iron and Metal site, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is seeking input from Hampton Roads residents on a new cleanup plan for the site.
Endangered James Spinymussel Reintroduced to the James River
September 7, 2022
After more than 50 years of going missing in its home river, the endangered James Spinymussel is being returned to the James River thanks to efforts by the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), and other partners.
Virginia Declares More Waterways Damaged by Harmful Algal Blooms
August 11, 2022
Harmful algal blooms that threaten the health of people and pets who spend time on the water led Virginia to add Lake Anna and six other bodies of water to its list of impaired waterways in a recent draft report.
CBF Statement on Lynnhaven River Oyster Restoration Issues
July 15, 2022
On July 13, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) received a Notice to Comply from the Virginia Marine Resources Commission (VMRC) relating to oyster reef restoration in the Lynnhaven River. The notice revokes permits VMRC approved for CBF and Lynnhaven River NOW (LRN) to construct oyster reefs in the Lynnhaven River. It also requires removal of all oyster reef materials covered by those permits.
Virginia Beach Continues Plastic Bag Fee Consideration
July 6, 2022
Committing to take a closer look at litter issues, last night the Virginia Beach City Council deferred voting on the implementation of a 5-cent fee for each plastic bag used by retailers in the city.
Virginia Governor Signs Budget with Historic Clean Water Investments
June 22, 2022
Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin yesterday signed a two-year state budget that provides historic levels of investment in in farm conservation practices and other programs to restore the Chesapeake Bay and its rivers and streams.
Thousands Pick Up Litter across Virginia on Clean the Bay Day
June 4, 2022
Thousands of volunteers across Virginia have picked up 65,500 pounds of litter as of today as part of Clean the Bay Day, the state's largest and longest-running litter and shoreline cleanup. The annual event, which began in 1989, returned in full force this year after a two-year hiatus from its traditional format due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Virginia Legislators Approve Extraordinary Clean Water Investments
June 1, 2022
Virginia legislators in the General Assembly today approved a budget to fund the state government over the next two years that provides historic levels of investment in programs to restore the Chesapeake Bay and its rivers and streams.
Innovative Virginia Beach Effort Exceeds Expectations to Transform Students into Environmental Leaders
May 12, 2022
As the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s (CBF) one-of-a-kind Macon and Joan Brock Classroom marks its first graduating class of high school students in the Virginia Beach City Public Schools (VBCPS) Environmental Studies Program, the effort is exceeding expectations to create new environmental leaders.
Clean the Bay Day, Virginia’s Largest Litter Cleanup, Returns
May 6, 2022
Clean the Bay Day, Virginia’s largest and longest-running yearly litter cleanup, returns in full force this June 4 after a two-year hiatus from the event’s traditional format.
Free South Richmond Course to Build Leaders and Advocates
May 5, 2022
Residents of Richmond’s Southside have a first-ever opportunity to take a free environmental leadership course for adults this spring, with sessions ranging from a boat trip on the James River to a discussion led by Virginia State Senator Jennifer McClellan.
Fones Cliffs Land Returned to Rappahannock Tribe
April 1, 2022
Today the Rappahannock Tribe celebrated the return to the tribe of 465 acres of land along Fones Cliffs on the Rappahannock River. This area has deep cultural and historic significance to the Tribe.
CBF Statement on Virginia’s Stormwater Policy for Solar Panel Projects
April 1, 2022
This week, the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality issued a memorandum clarifying its interpretation of how solar panels should be treated when making important stormwater management calculations for new solar energy projects that are subject to key requirements in Virginia’s Stormwater Management Program.
Mountain Valley Pipeline Withdraws Appeal of Environmental Justice Decision
March 29, 2022
Mountain Valley Pipeline today withdrew its appeal of an agency decision rejecting a key permit for the proposed Lambert Compressor Station, a component of the company’s Southgate expansion project.
Norfolk’s Lafayette River Holds Hundreds of Oysters per Square Meter
March 3, 2022
Restoration reefs built in Norfolk’s Lafayette River are thriving beyond expectations, with hundreds of oysters found growing per square meter during a recent survey by CBF.
Virginia Resiliency Bills Advance Flood Preparedness Work
February 28, 2022
To protect people and the environment across Virginia from flooding, rising seas, and extreme storms, Virginia legislators are currently considering several coastal resiliency proposals.
Virginia House and Senate Release Clean Water Budgets
February 21, 2022
In separate budgets bills released this Sunday, the Virginia Senate and House of Delegates advanced proposals to fund state operations over the next two years. Both proposals provided unprecedented funding for programs to reduce pollution to the Chesapeake Bay in recognition of the looming 2025 deadline to meet Chesapeake Clean Water Blueprint restoration goals.
Virginia Budget Items Support Clean Water, Oysters, Mussels, and Environmental Education
February 16, 2022
As Virginia legislators consider the budget for the next two fiscal years, the CBF urges support for many important clean water initiatives.
Virginia Tree Cover Could Grow Under Legislation
February 4, 2022
Legislation in the Virginia General Assembly would broaden the authority of localities across Virginia to increase their tree canopies. Current law allows local tree programs to help replace or preserve some of the trees that would otherwise be lost to development, but only in some parts of the Commonwealth.
CBF Moves to Intervene to Uphold Air Board Decision in Mountain Valley Pipeline Lawsuit
February 1, 2022
In support of a recent decision by the Virginia State Air Pollution Control Board to deny the air permit for the proposed Lambert Compressor Station, CBF has filed a motion to intervene in a Mountain Valley Pipeline lawsuit pending in the U.S. Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals.
Toxic Driveway Sealant Could Be Banned in Virginia Localities under New Bill
January 27, 2022
Toxic products used mainly to seal asphalt driveways for homes and neighborhoods could be banned in Virginia localities under legislation introduced by Del. Kathy Tran (HB 949).
Legislation Would Cripple Virginia Air and Water Boards, Reduce Public Transparency
January 26, 2022
Virginia’s citizen boards, including the Air Pollution Control Board and the State Water Control Board, would be crippled and public transparency eliminated under several bills introduced in the General Assembly.
Former EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler Appointed Virginia’s Next Secretary of Natural and Historic Resources
January 5, 2022
Virginia Governor-Elect Glenn Youngkin has appointed former EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler as Virginia’s next Secretary of Natural and Historic Resources. CBF Virginia Executive Director Peggy Sanner issued the following statement.
Virginia Biennial Budget Proposes Historic Funding for Clean Water
December 15, 2021
Today Virginia Governor Ralph Northam previewed his proposed budget for clean water, covering fiscal years 2023 and 2024. The budget proposes $1 billion for programs to clean up local waterways and the Chesapeake Bay.
CBF, JRA, and EIP Issue Statement on Henrico Consent Order
December 14, 2021
The State Water Control Board today approved another consent order with Henrico County that fails to solve chronic water pollution violations by its sewage treatment plant and sewage collection system.
Virginia Releases Coastal Resilience Master Plan
December 7, 2021
Today Virginia Governor Ralph Northam released Virginia’s Coastal Resilience Master Plan, which aims to protect communities vulnerable to flooding and provides a roadmap for adapting to climate change.
Clean Water Advocates File Federal Lawsuit to Halt Decades of Violations by Henrico Sewage System
December 6, 2021
Three environmental organizations filed a federal lawsuit today to halt decades of water pollution violations by Henrico County’s sewage treatment plant and sewage collection system, including the release of more than 66 million gallons of raw sewage into the James River in the last five years alone.
Virginia Air Board Denies Permit for Pipeline Compressor Station
December 3, 2021
Today in a 6-1 vote the Virginia Air Pollution Control Board denied a permit for a controversial proposed compressor station in Southside Virginia.
95-Year-Old Williamsburg Man Honored as Longest-Serving Oyster Restoration Volunteer
December 1, 2021
CBF today presented Walter Zadan with an award for outstanding environmental stewardship recognizing him as CBF’s longest-serving Virginia oyster shell recycling volunteer.
Virginia Completes Major Oyster Restoration Projects
November 30, 2021
Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam today announced the completion of major oyster restoration projects on Virginia’s Piankatank and Great Wicomico rivers, totaling more than 150 acres of oyster habitat combined.
