Court of Appeals Vacates Maryland’s Conowingo Dam License, Offering New Chance for Chesapeake Bay Protections
December 20, 2022
Today, the U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington, D.C., vacated the license issued by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for Conowingo Dam.
Environmental Organizations File Lawsuits Against Flawed Maryland Industrial Stormwater Permit
December 19, 2022
As a result of major flaws in the Maryland Department of the Environment’s (MDE) final Industrial Stormwater General Permit, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Blue Water Baltimore and Gunpowder Riverkeeper, as well as the Potomac Riverkeeper Network and Waterkeepers Chesapeake on Friday filed three separate suits against MDE in Baltimore County Circuit Court.
CBF’s Clagett Farm Donates More Than 10 Tons of Fresh Produce to Maryland Food Banks in 2022
December 15, 2022
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s (CBF) Clagett Farm donated more than 23,000 pounds of fresh, organic produce to Maryland food banks this year.
CBF Calls on MDE to Deny Hurlock Spray Irrigation Permit
December 1, 2022
CBF scientists are concerned a groundwater discharge permit renewal that would enable the Town of Hurlock’s wastewater treatment plant to continue spraying 725,000 gallons of treated wastewater per day onto farm fields puts water quality and wildlife at risk.
CBF and SERC Announce New Oyster Restoration Partnership
November 14, 2022
Today, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) and Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) are proud to announce a new partnership centered on oyster restoration.
CBF Statement on Updated Lakeside at Trappe Discharge Permit
October 28, 2022
On Thursday, Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) released a final determination on a new discharge permit for the Lakeside at Trappe development on Maryland’s Eastern Shore.
CBF Plants More than 2,000 New Trees and Shrubs along Potomac River Tributary
October 23, 2022
Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) staff and more than 200 volunteers planted about 2,100 shrubs and trees on 10 acres of farmland next to Broad Run, a headwaters stream of the Potomac River, on Friday and Saturday.
5th Annual Maryland Rod and Reef Slam Winners Announced
October 19, 2022
The Chesapeake Bay’s unique fishing tournament, the Rod and Reef Slam, wrapped up this past weekend with 35 participating anglers catching more than 130 fish, including 19 different species, over restored oyster reefs.
CBF Welcomes Aquacon’s Decision to Withdraw Discharge Permit Request for Salmon Factory
October 14, 2022
Today, the Norwegian company AquaCon announced it is withdrawing its request for a discharge permit for a proposed fish factory in Federalsburg, Maryland.
CBF Statement on Town of Federalsburg’s Request That MDE Deny Fish Factory Discharge Permit
October 4, 2022
On Monday night, Federalsburg’s Mayor and Town Council approved and signed a letter to the Maryland Department of the Environment asking the agency to deny a discharge permit for AquaCon’s proposed fish factory in the Eastern Shore town.
Judge Extends Halt to Abingdon Woods Tree Clearing
September 30, 2022
Today, a Harford County Circuit Court judge granted CBF's request for an injunction to stop Abingdon Woods tree clearing for a proposed warehouse project while CBF pursues its lawsuit against the project for potentially violating the state’s Forest Conservation Act.
Judge Halts Abingdon Woods Deforestation after CBF Files Second Injunction Request
September 16, 2022
A Harford Circuit Court judge today granted CBF’s request for a temporary restraining order to halt the ongoing tree clearing at Abingdon Woods for a proposed warehouse project.
CBF and Partners Secure Consent Decree and Fines to Stop Pollution From Valley Proteins
September 12, 2022
Eastern Shore chicken rendering plant had been violating pollution limits for years.
Maryland Rod and Reef Slam Fishing Tournament Returns for 5th Year with an Annapolis Beach Bash
August 31, 2022
The Chesapeake Bay’s unique fishing tournament—the Rod and Reef Slam—is celebrating its fifth year with a new beachfront after-party in Annapolis this October.
Landmark Maryland Court of Appeals Ruling in Favor of CBF Ensures Forest Conservation Plans Can Be Legally Challenged
August 26, 2022
The ruling that will help ensure developers follow state law when proposing to clear forested tracts for construction projects.
CBF Statement on Competitive Leases at Navy’s Greenbury Point
August 16, 2022
On Monday, the Navy announced that because it received two requests for leases for Greenbury Point—one for a golf course and the other for an Anne Arundel County park—it will no longer consider either for a sole source lease of the waterfront peninsula in Annapolis.
Proposed Discharge Permit for Aquacon’s Salmon Factory Should Be Denied
August 10, 2022
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation is urging Maryland’s Department of the Environment (MDE) to deny the draft discharge permit for AquaCon’s proposed land-based salmon facility near Federalsburg.
Major Increase in Nitrogen Pollution Emphasizes Need to Quickly Fix Baltimore Wastewater Treatment Plants
July 6, 2022
Nitrogen pollution from wastewater plants in Maryland increased by 2.5 million pounds—nearly 50 percent—in 2021 compared to 2020 in large part due to failures at the state’s two largest wastewater treatment plants, according to the Chesapeake Bay Program.
CBF Issues Statement on Back River Sewage Treatment Plant Report
June 10, 2022
As a result of significant problems at Baltimore City’s Back River sewage treatment plant, MDE ordered the Maryland Environmental Service to take over management of the plant and issue a report concerning what they found. The report found major infrastructure failures as well as problems with safety, management, and staffing.
