Participant Testimonials


Students hold a hellbender during a summer leadership course in 2013.

CBF Staff

Here are just a few of the comments we've received from educators and students about our programs.

What they're saying about Chesapeake Classrooms:

"Getting teachers together on the Bay is an invaluable experience. I learned so much from colleagues, resource people, and CBF staff. My favorite part was talking to the island watermen. I learned many interesting things I'll share with classes for years to come."
~ Sally Richardson, Northhampton High School

"Even though I have been bringing students on CBF trips since 1993, this was my first teacher training course [with CBF]. The learning experiences were great, and I found many new ideas to connect my students to the Bay."
~ Alan Hammond, Allegheny High School

"This was the best class I've ever taken! Not only did I learn a tremendous amount of information, but it was a life changing experience. The total immersion into this area gave me a completely new perspective."
~ Amy Glover, Middlesex Elementary School

"I truly feel such gratitude for being able to participate and I am much better prepared and equipped to educate students about the Bay."
~ Margaret Higdon, Davidsonville Elementary

What they're saying about our student field programs:

"This trip was a FANTASTIC experience for my students! Each activity at Clagett built upon and reinforced concepts we had covered in class. My dream is to see our students be involved in some restoration projects, and to see them encouraging better stewardship in their homes."
~ Andrea Summers, Ruxton Country School

"We thought this was the most amazing, educational, fun field trip ever. It was a perfect culmination to our SOL units on Life Processes and Living Systems. It provided a wonderful introduction to SOL 4.8 on VA's Natural Resources. Our students learned a lot and have a new respect for VA's waters."
~ Patti Campbell, Guy K. Stump Elementary

"My 20 students were so excited and ready after this trip to go back to school and really teach the 80 others who could not go everything they learned about the Bay. The enthusiasm spread like an epidemic of 'Save the Bay' passion throughout our entire sixth grade...The lessons learned on these CBF trips will never be forgotten. By sharing stories of real life experiences close to nature my students became stewards for conservation and environmental concern..."
~ Pat Berson, Kemps Landing Magnet School

"The staff/crew of the Stanley Norman were exceptional. My students immediately opened up to their outgoing personalities and their enthusiasm. They were able to draw so much out of my students and get maximum participation. My students learned exactly what I wanted them to learn and had so much fun doing it...This is a field trip well worth any of the logistics needed to plan for the trip and get the kids out of the building!!!"
~ Kathleen C.

"The kids loved the trip and said trip really helped them put 'everything' together that we learned and discussed..." Barbara Rathbone Frank, Penn Manor High School

"Numerous students and parents gave me great comments--that they were engaged and really learned a lot. I think CBF has hit the nail on the head with the approach of mixing outdoor fun with environmental ed."
~ Jen Lentek, Harrisburg Academy

"We would like to specifically extend our appreciation to (CBF Staff).... Their leadership, enthusiasm and skills in working with all types of learners made our experience outstanding."
Mark Riccobono, National Federation of the Blind

"Thank you so much for making our trip both educational and relaxing. On the way home, my ninth grade passengers couldn't stop talking about what fun it was. Every other sentence started with "And another cool thing" -- they are already thinking of ways to get the trip sponsored so we can come back next year."
~ Angelin Tubman, Montgomery Blair High School

"It is the most fun! Sometimes I feel like I am pulling teeth in the classroom to get answers out of my kids, but Gwen and Brooke have them spitting the answers out all day!"
~ Stephanie Riddell, Virginia Beach

What they're saying about our student leadership programs:

"I loved going to the different places, like the chicken factory and the trout farm and the logging company. Seeing how all these things affect the Bay is amazing."
~ 2008 participant

"The integration of physical/mental challenges into the trip brought us all closer together. I've never done something so incredible and I've never done anything that's given me such a clear ability to look at myself, and for that, thank you!"
~ 2008 participant

"My favorite part of the trip was canoeing along the Susquehanna River. It was so cool to go snorkeling and see the diverse marine life."
~ 2008 participant

"I had a great time at Port Isobel. Thank you for showing us around the island and teaching us all of the cool things about the Bay. My favorite parts of the trip were the night hike and building the shelters on the beach."
~ Trey

"Thank you for providing such an awesome experience on the skipjack boat. You three were an amazing crew who taught me more than I ever thought I could know about water quality, sea animals, and the health of the Chesapeake Bay in general. I can't remember any other field trip where I had so much fun learning."
~ Jenny, Penn Manor High School

"I was amazed that there is something as big and diverse as the Bay so close to D.C...The sunrise was the first one I have seen in a long time...You can't see a sunrise in the city. The night sky was also very different from the city. Lately in D.C. no stars have been visible at all. On Port Isobel we found a huge number of constellations, some of which I never knew existed, like Draco."
~ Will, National Cathedral School

"I had so much fun. My favorite part was walking in the marsh. I don't think I ever would have done that on my own... I got more out of our trip than I had ever expected."
~ Hannah, DC School Student

"My son learned so much and came away with a greater appreciation for the environment and his impact on it. Cassie and Carrie did an excellent job. We'd love to do another trip and we're sharing our experiences with others."
~ Parent of homeschoolers, Montgomery County, MD

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Save the Bay

Founded in 1967, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) is the largest independent conservation organization dedicated solely to saving the Bay.

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