CBF Statement on Election of Glenn Youngkin to Virginia Governor
November 3, 2021
Chesapeake Bay Foundation Virginia Executive Director Peggy Sanner issued the following statement on the election of Glenn Youngkin to Virginia Governor.
CBF Statement on Passing of A. Linwood Holton Jr.
October 29, 2021
CBF Virginia Executive Director Peggy Sanner issued the following statement on the passing of former Virginia Governor A. Linwood Holton.
Southside Richmond Residents Eligible for Free Trees in October Giveaway
October 11, 2021
Southside Richmond residents this October can receive two free native trees or shrubs to plant at home as part of a major initiative to increase tree cover under the Greening Southside Richmond project.
Alexandria Renew Enterprises to Prevent Millions of Gallons of Sewage Pollution
September 30, 2021
This morning, Alexandria Renew Enterprises (AlexRenew), Alexandria’s wastewater treatment provider, celebrated the groundbreaking of a major initiative to control millions of gallons of raw sewage polluting the Potomac River and the Chesapeake Bay.
Fredericksburg to Prevent Litter With Plastic Bag Fee
September 29, 2021
The Fredericksburg City Council has approved an ordinance to prevent litter through a 5-cent fee on disposable plastic bags provided at grocery stores, convenience stores, and drugstores.
Ann Jennings Appointed Virginia Secretary of Natural and Historic Resources
September 22, 2021
Virginia Governor Ralph Northam today appointed Ann Jennings as Virginia’s Secretary of Natural and Historic Resources. Jennings has served for more than three years as Virginia Deputy Secretary of Natural and Historic Resources, helping to implement Governor Northam’s priorities for the Chesapeake Bay, water quality, and natural resources.
Virginia Environmental Leader W. Tayloe Murphy Passes Away
September 16, 2021
Longtime Virginia environmental leader and Chesapeake Bay advocate W. Tayloe Murphy passed away on Wednesday, Sept. 15. Murphy served as Virginia Secretary of Natural Resources from 2002 to 2006 and as a member of the Virginia House of Delegates representing the Northern Neck throughout the 1980s and 1990s.
400,000 Dead Fish Spilled in Hampton Roads Waters by Omega Protein
September 10, 2021
This week Omega Protein, a Canadian owned seafood company, spilled more than 400,000 dead menhaden fish into Hampton Roads waters, according to a Sept. 8 letter by the Virginia Marine Resources Commission. The fish spilled during two separate incidents this week.
Virginia Efforts Plant 3.5 Million Oysters This Season from the Northern Neck to the Eastern Shore
September 7, 2021
CBF's Virginia Oyster Team is completing its 2021 oyster restoration season today after raising about 3.5 million new oysters on innovative oyster barges docked at the Brock Environmental Center in Virginia Beach. The barges produced a CBF Virginia record high spat set this year.
Hampton Roads Faces Harmful Algal Blooms This Week
August 27, 2021
A proliferation of harmful algal blooms this week across Hampton Roads is clear in striking aerial photos and videos captured by CBF and American Multimedia Solutions near the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel on Aug. 26. The algae colored the water reddish-brown in many places, including Ocean View in Norfolk, Chic’s Beach in Virginia Beach, and the Lafayette and York rivers.
Shenandoah’s North Fork under Health Advisory Due to Harmful Algal Bloom
August 13, 2021
The Virginia Department of Health this week urged people to avoid the water on more than 50 miles of the North Fork of the Shenandoah River due to dangerous toxic algal mats recently reported in Shenandoah and Warren counties. These harmful algal blooms can contain toxins that cause illnesses and rashes in people, pets, and livestock.
Virginia Farmers Now Eligible for Portable Fencing Funding to Protect Streams
August 10, 2021
This summer, farmers in Virginia became eligible for state cost-share funding to pay for portable fencing to keep livestock out of streams and rivers. Fencing livestock out of waterways has significant benefits for clean water because it prevents erosion and waste from polluting streams. The practice also contributes to healthier herds.
Virginia House and Senate Boost Budgets for Clean Water Programs
August 9, 2021
The Virginia Senate and House of Delegates, meeting in a special session today, approved appropriations that will substantially increase investments in programs that lead to cleaner water in rivers, streams, and the Chesapeake Bay.
Report: Freshwater Mussels Unsung Heroes at Risk in Chesapeake Bay Watershed
July 29, 2021
Freshwater mussels play an amazing yet little-known role in healthy rivers and streams. As their numbers dramatically decline, we must now focus on restoring mussel populations, according to a report issued this week.
Virginia Landowners Eligible for Full Funding to Plant Streamside Trees in Upper James Watershed
July 27, 2021
Under a new initiative, landowners in parts of Augusta, Alleghany, Bath, Botetourt, Craig, Highland, and Rockbridge counties can now receive full funding to plant trees along rivers and streams that eventually flow into the James River.
Gov. Northam Proposes Clean Water Investments Totaling $411.5 Million in Federal Funds
July 27, 2021
Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam today announced a $411.5 million proposal to invest federal American Rescue Plan funds in updating Virginia wastewater and stormwater infrastructure.
New Virginia Plan Should Protect Clean Water and Communities Vulnerable to Flooding
July 21, 2021
As Virginia seeks feedback from people affected by flooding to develop a coastal protection plan, CBF urges leaders to use this opportunity to provide greater water quality protections while defending vulnerable communities.
Governor Northam Signs Clean Water Bills
June 25, 2021
Today at the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s Brock Environmental Center, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam signed legislation that will benefit the environment and the Chesapeake Bay. The bills were passed earlier this year by the Virginia General Assembly.
More Portsmouth Residents to Grow Oysters in Chesapeake Bay Foundation Effort
June 24, 2021
More people in Portsmouth will be able to raise oysters for restoration work this year as CBF expands its oyster gardening program. For the first time in more than a decade, CBF is offering an oyster gardening workshop in Portsmouth.
On National Soil Health Day, CBF Highlights Importance to Clean Water
June 23, 2021
As a member of the Virginia Soil Health Coalition, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation supports soil management for its ability to reduce polluted runoff from agriculture and trap carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
Clean the Bay Day Prevents 52,306 Pounds of Litter to Virginia Waterways in 2021
June 11, 2021
More than 2,000 volunteers across Virginia picked up 52,306 pounds of litter as part of Clean the Bay Day in 2021, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s (CBF) annual longstanding litter cleanup.
CBF Statement on Gov. Northam Directive to Reduce Polluted Runoff from State Lands
June 3, 2021
Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam issued a new executive directive setting targets for significantly reducing polluted runoff from lands owned by state agencies and public educational institutions.
Newly Open Classroom Redefines School in Chesapeake Bay Foundation-Virginia Beach City Public Schools Effort
May 20, 2021
A cutting-edge new classroom launched this spring is reinventing learning in a partnership between the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and Virginia Beach Public Schools at CBF’s Brock Environmental Center.
Clean the Bay Day Returns the First Week of June after COVID Cancellation in 2020
May 3, 2021
Clean the Bay Day, Virginia’s long-running annual litter cleanup, is coming back in a new way the first week of June after being cancelled in 2020 due to COVID-19. Last year was the first time the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s Virginia tradition missed a year since the event began in 1989.
Southside Virginia Pipeline Compressor Station Raises Environmental Justice Concerns
April 27, 2021
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation is raising environmental justice and pollution concerns about a proposed compressor station in Pittsylvania County for the Mountain Valley Pipeline. The Lambert Compressor Station, an industrial facility planned to pump gas through the pipeline, would be built within five miles of four environmental justice communities with strong African American and American Indian roots.
Virginia DEQ Announces New Environmental Justice Director
April 23, 2021
CBF is encouraged by the announcement of an environmental justice director at DEQ and hopes it will prove a significant step forward in ensuring that Virginia’s communities have a meaningful voice in environmental decisions that could affect them.
Delegate Lopez Earns CBF’s Virginia Legislator of the Year
April 20, 2021
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) this week presented Delegate Alfonso Lopez (D-Arlington and Fairfax) with a Virginia Legislator of the Year award for his work to achieve a healthy Chesapeake Bay and reduce pollution to Virginia’s rivers and streams.
