Professional Learning Credits

Professional Learning Credit_Ken Slazyk 1171x593

Hands-on field experiences are supported by thoughtful curriculum discussion, which allows participating educators to successfully complete their course projects and earn professional learning credit.

Ken Slazek/CBF Staff

Professional Learning Credit

Chesapeake Classrooms participants are eligible to receive continuing education credit or documentation of contact hours for successful course completion. Credit documents for summer courses are issued by the end of October to allow for the review and feedback of course projects. Before course participation, please obtain approval for credit and reimbursement to ensure that the course meets your professional goals. 

Successful Course Completion

  • Attend an Orientation:  Participation in one pre-course, virtual meeting is required and will provide important information about the course and project.
  • Participate in a Course:  Participants are expected to engage in each day of the course thoughtfully and actively as demonstrated through discussions, hands-on investigations, and a personal course journal. 
  • Complete a Project:  Each course participant is expected to design a plan for developing a Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience (MWEE) with their students using the Environmental Literacy Model (ELM). Participants are required to submit their completed project through their course's Google Classroom within 2 weeks of course completion.

Credit Documents

  • District of Columbia:  Washington, D.C. teachers are eligible for documentation of contact hours based on course length; typically, 1-day and associated project work = 8 credit hours.
  • Maryland:  Maryland teachers are eligible for 3 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) credits from the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE). Chesapeake Classrooms Professional Learning Institute MSDE CPD #21-66-01R (5-day courses only). School Leaders Environmental Leadership Program MSDE CPD #19-68-11. 
  • Pennsylvania:  Pennsylvania teachers are eligible for Act 48 credit hours based on course length; typically, 1-day and associated project work = 8 credit hours.
  • Virginia:  Virginia teachers are eligible for documentation of contact hours based on course length; typically, 1-day and associated project work = 8 credit hours.

Graduate Credit 

Participants in all 5-day Chesapeake Classrooms courses are available for graduate credit from Mary Baldwin University (MBU). Additional tuition fees and course work are required. Summer 2024 Chesapeake Classrooms courses are considered part of the fall 2024 semester. Transcripts will be available in December 2024.

  • Fee:  Cost of graduate credit is in addition to CBF course fees. The 2023 MBU tuition rate for 3 graduate credits was $802 ($742 for 3 credits, plus $60 standard technology fee). Updated fees will be posted soon.
  • Requirements:  See the 2024 MBU Chesapeake Classrooms Course ED626 Syllabus for the additional requirements needed to be eligible for graduate credit. 
  • Registration:  Registration documents for 2024 are not yet available. View the 2023 Registration Information for insight on graduated credit.

MBU Master of Education in Authentic Learning and Leadership (MEd) 

Questions about credit? Contact [email protected].

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