CBF Opposes Pipeline’s Buckingham Compressor Station Permit

The Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) has submitted comments to the Virginia Air Pollution Control Board opposing the draft permit for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline's proposed natural gas compressor station in Buckingham County, Virginia. CBF Vice President for Litigation Jon Mueller issued the following statement.

"The proposed permit for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline compressor station in Buckingham County is simply not strong enough to protect health, the environment, and public safety. This facility is a risky venture that would send massive amounts of pollution into Virginia's air and local rivers, streams, and the Chesapeake Bay.
"Minority communities would bear the brunt of the risks and health threats from the compressor station. This facility is slated to be built in a rural African American community and homes lie just yards away from the site. The permit application process has not given any reason for why such a large facility is needed there.
"Virginia's Air Pollution Control Board can and must deny the Buckingham compressor station permit."

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