Virginia to Phase Out Single-Use Plastics in State Government
March 23, 2021
Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam today released an executive order requiring the phase-out of single-use plastics by state government agencies, including all state universities and colleges.
Historic Budget for Clean Water Programs Passes Virginia General Assembly
March 1, 2021
Approving historically strong levels of investment in clean water programs, the Virginia Senate and House of Delegates this weekend passed final budget amendments for the upcoming second year of the biennial budget.
Virginia Bans on Balloon Releases and Polystyrene Are Environmental Wins
February 23, 2021
The Virginia General Assembly passed legislation prohibiting the outdoor release of nonbiodegradable balloons and separate legislation requiring food vendors to phase out their use of polystyrene takeout containers will greatly enhance Virginia’s efforts to prevent litter from polluting waterways.
Norfolk Artist's Work Inspired by Chesapeake Bay Foundation Oyster Restoration
February 11, 2021
A new exhibition at the Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art displays striking collages by Norfolk artist Andy Harris inspired by CBF's oyster restoration efforts and exploring the connection between food and art.
Virginia House and Senate Release Budgets for Clean Water Programs
February 10, 2021
The Virginia Senate and House of Delegates today formally proposed separate amendments for the upcoming second year of the biennial budget. The budget proposals include investment in key programs that benefit Virginia’s rivers, streams, and the Chesapeake Bay.
Acclaimed Virginia Naturalist, Educator, and Photographer Bill Portlock Retires
January 21, 2021
Following a five-decade career advancing environmental education in Virginia and producing stunning nature photography, Bill Portlock retired earlier this month as Senior Educator for CBF.
Key Virginia Environment Bill Could Expand Tree Planting and Preservation
January 20, 2021
Legislation to allow Virginia counties and cities to better use trees to address flooding, reduce polluted runoff, and take steps to address the “heat island” effect, which is part of the legacy of past discriminatory lending practices, is expected to be heard in key House and Senate committees in the coming days.
Virginia Governor’s Budget Proposal Includes Significant Increase in Funding for DEQ, Farm Cost Share Program
December 17, 2020
Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam yesterday issued proposed amendments to Virginia’s 2020 to 2022 biennial budget.
CBF Statement on Passing of Robert Bloxom Sr., Former Virginia Delegate and Agriculture Secretary
December 14, 2020
Virginia has lost a great statesman and advocate for the Chesapeake Bay with the passing of Robert Bloxom Sr.
On Poultry Pollution, Virginia Misses Opportunity
December 9, 2020
Today, Virginia’s State Water Control Board approved the 10-year general permit for managing waste from poultry farming operations in Virginia.
VMRC Approves Menhaden Limits Developed to Support Their Important Role in the Food Chain
December 8, 2020
Today the Virginia Marine Resources Commission reduced Virginia’s menhaden harvest by 10 percent to comply with the newly adopted menhaden fishery quota from the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission.
Virginia Air Board Approves Norfolk Shipyard Gas Plant Permit
December 4, 2020
Virginia’s State Air Pollution Control Board yesterday approved a draft permit for a proposed natural gas-fired combined heat and power plant at the Norfolk Naval Shipyard in Portsmouth, Virginia.
City of Hampton Fights Flooding with Issuance of Virginia’s First Environmental Impact Bond
December 3, 2020
The City of Hampton closed on Virginia’s first Environmental Impact Bond yesterday, a creative outcomes-based tool to finance $12 million in nature-based solutions to localized flooding as part of its Resilient Hampton initiative.
SCC Rejects Virginia Natural Gas Expansion Application
December 1, 2020
In another blow to the proposed Virginia Natural Gas pipeline and infrastructure expansion project known as the Header Improvement Project, the State Corporation Commission on Tuesday dismissed VNG’s application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity.
Hampton Restaurant Recycles Record Number of Oyster Shells
November 24, 2020
Fuller’s Raw Bar in Hampton has recycled approximately 390,000 oyster shells since the beginning of 2019, a record for the CBF's Virginia Oyster Restoration Program.
CBF Statement on Virginia Oyster Restoration Progress
November 20, 2020
Yesterday Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam celebrated the Commonwealth’s approval of $10 million in bond financing for oyster reef restoration in Virginia waters and praised the completion of oyster reef habitat construction in the Eastern Branch of the Elizabeth River.
$2.7 Million Effort to Help Landowners Plant Tree Buffers across the Upper and Middle James River Watersheds
November 18, 2020
The James River Buffer Program, launched in 2019 for landowners in the Middle James region, is now expanding its reach to landowners in the Upper James region.
Major Hopewell Tree Planting Effort Continues This Fall
November 9, 2020
Volunteers have joined CBF and partners in planting more than 100 trees in Hopewell this fall, and this coming weekend will give away 200 trees to residents to plant at home.
Money Available for Hampton Residents to Plant Trees and Rain Gardens at Home
October 27, 2020
Hampton residents and businesses can receive funding this fall for planting trees, installing rain gardens, and other practices that reduce flooding and pollution by participating in the City’s RAIN (Resilient and Innovative Neighbor) Program.
Virginia Issues Coastal Master Planning Framework
October 22, 2020
Today Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam issued the Virginia Coastal Master Planning Framework, which defines the Commonwealth’s guiding principles for adapting to sea level rise and protecting its coasts and the people and resources in the region.
CBF Statement on Virginia DEQ’s Environmental Justice Study
October 16, 2020
Today Virginia’s Department of Environmental Quality released a long-awaited environmental justice study and announced that the agency is creating a new Environmental Justice Director position.
Proposed Norfolk Shipyard Gas Plant Needs Air Board Hearing, Meaningful Environmental Justice Review
October 8, 2020
Yesterday CBF filed comments with Virginia’s Department of Environmental Quality on a draft permit for a proposed natural gas-fired power plant at the Norfolk Naval Shipyard in Portsmouth, Virginia.
Virginia Budgets Largely Preserve Clean Water Investments
October 6, 2020
After floor votes on the budget by the Virginia Senate and House of Delegates late last week, legislators in Virginia’s General Assembly are on track to largely preserve investment in clean water programs and Chesapeake Bay restoration.
Lynnhaven River Grants Offer Final Funding Needed to Fully Restore Oyster Habitat
September 3, 2020
Two grants of approximately $500,000 each will lead to 15 acres of new Lynnhaven oyster reef stocked with 15 million spat-on-shell oysters.
In Richmond, Trees Will Battle Extreme Heat, Pollution, and Injustice in Greening Southside Initiative
September 2, 2020
A major new initiative in southside Richmond will plant more than 650 new trees in neighborhoods suffering from extreme heat linked to racially-motivated housing discrimination in the past.
Virginia Would Create Environmental Justice Director Position under New Proposal
August 25, 2020
Virginia would create a director of environmental justice position at the Department of Environmental Quality under budget amendment item 380 #1h introduced by Del. Jay Jones during Virginia’s ongoing special legislative session.
Pioneering Nansemond River Effort to Use Oyster Restoration to Protect Shorelines
July 20, 2020
These restoration projects will deploy a variety of innovative techniques and the results will be evaluated for their ability to provide benefits such as increasing oyster populations and preventing erosion.
Cutting-Edge Floating Oyster Restoration Center Now in Operation
July 13, 2020
CBF has put its cutting-edge floating oyster restoration facility into full operation, transforming how we help bring back Virginia's oyster population.
CBF Statement on Cancellation of Atlantic Coast Pipeline
July 5, 2020
Today Dominion Energy and Duke Energy announced that they are cancelling the Atlantic Coast Pipeline project.
SCC Deals Blow to Proposed Virginia Natural Gas Expansion
June 30, 2020
In a blow to a proposed Virginia Natural Gas pipeline and infrastructure expansion, the State Corporation Commission on Friday withheld a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the proposal until further conditions are met.
Approval of Groundwater Withdrawal Permit Raises Concerns about Drinking Water
June 29, 2020
Today the Virginia State Water Control Board approved a groundwater withdrawal permit for the proposed Chickahominy Power Station in Charles City County, Virginia.
