CBF Statement on New Chesapeake Bay Commission Chair Anna Killius

(ANNAPOLIS)—Today, the Chesapeake Bay Commission (CBC) announced it selected Anna Killius as its new Executive Director. Killius will lead the organization following the retirement of longtime CBC Executive Director Ann Swanson in November.

Killius, who most recently served as the advocacy director for the James River Association in Virginia, worked as a Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) legal intern in CBF’s Richmond office in 2012 while in law school at William & Mary. She also served on the legislative staff for Maryland Congressman John Sarbanes handling Chesapeake Bay policy issues and others.

CBF’s Virginia office has worked closely with Killius and the James River Association on countless issues to improve the health of the river and the Bay.

The CBC coordinates with state legislatures and the U.S. Congress to provide information about how legislation and policy could affect the Bay watershed and the ongoing efforts to improve water quality in the nation’s largest estuary.

CBF President Hilary Falk issued the following statement:

“The Commission chose a terrific person for this position. Anna is a skillful, knowledgeable, and respected partner of CBF and other environmental organizations. She has broad experience with the federal and state legislative processes and will be a tremendous asset leading the Commission’s important work. We look forward to working with Anna.”
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A.J. Metcalf

Former Maryland Media & Communications Coordinator, CBF

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