Chesapeake Bay Foundation Virginia Executive Director Peggy Sanner issued the following statement on the election of Glenn Youngkin to Virginia Governor.
“Chesapeake Bay Foundation congratulates Glenn Youngkin on being elected to become Virginia’s next governor. We look forward to working closely with Governor-elect Youngkin and with new and returning state legislators on issues facing Virginia’s environment. This work will depend on strong support for key programs that protect the Chesapeake Bay, including Virginia’s agricultural cost-share program for farmers who adopt sound conservation practices, the Stormwater Local Assistance Fund that assists localities in management of local flooding, and other initiatives needed to increase the resiliency of our coastal regions in the face of climate change.
“Restoring the Chesapeake Bay and its rivers and streams has long been a priority in Virginia. Governors from both parties have committed to putting all measures needed to restore the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries in place by 2025. There is no time for delay. That timeframe coincides almost exactly with the next governor’s term, providing Governor-elect Youngkin with a historic opportunity to fulfill this longstanding commitment and leave a legacy of restored waterways for future generations.”
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