CBF Issues a Statement on the Supreme Court Decision Concerning the Atlantic Coast Pipeline
June 15, 2020
Today, the Supreme Court issued a decision in favor of the developers of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, in a dispute over the project's planned crossing beneath the Appalachian Trail.
New Virginia Mapping Tool to Help Chesapeake Bay Restoration
June 10, 2020
Today the Northam Administration unveiled new mapping tools that will benefit water quality in local streams and the Chesapeake Bay by identifying places where conservation work can be most effective.
Virginia’s Clean the Bay Day Cancelled, but Spirit Lives On
June 3, 2020
Virginia’s Clean the Bay Day tradition has taken place on the first Saturday in June every year since 1989, but for the first time this year it will be cancelled due to COVID-19
With Restaurants Shuttered, Don’t Forget to Recycle Oyster Shells
May 21, 2020
With indoor dining in restaurants still restricted, oyster restoration efforts are facing a depleted supply of the shells needed to stock sanctuary oyster reefs
SCC Must Reject Risky New Natural Gas Expansion across Virginia
May 12, 2020
Today the State Corporation Commission (SCC) heard concerns from the public about a major planned Virginia Natural Gas pipeline and infrastructure expansion across Virginia.
New Menhaden Limits Approved by VMRC, Preventing Fishery Shutdown
April 28, 2020
The Virginia Marine Resources Commission updated a harvest cap on menhaden that will bring Virginia into compliance with the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission menhaden management plan adopted in 2017.
Fones Cliffs Consent Decree Does Not Go Far Enough
April 6, 2020
Though we appreciate the Commonwealth’s enforcement efforts, this consent decree does not go far enough to respond to the damage being done to the Rappahannock River.
Virginia Completing Remarkable Legislative Session for Clean Water
March 9, 2020
The Virginia Senate and House of Delegates are expected to vote Thursday on a budget for the next two years that includes investment in programs that benefit Virginia’s rivers, streams, and the Chesapeake Bay.
Richmond to Address Sewage Overflows into James River under Legislation
March 4, 2020
Richmond will take aggressive steps to address sewage overflows into the James River under legislation just passed by the Virginia Senate and House of Delegates.
Farm Conservation Bills Pass Virginia House and Senate
March 3, 2020
The Virginia Senate and House of Delegates have passed legislation to accelerate farmers’ adoption of key conservation practices to enable Virginia to meet Chesapeake Bay water quality goals by the end of 2025 (HB 1422 and SB704).
Virginia to Join Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative
February 28, 2020
The Virginia Senate and House of Delegates have passed legislation that would allow Virginia to join the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a program under which Virginia energy generation plants will steadily reduce carbon emissions.
Menhaden Legislation Approved by Virginia House And Senate
February 27, 2020
The Virginia legislature passed bipartisan legislation to transfer management of Virginia’s menhaden fisheries from the General Assembly to the Virginia Marine Resources Commission (VMRC).
Offshore Drilling Ban Passes Virginia House and Senate
February 25, 2020
The full Virginia House and Senate yesterday passed legislation that would prohibit oil and gas drilling and related infrastructure in Virginia waters up to three miles off the coast.
CBF Opposes Permit for Chickahominy Power Station
February 19, 2020
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation has filed comments opposing the issuance of a special exception ground-water withdrawal permit for the proposed Chickahominy Power Station.
CBF Statement on Clean Water Programs in Proposed Virginia Budgets
February 17, 2020
In separate proposed budgets released Sunday, the Virginia Senate Finance Committee and House Appropriations Committee released funding proposals for the Commonwealth’s clean water programs for the next two fiscal years.
CBF Applauds Gov. Northam’s Actions to Protect Migratory Birds
February 14, 2020
Today Governor Northam ordered a series of actions to protect migratory birds in the face of federal rollbacks to the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.
Menhaden Legislation Approved by Virginia House and Senate Committees
January 29, 2020
Today key committees in Virginia’s Senate and House of Delegates passed bipartisan legislation to transfer management of Virginia’s menhaden fishery from the General Assembly to the Virginia Marine Resources Commission.
Virginia Bills Would Set 2026 Deadline for Farm Conservation Practices
January 24, 2020
In a major step forward, legislation being considered for the first time in Virginia's General Assembly would set a deadline for farmers to install key conservation practices that lead to healthier waterways and benefit farmers.
Conservation Groups Defend Virginia Clean Water Plan from Wastewater Challenge
January 13, 2020
The Virginia Association of Municipal Wastewater Agencies and several of its members have filed suit against Virginia to challenge expectations in Virginia’s Watershed Implementation Plan of additional pollution reductions from sewage treatment plants.
Peggy Sanner Named Chesapeake Bay Foundation Virginia Executive Director
January 9, 2020
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation has named Peggy Sanner as its Virginia executive director, effective Jan. 1.
Court Vacates Atlantic Coast Pipeline Compressor Station Permit
January 7, 2020
Finds Virginia air board violated environmental justice principles.
U.S. Commerce Department Takes Action after Virginia Menhaden Limit Exceeded
December 19, 2019
Following Omega Protein’s violation of the menhaden harvest cap in the Chesapeake Bay, the U.S. Department of Commerce has upheld the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s non-compliance finding against the Commonwealth of Virginia
CBF Statement on Gov. Northam’s Proposed Clean Water Budget
December 11, 2019
Virginia Governor Ralph Northam today unveiled his proposed budget for key state programs that restore Virginia’s rivers, streams, and the Chesapeake Bay.
Innovative Sustainable Classroom at CBF’s Brock Environmental Center Will Inspire Hampton Roads Students
December 9, 2019
The Macon F. and Joan P. Brock Classroom will educate local students, train teachers, and inspire the next generation of conservation leaders through Virginia Beach City Public Schools.
CBF Statement on Gov. Northam’s Call for Action on Menhaden
November 21, 2019
Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam asked U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross to impose a moratorium on Virginia’s menhaden harvest in a letter sent yesterday.
CBF Statement on New Flood Standards for Virginia Buildings
November 15, 2019
Today Gov. Ralph Northam released a new executive order that sets aggressive, forward-looking standards for new state-owned buildings to protect against threats from flooding and sea level rise.
CBF Christens Cutting-Edge Floating Oyster Restoration Center
November 7, 2019
The Prudence H. & Louis F. Ryan Mobile Oyster Restoration Center will change how CBF helps bring back Virginia’s oyster population.
ASMFC Cuts Striped Bass Catch by 18 Percent
October 31, 2019
“This is an important step in a much larger process to recover the striped bass population up and down the Atlantic Coast."
CBF Statement on Death of Former Virginia Gov. Gerald Baliles
October 29, 2019
Governor Baliles was a leader in the early fight to save the Chesapeake Bay. The partnership he forged with the other Bay states provided the foundation for Bay restoration efforts.
Fisheries Board Finds Virginia Out of Compliance with Menhaden Harvest Cap
October 28, 2019
Today the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission's Menhaden Management Board found Virginia out of compliance with the menhaden harvest cap on the Chesapeake Bay reduction fishery.
Grants to Boost Lynnhaven River Oyster Restoration
October 10, 2019
Today the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation awarded two grants for oyster restoration in the Lynnhaven River to Lynnhaven River NOW and the Chesapeake Bay Foundation.
Unique Technology Gives Underwater View of Hampton Roads Oyster Reefs
October 3, 2019
CBF and an underwater photography team are using an innovative technology to survey current and future oyster restoration sites.
VMRC Approves Striped Bass Limit Changes in Virginia
September 24, 2019
The Virginia Marine Resources Commission voted to give final approval to changes to regulations for Virginia's striped bass fisheries to address overfishing.
CBF Expresses Deep Concern with Omega Proteins Announcement It Will Violate the Bay Menhaden Cap
September 13, 2019
Today Omega Protein announcement that it is knowingly and willingly going to exceed the Chesapeake Bay menhaden harvest cap.
Striped Bass Limits Changed in Virginia
August 27, 2019
Today the Virginia Marine Resources Commission approved emergency changes to the regulations for Virginia’s striped bass fisheries, including lowering the daily limit for the fall recreational season from two fish to one fish.
