CBF Statement on Rep. McEachin Environmental Justice Legislation

This week Reps. Donald McEachin and Raul Grijalva released a draft of the Environmental Justice for All Act, which would help protect minority and low-income communities that disproportionately suffer health risks from pollution.

Chesapeake Bay Foundation Federal Executive Director Jason Rano issued the following statement.

“Everyone has a right to clean water and air, no matter who you are or where you live. Congressmen McEachin and Grijalva are taking important steps towards meaningful action on environmental justice. This will protect our most vulnerable communities from pollution and ensure healthier local rivers and the Chesapeake Bay.
“Congressman McEachin has once again shown his longstanding leadership on the environment and Chesapeake Bay restoration, which stretches back to his time in Virginia’s General Assembly. In Congress recently, McEachin has strongly advocated for increased funding for the Chesapeake Bay Program, introduced legislation to ban oil and gas drilling off the Atlantic Coast, and supported alternative energy to address climate change.”
Lisa Caruso 90x110

Lisa Caruso

Washington, D.C. Communications & Media Relations Manager, CBF

[email protected]

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