Resources and Information About Stormwater Management and Green Infrastructure

Resources for Residents | Resources for Municipalities & Consultants | Maintenance Fact Sheets | Reports & Case Studies | Websites

 Resources for Residents

There are many things homeowners can do to.....


Resources for Municipalities & Consultants

Seven Focus Areas for a Quality Urban Municipal Stormwater Plan to Reduce Pollutants
The Pennsylvania Stormwater Workgroup of the Campaign for Clean Water encourages citizen-based groups interested in local watershed health, DEP permit reviewers, and municipal stormwater managers to use this outline to guide Pollutant Reduction Plan development, review, and evolution through the five-year permit cycle. Download PDF

Best Practices Guide for Stormwater Utilities, Fees, and Authorities
This 8-page guide by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation includes best practices in public education and outreach; fair local ordinances and state statutes; setting budgets and fees; innovative financing; and implementing effective programs. Download PDF

Finding the Green!
A guide to Pennsylvania state funding opportunities for conservation, recreation, and preservation projects. Download PDF

Navigating the Stormwaters
What's available where for stormwater management within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed—a companion piece to the Finding the Green Guide Download PDF

EPA's Green Infrastructure website includes resources, webcasts, case studies, partnership opportunities and a listserv featuring updates on publications, training, and funding opportunities.

The BUBBAs is the website for the Chesapeake Stormwater Network's "Best Urban BMP in the Bay Awards" (BUBBA). The BUBBAs recognize innovators in the field in the Chesapeake Bay watershed and share techniques for the challenges of urban and residential stormwater management.

Keystone 10 Million Trees Partnership is a collaborative effort of national, regional, state and local agencies, conservation organizations, outdoors enthusiasts, businesses, and citizens committed to improving Pennsylvania's communities, economy, and ecology by planting 10 million trees throughout the Commonwealth. Visit the site to learn more about the importance of trees and how you can join.

The Connecticut Nonpoint Education for Municipal Officials website provides information, education and assistance to local land use officials and other community groups on how they can accommodate growth while protecting their natural resources and community character. Check out the National NEMO Network for more resources.

MS4 Webinar Archive
CBF held these webinars for various locales in Pennsylvania and Virginia. They include webinar recordings and referenced downloadable documents. We encourage you to browse these resources and hope you will find some information or ideas to assist in your efforts.


Green Infrastructure Maintenance Fact Sheets

Information on low-impact, environmentally sensitive, and green infrastructure practices, designs, and potential funding options.

Dry Well Maintenance Download PDF

Infiltration Trench Maintenance Download PDF

Stormwater Pond Maintenance Download PDF

Rain Barrel Maintenance Download PDF

Underground Hydrodynamic Separators Maintenance Download PDF

Pervious Pavement Maintenance Download PDF

Vegetated Swale Maintenance Download PDF

Maintenance Summary
Recommended maintenance timeframes for bioretention areas and rain gardens, rain barrels, green roofs, permeable pavement, dry wells, and tree boxes. Download PDF


Reports & Case Studies

Polluted Runoff: How Investing in Runoff Pollution Control Systems Improves the Chesapeake Bay Region's Ecology, Economy, and Health  Download PDF
Chesapeake Bay Foundation, January 2014

Holistically Analyzing the Benefits of Green Infrastructure: Guidance for Local Governments  Download PDF
University of Maryland Environment Finance Center, October 2017
This report provides information about the direct benefits and co-benefits of green infrastructure for water and air quality, habitat, wildlife, people, and communities.

The Value of Green Infrastructure: A Guide to Recognizing Its Economic, Environmental and Social Benefits  Download PDF
The Center for Neighborhood Technology and American Rivers

Paying for the Rain: The Evolution of Stormwater Fees in the United States, 1964-2017  Download PDF 
Brian Alexander Chalfant, University of Pittsburgh

Community Solutions to Stormwater Management
Community strategies and links to case studies.

A Little City With Big Plans to Minimize Stormwater Pollution
A case study of Lancaster, Pa.

Brubaker Run Floodplain Restoration 
Case study of Lime Spring Square in East Hempfield Township, Pa.

As flood risks intensify, stormwater utilities offer a more resilient solution
Brookings Institute, The Avenue


Bay Issues: Polluted Runoff

International Stormwater Best Management Practices Database Project

EPA Low Impact Development "Barrier Busters" Fact Sheet Series 

Cumberland County: Clean Your Water

Chesapeake Stormwater Network

The Center for Watershed Protection

Low Impact Development Center

Low Impact Development Urban Design Tools

The Role of Trees and Forests in Healthy Watersheds

Artful Stormwater Design 

Stormwater PA 

Save it Lancaster!

Trees Tame Stormwater

Villanova Urban Stormwater Partnership

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Founded in 1967, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) is the largest independent conservation organization dedicated solely to saving the Bay.

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