CBF Statement on Final Virginia Clean Water Blueprint
August 23, 2019
Virginia’s plan is on track to achieve its 2025 goals, provided it accelerates efforts to reduce pollution from agricultural sources and growing urban and suburban areas, while continuing progress in the wastewater sector.
CBF Statement on Strengthening Virginia’s DEQ
August 19, 2019
Today Virginia’s Secretary of Natural Resources released a report on commitments to strengthen Virginia’s Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) under Gov. Northam’s Executive Order 6, issued in April 2018.
Virginia Oyster Gardeners Break Records in 2019
August 9, 2019
Volunteer oyster gardeners in Virginia this year raised and returned nearly 104,000 adult oysters to plant on sanctuary reefs, nearly three times the 39,000 oysters returned in 2018.
Menhaden Fishery Sustainability Certification Hits Snag
August 1, 2019
(RICHMOND, VA)—After numerous conservation groups raised serious concerns, a certification for sustainable seafood must take additional action before conditionally certifying Omega Protein's Atlantic Coast menhaden fishery.
Become A Hopewell Tree Steward at Free Summer Course
July 1, 2019
(HOPEWELL, VA)—Volunteer tree stewards are needed to help plant and nurture the growing number of trees in Hopewell.
CBF Statement on James River Standards to Reduce Harmful Algal Blooms
June 27, 2019
(RICHMOND, VA)—Today the Virginia State Water Control Board approved key revisions to James River water quality standards for chlorophyll.
CBF Statement on Signing of Virginia Aquaculture Bills
June 25, 2019
(VIRGINIA BEACH, VA)—Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam signed two bills that will help support Virginia's oyster and clam aquaculture industry and others who use Virginia's tidal waters.
CBF Statement on Changes to Virginia’s Blue Crab Fishery
June 25, 2019
(HAMPTON, VA)—Today the Virginia Marine Resources Commission approved changes to Virginia’s blue crab fishery that include a slight increase in catch limits in November.
Thousands of Volunteers across Virginia Pick up Litter on Clean the Bay Day
June 1, 2019
(VIRGINIA BEACH, VA)—Thousands of volunteers across Virginia today took part in the 31st annual Clean the Bay Day, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s shoreline and stream cleanup and one of the largest volunteer events in Virginia.
CBF Statement on Virginia Beach Shooting
June 1, 2019
(VIRGINIA BEACH)—The Chesapeake Bay Foundation dedicated today’s Clean the Bay Day to those affected by yesterday’s shooting in Virginia Beach and held a moment of silence for the victims at many cleanup sites across Virginia this morning.
Delegate Bulova Presented CBF 2019 Legislator of Year Award
May 14, 2019
(RICHMOND, VA)—The Chesapeake Bay Foundation recently presented Delegate David Bulova (D-Fairfax) with a 2019 Legislator of the Year award for his leadership in restoring Virginia's waterways.
Senator Hanger Presented CBF’s 2019 Legislator of Year Award
May 14, 2019
(RICHMOND, VA)—Senator Emmett Hanger (R-Augusta) has been a leader in ensuring strong investment in farm conservation practices and other programs that reduce pollution to local streams and rivers.
CBF Statement on Blue Crab Survey Results
May 6, 2019
(VIRGINIA BEACH, VA)—The Winter Crab Dredge Survey results released today show increasing numbers of all three major biological indicators of blue crabs in the Chesapeake Bay.
ASMFC Takes Action on Striped Bass
April 30, 2019
(ARLINGTON, VA)—In order to reduce fish mortality and restore a thriving striped bass population, today the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission voted to begin developing changes to the Interstate Fishery Management Plan for the striped bass harvest coastwide.
CBF Statement on Striped Bass Trophy Season Closing in Virginia
April 23, 2019
(ARLINGTON, VA)—The Virginia Marine Resources Commission voted today to close the trophy striped bass fishing season this spring following concerns about the striped bass population.
Bay Discussion Comes at Critical Point for Virginia's Clean Water Blueprint
April 19, 2019
(VIRGINIA BEACH) – A May 14 discussion with leading Chesapeake Bay science and restoration experts comes as Virginia completes its final update to the Clean Water Blueprint, which creates a roadmap to a restored Bay.
CBF Statement on Virginia Stream Fencing Proposals
April 17, 2019
(RICHMOND, VA)—CBF Virginia Executive Director Rebecca Tomazin issued the following statement on livestock stream fencing proposals in the draft update to Virginia’s Clean Water Blueprint
Penalty Increased for Tyson Poultry Plant Violations
April 17, 2019
(RICHMOND, VA)—The Virginia State Water Control Board voted to support stiffer penalties for Tyson Foods for repeated wastewater and stormwater violations at a poultry plant in Temperanceville on Virginia's Eastern Shore.
CBF Statement on Virginia’s Draft Clean Water Blueprint
April 5, 2019
(RICHMOND, VA)—Virginia Governor Ralph Northam today released a draft of the final update to Virginia’s Clean Water Blueprint, more technically known as the Chesapeake Bay TMDL Phase III Watershed Implementation Plan.
Virginia Volunteers Needed for Clean the Bay Day
April 1, 2019
(RICHMOND, VA)—Thousands of volunteers and dozens of partner organizations are needed from the Eastern Shore to the Shenandoah Valley to join in the major annual effort to pick up litter from Virginia waterways during Clean the Bay Day this June.
Statement on Challenge to Menhaden Sustainability Certification
March 27, 2019
(RICHMOND, VA)—Today, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and The Nature Conservancy submitted an objection to the recommendation of a provisional certification of Omega Protein’s Atlantic Menhaden Fishery to the Marine Stewardship Council Principles and Criteria for Sustainable Fishing.
CBF Statement on Virginia Coal Ash Legislation Signing
March 20, 2019
(RICHMOND, VA)—Today Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam signed legislation into law requiring safe cleanup of four toxic coal ash sites along waterways in Virginia’s Chesapeake Bay watershed.
Budget Increases for Virginia Clean Water Programs
February 24, 2019
(RICHMOND, VA)—Today Virginia's General Assembly approved modifications to the state's budget for this fiscal year and the next, including several funding changes for key programs that restore Virginia's waterways.
Appeals Court Upholds Stormwater Decision in Norfolk Southern v. Roanoke
February 15, 2019
(RICHMOND, VA)—The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit today upheld a decision requiring that Norfolk Southern pay stormwater utility fees to the City of Roanoke.
CBF Statement on Passage of Virginia Coal Ash Legislation
February 15, 2019
(RICHMOND, VA)—The Virginia General Assembly today passed legislation to ensure proper cleanup of four toxic coal ash sites along waterways in Virginia's Chesapeake Bay watershed.
Fisheries Managers to Further Study Depletion of Menhaden in Chesapeake Bay
February 7, 2019
(RICHMOND, VA)—Today the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission Menhaden Management Board passed a motion requiring Virginia to maintain its menhaden harvest below the Chesapeake Bay reduction fishery harvest cap.
CBF Statement on Striped Bass Stock Assessment
February 6, 2019
(ARLINGTON, VA)—Today the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission discussed initial findings from its striped bass stock assessment, which shows declining numbers—especially in the number of large spawning fish.
CBF Statement on Virginia Coal Ash Agreement
January 24, 2019
(RICHMOND, VA)—Today, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam and a bipartisan group of Virginia legislators announced an agreement to clean up toxic coal ash sites along waterways in Virginia’s Chesapeake Bay watershed.
CBF Statement on Bill to Ban Offshore Drilling
January 23, 2019
(RICHMOND, VA)—A proposed ban on offshore drilling in Virginia’s waters is scheduled to be considered this Thursday by the Virginia Senate Committee on Agriculture, Conservation, and Natural Resources.
Broad Coalition Supports Trees for Clean Water Bill
January 18, 2019
(RICHMOND, VA)—A broad coalition of Virginians urges support of legislation introduced by Virginia Delegate Mark Keam to expand the ability of localities to require tree planting or replacement during the development process to achieve specific water quality goals.