CBF Opposes New Golf Course Proposal at Greenbury Point in Annapolis
May 17, 2022
CBF is opposing a proposal to add a second golf course to the Navy’s 230-acre Greenbury Point peninsula in Annapolis due to environmental concerns.
CBF Statement on Leadership Changes at Maryland Department of the Environment
May 9, 2022
Today, Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan announced longtime Maryland Department of the Environment Secretary Ben Grumbles is leaving the state cabinet position to become executive director of the Environmental Council of the States.
Burgers and Brews for the Bay Returns to Clagett Farm May 14
April 21, 2022
Burgers and Brews for the Bay, a food and drink event that highlights the importance of regenerative agriculture and local food production, will return to CBF's Clagett Farm in Prince George’s County on May 14 from noon to 4 p.m.
Volunteers Needed for Major Earth Day Tree Planting in Frederick County
April 19, 2022
Get your hands dirty, help improve water quality, and leave a lasting mark on the landscape this Earth Day by helping Chesapeake Bay Foundation staff plant hundreds of trees on April 22 or April 23.
Chesapeake Bay Foundation: Climate Solutions Now Act Will Benefit Bay Restoration
April 8, 2022
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation is pleased the Climate Solutions Now Act has been enacted following Gov. Larry Hogan’s decision to allow it to become law without his signature.
CBF Encouraged by General Assembly’s Approval of Legislation to Strengthen Water Pollution Enforcement
March 31, 2022
The Maryland General Assembly today approved legislation strongly supported by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation to increase inspection and enforcement activities related to facilities permitted to discharge pollution into the state’s waterways.
CBF Applauds Maryland House of Delegates’ Approval of Climate Solutions Now Act
March 29, 2022
Today, the Maryland House of Delegates approved the Climate Solutions Now Act of 2022 by a vote of 95 to 42. The House vote follows the state Senate’s approval of the legislation on March 14.
CBF Statement on Maryland Taking Over Back River Wastewater Plant
March 28, 2022
As a result of continued and unresolved problems at the Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant in Baltimore, MDE has directed the Maryland Environmental Service to take charge of operations at the plant. The directive was issued after Baltimore City failed to comply with a previous 48-hour order to end illegal discharges from the plant.
Ongoing Issues at Baltimore’s Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant Must Be Resolved
March 24, 2022
Today, the Maryland Department of Environment released an updated inspection report from Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant revealing significant and ongoing maintenance and operational failures that are resulting in excessive amounts of pollution reaching the Chesapeake Bay.
Farm-Fresh Produce Shares Available for Purchase Through CBF’s Clagett Farm CSA
March 22, 2022
Residents in the Annapolis and Upper Marlboro areas of Maryland can purchase shares to receive a variety of farm-fresh produce each week through the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s popular Clagett Farm Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program.
Bear Creek Superfund Designation Marks Turning Point for Removal of Legacy Pollution in Baltimore
March 18, 2022
The EPA has announced it would formally add Bear Creek to the Superfund National Priorities List, which will spur a federal cleanup effort in the polluted waterway near Baltimore.
CBF Statement on Maryland Senate's Approval of Climate Solutions Now Act
March 14, 2022
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) sees today’s Maryland state Senate vote approving the Climate Solutions Now Act as a first step toward significantly reducing statewide greenhouse gas emissions.
Regenerative Agriculture Pioneer Michael Heller Retires
March 11, 2022
Michael Heller, a regenerative farmer and environmental advocate whose career spanned more than 40 years, retired this month from the Chesapeake Bay Foundation.
CBF Supports Legislation to Increase Enforcement of Maryland Environmental Regulations
February 23, 2022
CBF is announcing its strong support of new legislation being considered in the Maryland General Assembly to address the long-term decline in state enforcement of water pollution discharge permits.
ShoreRivers, DCPG, and CBF File to Intervene in Maryland’s Lawsuit Against Valley Proteins
February 14, 2022
On Friday, a coalition of organizations—ShoreRivers, Dorchester Citizens for Planned Growth, and Chesapeake Bay Foundation—filed a motion to intervene in a Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) lawsuit against Valley Proteins for violating wastewater pollution limits and permit requirements.
CBF Urges General Assembly to Pass Strong Climate Solutions Now Act of 2022
February 14, 2022
CBF is advocating for Maryland legislators this year to approve strengthened legislation aimed at reducing the state's greenhouse gas emissions to fight climate change.
CBF Statement in Response to Maryland’s Plan to Sue Baltimore over Wastewater Plant Pollution Violations
January 21, 2022
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) is issuing the following statement in response to the move by Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh to file legal action today against two Baltimore area wastewater treatment plants.
New Maryland Climate Adaptation Report Card Finds Gaps In Addressing Climate Change Risks
January 21, 2022
Today, a new report card was released on Maryland’s climate adaptation progress. The report, issued by the University of Maryland Center of Environmental Science in partnership with Maryland’s Department of Natural Resources, provides a snapshot of several indicators that can be used to evaluate the state’s work to protect residents against the harmful effects of climate change.
CBF Recommends Passage of Baltimore City Climate Bills
January 14, 2022
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation is supporting a package of three bills being debated by the Baltimore City Council that would help reduce some of the harmful effects of climate change.
CBF Commends Election of Maryland Senator Sarah Elfreth as Chesapeake Bay Commission Chair
January 12, 2022
Maryland State Senator Sarah Elfreth was elected the new chair of the Chesapeake Bay Commission earlier this month. In this role, Sen. Elfreth will oversee the commission’s work to coordinate legislative and policy action throughout the largest Bay watershed states—Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.