(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—The Chesapeake Bay Foundation is thrilled the Biden administration has hit the ground running to reverse its predecessors’ dismal record of sidelining science, ignoring public health, and issuing flawed rules that undermine the intent of our nation’s bedrock environmental laws and the Chesapeake Clean Water Blueprint.
The flawed Trump administration rules that stand in the way of Bay restoration include:
- gutting clean car standards and the Clean Power Plan,
- excluding many sensitive wetlands and headwater streams from federal protection,
- refusing to strengthen inadequate limits on ozone and particulate matter,
- undermining states’ ability to protect their waterways,
- creating roadblocks to citizens’ ability to influence the fate of major projects that affect them,
- restricting EPA’s access to the best available scientific data, and
- constraining how EPA evaluates the costs and benefits of clean air rules.
Following the President’s actions, Chesapeake Bay Foundation President William C. Baker issued this statement:
“Meeting the Blueprint’s 2025 deadline for restoring the Chesapeake Bay and its waterways depends on strong federal leadership, science-based air quality and water quality protections, and the input of all Bay residents.
“That’s why CBF is pleased President Biden is taking immediate action to address many of the dangerous rollbacks we have opposed for the last four years. These regulations are bad for the Bay, bad for human health, and without scientific merit.
“CBF applauds the Biden administration for taking this important first step to putting the nation, and the Chesapeake Bay, back on the path to a cleaner, healthier environment. We are eager to roll up our sleeves to help them accomplish this essential work.”