CBF Statement on Air Board Approval of Buckingham Compressor Station Permit
January 8, 2019
(RICHMOND, VA)—Today the Virginia State Air Pollution Control Board approved a permit for the Buckingham natural gas compressor station linked to the Atlantic Coast Pipeline.
CBF Statement on Buckingham Compressor Station Permit
December 19, 2018
(RICHMOND)—Today the Virginia State Air Pollution Control Board postponed a decision on the permit for the Buckingham natural gas compressor station linked to the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, in order to take in additional public comment.
Hampton to Tackle Flooding with Creative New Tool
December 19, 2018
(VIRGINIA BEACH)—The City of Hampton could be the first in Virginia to take on pioneering projects that reduce flooding and prevent pollution by using environmental impact bonds, a creative new funding tool being leveraged through a partnership with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and Quantified Ventures.
CBF Statement on Gov. Northam Budget Proposal
December 18, 2018
(RICHMOND)—Today Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam announced his Administration’s budget proposal, which includes historic investments in programs to restore Virginia waterways and the Chesapeake Bay.
CBF Statement on Gov. Northam Proposing Historic Investment in Natural Resources
December 12, 2018
(VIRGINIA BEACH)—Today Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam announced his Administration’s proposed budget increases for critical programs that benefit Chesapeake Bay restoration.
CBF Statement on Grant to Increase Hopewell Trees
December 7, 2018
(HOPEWELL)—This week the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation awarded an approximately $200,000 grant to continue a major effort in Hopewell by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and partners to increase the city’s tree cover and the use of natural solutions to flooding.
CBF Opposes Menhaden Sustainability Certification
December 4, 2018
(RICHMOND)—Omega Protein's Atlantic menhaden fishery was recommended for a leading seafood sustainability certification by the Marine Stewardship Council in a draft report released today by analyst SAI Global.
CBF Statement on Lynnhaven River Oyster Restoration NFWF Grant
December 3, 2018
(VIRGINIA BEACH)—Today the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation awarded two grants for oyster restoration in the Lynnhaven River to the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and Lynnhaven River NOW.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Suspends Atlantic Coast Pipeline Construction
November 26, 2018
(RICHMOND, VA)—Yesterday, the Wilmington, North Carolina, district of the Army Corps of Engineers suspended its issuance of a nationwide general permit to the Atlantic Coast Pipeline for construction.
CBF Statement on Buckingham Compressor Station Permit
November 9, 2018
(RICHMOND, VA)—Today the Virginia State Air Pollution Control Board postponed until December a vote on a permit for the Buckingham natural gas compressor station linked to the Atlantic Coast Pipeline.
CBF Statement on Passing of Flood-Protection Amendment
November 7, 2018
(RICHMOND, VA)—Yesterday Virginia voters approved a constitutional amendment that would allow local governments to offer partial tax relief to homeowners and businesses who invest to protect their property from recurrent flooding.
CBF Statement on Gov. Northam Sea Level Rise Executive Order
November 2, 2018
(RICHMOND, VA)—Today Virginia Governor Ralph Northam announced an executive order that would create a Coastal Resilience Master Plan.
CBF Statement on DEQ Approval of Atlantic Coast Pipeline Plans
October 22, 2018
(RICHMOND, VA)—The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality recently approved the Atlantic Coast Pipeline’s plans for erosion and sediment control, stormwater, and karst protection.
CBF and FOR Applaud Action by Attorney General Herring on Fones Cliffs
October 11, 2018
(RICHMOND, VA)—The Attorney General's office has announced it has filed an enforcement action in Circuit Court that charges Virginia True with violations following illegal actions at Fones Cliffs, in Richmond County.
CBF Presents Hampton Roads Premiere of the Human Element with James Balog on Oct. 24
October 4, 2018
(VIRGINIA BEACH, VA)—The Chesapeake Bay Foundation will present the Hampton Roads premiere of the documentary The Human Element with renowned photographer James Balog on the evening of Wednesday, Oct. 24, in Virginia Beach.
CBF Statement on Fones Cliffs Conservation Announcement
October 3, 2018
(RICHMOND, VA)—Terrell Bowers, who owns a portion of Fones Cliffs, has announced that his 250 acres of the cliffs is under contract for sale to The Conservation Fund for preservation.
Congressional Candidates Luria and Taylor to Discuss Environmental Issues at Forum in Virginia Beach
September 28, 2018
(VIRGINIA BEACH, VA)—Virginia 2nd Congressional District candidates Elaine Luria and Scott Taylor will discuss regional environmental issues on Monday, Oct. 15, at the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s Candidate Forum on the Environment.
CBF Statement on Atlantic Coast Pipeline Oral Arguments
September 28, 2018
(RICHMOND, VA)—Today the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit in Richmond heard oral arguments in a challenge to the Atlantic Coast Pipeline's water quality certification by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and other conservation organizations.
CBF Opposes Pipeline’s Buckingham Compressor Station Permit
September 26, 2018
(RICHMOND, VA)—The Chesapeake Bay Foundation has submitted comments to the Virginia Air Pollution Control Board opposing the draft permit for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline’s proposed natural gas compressor station in Buckingham County, Virginia.
CBF Statement on Referral to AG of Fones Cliffs Violations
September 21, 2018
(RICHMOND, VA)—The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality has referred violations by Fones Cliffs developer, Virginia True Corporation, to the Virginia Attorney General’s Office for enforcement. The Chesapeake Bay Foundation had called for a significant penalty for these violations.
Chesapeake Bay Foundation Seeking Top-Notch Virginia Advocates
August 30, 2018
(VIRGINIA BEACH, VA)—The Chesapeake Bay Foundation is seeking top-notch Virginia advocates to attend a free workshop Sept. 28 and 29 for current and future Clean Water Captains—volunteers who work for healthy waterways in their communities.
Learn about the Legendary Bay Oyster on Sept. 11
August 30, 2018
(VIRGINIA BEACH, VA)—Fisheries experts will discuss the fascinating biology, significant history, and promising future of the native oyster on Sept. 11 at the Chesapeake Bay Foundation's next free Brock Environmental Center Learning Series discussion.
Shenandoah Valley Clean Water Stewardship Course Offered
August 29, 2018
(VERONA, VA)—Registration is now open for a Shenandoah Valley clean water stewardship course offered by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation.
CBF Statement on Pipeline Decision by Water Control Board
August 22, 2018
(RICHMOND, VA)—The Virginia State Water Control Board yesterday voted to continue with status quo water quality protections for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline and Mountain Valley Pipeline. Chesapeake Bay Foundation Senior Attorney and Virginia Assistant Director Peggy Sanner released the following statement.
Copy of CBF Statement on FERC Pipeline Approval Challenge
August 16, 2018
(RICHMOND, VA)—Today the Chesapeake Bay Foundation joined a challenge to Atlantic Coast Pipeline approval by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, filed by the Southern Environmental Law Center on behalf of CBF and other conservation groups.
Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Course Offered in Newport News
August 16, 2018
(NEWPORT NEWS, VA)—Registration is now open for the Chesapeake Bay Foundation's popular Bay stewardship course this fall, offered for the first time in Newport News.
CBF Statement on FERC Pipeline Approval Challenge
August 16, 2018
(RICHMOND, VA)—Today the Chesapeake Bay Foundation joined a challenge to Atlantic Coast Pipeline approval by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, filed by the Southern Environmental Law Center on behalf of CBF and other conservation groups.
Sept. 15 Clamboree to Benefit Chesapeake Bay Foundation
August 14, 2018
(WACHAPREAGUE, VA)—This year's Clamboree will offer delicious Eastern Shore seafood, live music, and stunning views, with all proceeds benefiting the Chesapeake Bay Foundation.
CBF Statement on Halt of Atlantic Coast Pipeline Work
August 13, 2018
(RICHMOND, VA)—Chesapeake Bay Foundation Virginia Assistant Director and Senior Attorney Peggy Sanner issued the following statement following the decision by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission late last week to halt work on the Atlantic Coast Pipeline after the U.S. Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals vacated key pipeline permits.
CBF Statement on Virginia Menhaden Compliance Decision Delay
August 8, 2018
(RICHMOND, VA)—Yesterday the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s (ASMFC) Menhaden Management Board postponed a decision on Virginia’s compliance with the latest menhaden harvest cap on the Chesapeake Bay reduction fishery until its February meeting.
