(RICHMOND, VA)—Today Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam issued the Virginia Coastal Master Planning Framework. The plan defines the Commonwealth’s guiding principles for adapting to sea level rise and protecting its coasts and the people and resources in the region.
Chesapeake Bay Foundation Virginia Executive Director Peggy Sanner released the following statement.
“Virginia has much at risk as threats from rising sea levels, flooding, and extreme weather increase. We have the opportunity to lead the way on resilience. Virginia’s new coastal master planning framework wisely highlights nature-based responses that increase resilience while protecting waterways from pollution and creating habitat for wildlife. It is encouraging to see that this planning framework recognizes the need to ensure equity is built into Virginia’s resilience programs. We must prevent vulnerable and marginalized communities from bearing the brunt of these threats.
“We applaud Governor Northam for his Administration’s leadership on these critical issues. We look forward to robust public input in developing the plan at a series of community engagement roundtables, and to working with the Administration and other stakeholders as this program develops.”