Candidates for Anne Arundel County Executive to Discuss Environment at Sept. 17 Forum

(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—The two candidates running for Anne Arundel County Executive—Republican incumbent Steve Schuh and Democratic challenger Steuart Pittman—are scheduled to meet at a forum Sept. 17 to discuss their environmental policies.

The public forum will take place from 7 to 8 p.m. at the Chesapeake Bay Foundation headquarters at 6 Herndon Ave. in Annapolis.

The forum is being co-sponsored by Chesapeake Bay Foundation, the Anne Arundel County Alliance for Livable Communities, and the League of Women Voters of Anne Arundel County Education Fund.

Josh Davidsburg, a journalism professor at the University of Maryland, will moderate the forum and ask questions on topics such as smart growth development, forest conservation, oyster restoration, Chesapeake Bay health, and urban and suburban water runoff. At the forum, members of the public can submit questions they'd like the candidates to answer.

The event is one of a series of candidate forums Chesapeake Bay Foundation is helping to organize in Maryland that are scheduled to take place in September and October in advance of the state's Nov. 6 General Election.

CBF is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and does not endorse or oppose any candidates in an election.

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