21st Annual Paddle for the Bay Race Set for August 4
July 23, 2018
(NORFOLK, VA)—Registration is now open for the 21st annual Paddle for the Bay benefit race, which features human-powered vessels from kayaks and stand up paddle boards to outrigger canoes and surf skis.
CBF Announces Jay Ford as Virginia Voices Outreach Coordinator
July 5, 2018
(PAINTER, VA)—The Chesapeake Bay Foundation is pleased to announce Jay Ford as its new Virginia Voices Outreach Coordinator, based on Virginia’s Eastern Shore.
DEQ Commits to Monitor Poultry Operations for Pollution
July 2, 2018
(RICHMOND, VA)—The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality has committed to undertake water quality monitoring of key poultry operations on the Eastern Shore after taking into account concerns from the community, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, and other stakeholders.
June 26 Discussion to Examine Chesapeake Bay Culture and Conflict
June 18, 2018
(VIRGINIA BEACH, VA)—Learn about the extraordinary history of the first European explorers and the people they encountered on and around the Chesapeake Bay in what is now Hampton Roads at the Chesapeake Bay Foundation's next free Brock Environmental Learning Series discussion on Tuesday, June 26.
Brock Environmental Center to Host Solstice Sunset Happy Hour
June 11, 2018
(VIRGINIA BEACH)–The Chesapeake Bay Foundation is kicking off a new happy hour series with a summer solstice sunset party the evening of June 21 at the Brock Environmental Center.
Volunteers across Virginia Pick up 128,817 Pounds of Litter on Clean the Bay Day
June 2, 2018
(VIRGINIA BEACH, VA)—Volunteers across Virginia today took part in the 30th annual Clean the Bay Day, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation's annual shoreline and stream cleanup and one of the largest volunteer events in Virginia.
CBF Applauds Clean Water Funding in Virginia Budget
May 31, 2018
Yesterday, Virginia's General Assembly approved a budget for the Commonwealth for the next two fiscal years, which will become law once signed by Gov. Ralph Northam.
June Breakfasts to Discuss Opportunities for Restoration of South River and Christians Creek
May 31, 2018
Farmers, landowners, and residents are invited to two free local breakfast meetings to discuss the many funding opportunities for restoration work and farm conservation practices in the South River and Christians Creek watersheds.
3,000 Bushels of Oyster Shell Needed by July to Bring Back Virginia Reefs
May 10, 2018
(VIRGINIA)—Restaurants and seafood lovers are urgently needed to help provide the 3,000 bushels of oyster shells needed by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation this year to build new oyster reefs.
CBF Seeking Oyster Gardeners in Virginia
April 18, 2018
(VIRGINIA BEACH, VA)—The Chesapeake Bay Foundation is holding oyster gardening workshops this June on the Eastern Shore and in Hampton Roads, the Northern Neck, and Middle Peninsula that allow volunteers to support efforts by the Chesapeake Oyster Alliance to add 10 billion new oysters to the Bay by 2025.
CBF Statement on Precedent-Setting Virginia Poultry Permits
April 12, 2018
(RICHMOND, VA)—Virginia's State Water Control Board today in a 5-0 vote approved permits for three Virginia poultry operations.
CBF Statement on Fones Cliffs Developer Violations
April 9, 2018
(RICHMOND, VA)—Last week, the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality issued a second notice of violation to Virginia True Corporation, the Fones Cliffs developer.
CBF Statement on Governor Northam Order to Strengthen Natural Resources Agencies
April 4, 2018
(LEXINGTON, VA)—Today Virginia Governor Ralph Northam committed to supporting an increase that would triple Virginia’s natural resources funding.
On-The-Water Investigations Offered to Shenandoah Valley Students
March 29, 2018
(Virginia)—Time is running out for teachers to sign up their middle and high school students for on-the-water investigations in the Shenandoah Valley this spring with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation.
CBF Statement on FERC's Denial of Tree Cutting Extension for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline
March 28, 2018
(RICHMOND, VA)— Today the Atlantic Coast Pipeline's request to extend tree cutting work by two months was denied by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
Volunteers Needed for 30th Annual Clean the Bay Day
March 27, 2018
(Virginia)—Thousands of volunteers will work together across Virginia this June to clean up litter along waterways from the Eastern Shore to the Blue Ridge Mountains.
CBF Statement on Future of Menhaden Management in Virginia
March 7, 2018
(RICHMOND, VA)–Legislation aiming to protect menhaden and keep Virginia in compliance with the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission's (ASMFC) menhaden management plan has failed to advance in Virginia's General Assembly.
"Bees, Trees, and Clean Water" Workshop on March 24
March 7, 2018
(MONROE, VA)—A workshop about landscaping with native plants, attracting beneficial birds and insects, and improving the health of streams and rivers will be held in the Lynchburg area on March 24.
CBF Offers Unique Local Oyster and Wine Pairing
March 1, 2018
(VIRGINIA BEACH, VA)—The Chesapeake Bay Foundation's Brock Environmental Center is kicking off its participation in the 10 billion oyster partnership on March 18 with Virginia oysters and wine at a unique pairing event.
CBF Statement on Passage of Menhaden Legislation
February 28, 2018
(RICHMOND, VA)–HB 1610, which would keep Virginia in compliance with the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission's (ASMFC) menhaden management plan, passed the House Agriculture Chesapeake and Natural Resources Committee today. Chesapeake Bay Foundation Senior Regional Ecosystem Scientist Chris Moore released the following statement.
CBF Statement on New VMRC Commissioner Steve Bowman
February 23, 2018
(RICHMOND, VA)—Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) Virginia Director Rebecca Tomazin issued the following statement on the appointment of Steve Bowman as commissioner of the Virginia Marine Resources Commission.
Gov. Northam to Join Forum on Virginia Offshore Drilling Concerns
February 22, 2018
(NORFOLK, VA)–Governor Ralph Northam will join other distinguished panelists in discussing concerns about proposed oil and gas drilling off Virginia’s coast at a March 5, Blue Planet Forum titled Offshore Drilling: Perspectives to Consider.
CBF Statement on Clean Water Programs in Proposed Virginia Budgets
February 19, 2018
(RICHMOND, VA)—In separate proposed budgets released Sunday, the Virginia Senate Finance Committee and House Appropriations Committee released funding proposals for the Commonwealth’s clean water programs for the next two fiscal years.
Anglers, Charter Boat Captains, and Conservation Groups Highlight Urgency of Menhaden Legislation
February 16, 2018
(RICHMOND, VA)—A coalition of conservation and recreational fishing organizations today urged support for new legislation that would ensure Virginia avoids the consequences of falling out of compliance with the latest menhaden fishery management plan.
Educators to Explore Outdoor Learning Opportunities in Hampton Roads
February 5, 2018
(VIRGINIA BEACH,VA)With new opportunities in Hampton Roads for students to learn outdoors with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF), teachers and administrators can explore hands-on environmental education possibilities at a free brunch on Saturday, Feb. 17, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at CBF’s Brock Environmental Center.
CBF Appeals Atlantic Coast Pipeline Certification
January 22, 2018
CBF filed an appeal of the Virginia State Water Control Board’s water quality certification for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline.
Court Rules Roanoke Stormwater Fee is Not a Tax; Norfolk Southern Must Pay
December 26, 2017
(ROANOKE, VA)—U.S. District Court Judge Glen E. Conrad has ruled that the stormwater utility fee charged by the City of Roanoke is not a tax, and, therefore, Norfolk Southern Railway Co. is not exempt from the charge.
CBF Applauds Virginia’s Selection of Oyster Restoration Rivers
December 21, 2017
(HAMPTON ROADS, VA)—After a process led by Norfolk District of the US Army Corps of Engineers, the Commonwealth of Virginia named the Lower York and Great Wicomico rivers as its final two oyster restoration sanctuaries.
Virginians Needed to Grow and Plant Underwater Grasses
December 19, 2017
(RICHMOND, VA.)– Volunteers across Virginia can help restore wild underwater grasses with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s Grasses for the Masses program by growing them at home, school, or work.
