Our Charge Is Clear: Focus on What People and Nature Need
March 21, 2025
At the very time we need to do more, the latest actions by the Trump administration have created a crisis for the decades-long Bay restoration effort. We cannot and will not stop doing the work that matters.
Keep 'Forever Chemicals' Out of Our Water and Food
March 12, 2025
According to a recent Washington Post article, it seems not even our gardens are safe from PFAS contamination, otherwise known as 'forever chemicals.'
Region's Residents Believe Challenges Facing Chesapeake Bay Becoming More Serious, According to New Poll
March 11, 2025
As the federal-state partnership to restore the Chesapeake Bay faces unprecedented federal upheaval, more than half (52%) of surveyed Chesapeake Bay-area residents believe challenges to the Bay will become more serious over the next five years, according to a new poll by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF).
Heart and Science: The Chesapeake Bay Needs Both
December 5, 2023
To succeed in the next chapter of bay-saving, we’re going to have to widen conservation’s historically narrow lens. We can’t focus so pointedly on trying to recreate the past that we neglect to build for the future—a future that recognizes that nature and human communities are intertwined.
Save the Bay News: State of the Bay, Oyster Milestones, and Exploring Your Watershed
January 27, 2023
What does the 2022 State of the Bay mean for the long-term health of the Chesapeake and the communities that depend on it? Dive into the big takeaways from the recently released report and more stories about the state of the Bay.
CBF's 2022 State of the Bay Score Unchanged
January 5, 2023
Overall, the unchanged score is largely a result of failures to make needed changes on farmland to reduce pollution.
CBF Issues a Statement on Bay Grasses Assessment
July 21, 2022
The most recent assessment of the health of Bay grasses by the Chesapeake Bay Program found that only 37% of the ultimate restoration goal of 185,000 acres has been achieved.
Without swift action, the Chesapeake Bay will decline even further into national disgrace
May 17, 2021
Federal leadership is the missing ingredient needed for the nation's largest environmental restoration effort to succeed.
Save the Bay News: 2020 State of the Bay and Legislative Sessions
January 22, 2021
Our monthly roundup of engaging and educational content for you to enjoy at home. Start with our 2020 State of the Bay report, a comprehensive scientific assessment of where the Chesapeake's health stands now.
It's Time for Maryland Leaders to Double Down on Support for Restoring the Chesapeake Bay
January 13, 2021
Maryland is at a crossroads in its efforts to meet pollution reduction goals in time for the 2025 bay cleanup deadline.
CBF's 2020 State of the Bay Score Down Slightly
January 5, 2021
This year, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation's assessment of the State of the Bay remained at a D+, but declined by one point from 2018. While concerning, the decline is largely due to ineffective management of the Bay's striped bass population, as opposed to water quality concerns.
CBF Issues Statement on the UMCES Report Card
May 21, 2019
(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—The University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science's annual Chesapeake Bay and Watershed Report Card found that extreme rainfall in 2018 cause indicator score to either decrease or remain the same
CBF Issues Statement on the Bay Barometer Report
April 2, 2019
(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—Today, the Chesapeake Bay Program released its annual Bay Barometer report, looking at 19 environmental indicators. Questions have been asked about the difference in the Bay Barometer and the Chesapeake Bay Foundation's State of the Bay score, which declined in 2018.
This Week in the Watershed: Charting Our Course
January 25, 2019
Our members are the lifeblood of everything we do. And now we want to hear from you.
2018 State of the Bay: A Stiff Reality Check
January 15, 2019
A cynic might be tempted to say that our optimism for the Bay a year ago was false, but a clear-eyed optimist will instead look closely at the important scientific signals and watch carefully as 2019 progresses.
This Week in the Watershed: The Wavy Line of Progress
January 11, 2019
The work to save the Bay and its rivers and streams is not without challenges. And in 2018, one of the greatest challenges came from above–rain, and lots of it.
CBF Issues Statement on Congressional Efforts to Derail the Blueprint
July 19, 2018
(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—Chesapeake Bay Foundation President William C. Baker issued this statement following the passage of Congressman Goodlatte’s amendment to H.R. 6147, the Interior, Environment, Financial Services, and General Government Appropriations Act, 2019.
CBF Issues Statement on Bay Program Pollution Reduction Estimates
July 17, 2018
(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—Beth McGee, Chesapeake Bay Foundation Director of Science and Agricultural Policy, issued this statement following the release of Chesapeake Bay Program data on modeled reductions in pollution.
Infrastructure Innovation
January 19, 2017
Don't Dump: Chesapeake Bay Drainage! When these words started showing up painted on storm drains in the early 1990s, it was easy to visualize the effects of oil and trash rushing directly down drain pipes to Bay tributaries.
Blueprint Progress Drives Improved Bay Health
January 5, 2017
(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—The health of the Chesapeake Bay improved two points (six percent) this year to 34, equivalent to a C-, according to the Chesapeake Bay Foundation's (CBF) biennial State of the Bay report.