Statement on Clean Water Programs in Virginia’s Budget
December 18, 2017
(RICHMOND, VA)—Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe today released his proposed budget for 2019 and 2020.
CBF Statement on Appointment of Matt Strickler to Virginia Secretary of Natural Resources
December 14, 2017
(RICHMOND, VA)—Governor-elect Ralph Northam today nominated Matt Strickler to become the next Virginia Secretary of Natural Resources. CBF Virginia Assistant Director Peggy Sanner released the following statement.
CBF Statement on Atlantic Coast Pipeline Certification
December 12, 2017
(RICHMOND, VA)—Citing the need for additional information, Virginia's State Water Control Board today voted to delay draft water quality certification for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline.
CBF Statement on the Passing of Macon Brock
December 11, 2017
(VIRGINIA BEACH, VA)—-Harry Lester, Chairman of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation Board of Trustees, issued the following statement on the passing of his close personal friend Macon Brock this weekend.
Webinar to Cover How to Make a Difference in Virginia’s General Assembly
December 8, 2017
(RICHMOND, VA)—The Chesapeake Bay Foundation is offering a free online workshop on Dec. 13 on how anyone can advocate for clean water and the environment during the upcoming Virginia General Assembly session.
Chesapeake Bay Foundation to Honor Virginia Wesleyan University
December 6, 2017
(VIRGINIA BEACH, VA)–The Chesapeake Bay Foundation announced today that it will honor Virginia Wesleyan University in Virginia Beach for its leadership and commitment to educating the next generation of Chesapeake Bay leaders.
Lafayette River Oyster Survey Shows Thriving Reefs
December 4, 2017
(NORFOLK, VA)–Oysters planted on constructed reefs in the Lafayette River are reproducing and thriving, according to the results of a recent survey by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation.
Real Recyclable Christmas Trees Help the Environment and Economy
November 29, 2017
(RICHMOND, VA)–When considering a Christmas tree this season, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation in Virginia urges you to help the environment and local economy by buying a real tree and recycling it after the holidays.
Volunteers Needed to Remove Invasive Species in Hopewell
November 27, 2017
(HOPEWELL, VA)–Volunteers can save trees and native plants by removing invasive species in Hopewell City Park on the morning of Saturday, Dec. 9, with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and the City of Hopewell.
Volunteers and Restaurants Needed to Pitch In for Oyster Restoration
November 21, 2017
(HAMPTON ROADS, VA)—The Chesapeake Bay Foundation is seeking additional restaurants and volunteers in Hampton Roads to pitch in to restore the native oyster population during Virginia oyster month this November.
On Third Anniversary, CBF's Brock Environmental Center Inspires
November 16, 2017
(VIRGINIA BEACH, VA)—As the Chesapeake Bay Foundation's Brock Environmental Center marks its third year, the building continues to surpass expectations for sustainability and has become an environmental hub for the community.
CBF Statement on Petition to Reconsider FERC Pipeline Decision
November 13, 2017
(RICHMOND, VA)—Today, the Southern Environmental Law Center, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, and 19 other organizations and individuals filed a petition with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission asking the agency to reconsider its approval of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, which occurred last month in a 2 to 1 vote.
CBF Names April Strickland Hampton Roads Director of Major Giving
October 31, 2017
(VIRGINIA BEACH, VA)–The Chesapeake Bay Foundation is pleased to announce April Strickland as its new Hampton Roads Director of Major Giving.
CBF Dedicates Lester Education Pavilion in Virginia Beach
October 24, 2017
(VIRGINIA BEACH, VA)–Celebrating the fulfillment of a long-term environmental vision, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation this month dedicated the Lester Education Pavilion at CBF's Brock Environmental Center.
Issues for Local Streams, Rivers, and the Bay Highlighted at Culpeper Breakfast Talk
October 17, 2017
(CULPEPER, VA)–The Chesapeake Bay Foundation and Piedmont Environmental Council are hosting a breakfast discussion in Culpeper on issues facing local streams, rivers, and the Bay ahead of this fall's elections for Virginia’s Governor and House of Delegates.
Innovative Livestock Solar Watering Station Available for Trial Runs at Virginia Farms
October 5, 2017
(MOUNT SOLON, VA)—The Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) has an innovative solar powered livestock watering station is now available to lend to farmers on a temporary basis. The mobile unit uses the sun's energy to pump water from any nearby creek or pond to tanks that replenish watering troughs.
CBF Statement on Lafayette River Oyster Restoration Federal Grant
September 25, 2017
(VIRGINIA BEACH, VA)—The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) today announced a $199,665 Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund grant to the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) and a separate $200,000 grant to the Elizabeth River Project (ERP) for construction of oyster reefs in the Lafayette River in Norfolk.
Portions of the Bay, Rappahannock, and James Rivers Improved in Latest Impaired Waters List
August 31, 2017
(RICHMOND, VA)–Portions of the Chesapeake Bay, James River, and Rappahannock River are showing promising signs of recovery due to restoration efforts, meeting state standards for dissolved oxygen for the first time since the benchmarks were adopted in 2005.
CBF to Celebrate Save the Bay Family Day September 10 at Brock Center
August 10, 2017
(VIRGINIA BEACH, VA)--The Chesapeake Bay Foundation invites the entire community to Save the Bay Family Day on Sept. 10 at the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s Brock Environmental Center in Virginia Beach.
CBF Statement on City of Virginia Beach Resolution Opposing Offshore Drilling
June 21, 2017
(VIRGINIA BEACH, VA)—Chesapeake Bay Foundation Senior Scientist Chris Moore issued the following statement regarding the passage of a resolution by the City of Virginia Beach opposing opening areas of the Atlantic Coast to offshore oil and gas drilling.
Thousands of Volunteers Turn out for Clean the Bay Day to Pick up Litter and Debris
June 3, 2017
(RICHMOND, VA)—Thousands of volunteers turned out today for the 29th Clean the Bay Day, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation's annual shoreline and stream cleanup and one of the largest volunteer events in Virginia.
CBF Statement on Richmond's Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades
May 5, 2017
(RICHMOND, VA)—Today the City of Richmond marked the completion of a multi-year effort to significantly reduce nutrient pollution discharged into the James River by the city's wastewater treatment plant.
Statement on Governor Signing Bill to Fix Alexandria's Combined Sewer System
April 21, 2017
(RICHMOND, VA)—Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe signed legislation today that will require Alexandria to upgrade its outdated combined sewer system by 2025.
CBF: Annual Crab Survey Numbers Suggest Need to Maintain Regulations
April 19, 2017
(RICHMOND, VA)—Chris Moore, Senior Scientist at the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, issued this statement today following the release of the annual Winter Crab Dredge Survey in Maryland and Virginia.
CBF Statement on Rep. Scott Taylor Letter Supporting Bay Program Funding
March 29, 2017
(RICHMOND, VA)—Rep. Scott Taylor (R-Virginia Beach) urged full funding for the EPA's Chesapeake Bay Program in a letter yesterday to key House appropriators.
CBF Statement on Proposals for Addressing Alexandria's Combined Sewer System
March 28, 2017
(RICHMOND, VA)—Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe has proposed giving Alexandria until as late as 2030 to address upgrades to its outdated combined sewer system, which sends untreated sewage into waterways and jeopardizes human health and water quality.
Virginia Budget Supports Farm Conservation Practices
February 27, 2017
(RICHMOND, VA)—Over the weekend Virginia's legislators approved a budget that includes an investment of about $17 million in fiscal year 2018 in Virginia's agricultural cost-share program.
CBF Statement on Virginia House and Senate Budgets
February 7, 2017
(RICHMOND, VA)—In separate proposed fiscal year 2018 budgets released Sunday, the Virginia Senate Finance Committee and House Appropriations committee both supported funding for the Commonwealth's agricultural cost-share program.
Statement on Virginia General Assembly Resolution Commending CBF on Its 50th Anniversary
January 31, 2017
(RICHMOND, VA)—On the floor of the Virginia House of Delegates today, legislators presented the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) with a resolution commending CBF on its 50th anniversary.