MS4 Webinars and Community Resources

Municipal Separate Storm Sewer (MS4) programs are stormwater programs required by the federal Clean Water Act. Municipal separate storm sewer systems collect polluted runoff that would otherwise make its way into local waterways. These webinars are offered as part of CBF's on-going commitment to helping communities reduce stormwater pollution.

Check our collection of additional resources, documents, and websites.

Archived Webinars

CBF held the following webinars for various locales in Pennsylvania and Virginia. They include webinar recordings and referenced downloadable documents. We encourage you to browse these resources and hope you will find some information or ideas to assist in your efforts.

JULY 2014

CBF hired the Williamsburg Environmental Group (now part of Stantec), to provide assistance to the City of Falls Church and the City of Lynchburg in preparing to meet new requirements under their Virginia Small MS4 permits. For Lynchburg, the project helped develop a public outreach and education plan. For Falls Church, the project helped develop standard operating procedures, tools, spreadsheets, and reporting mechanisms to capture its progress on meeting MS4 permit requirements, from education and outreach to nutrient management and Best Management Practices (BMPs) on the land. Two free webinars are now offered to provide municipalities with information on these kinds of activities.

"Local Record-Keeping, Tracking, and Operating Procedures for Compliance with the MS4 Permit"

This webinar offered the City of Falls Church guidance on developing standard operating procedures, tools, spreadsheets, and reporting mechanisms to capture progress in meeting MS4 permit requirements. Referenced documents are available for download:

"Developing a Public Education and Outreach Plan Under the MS4 Permit"

This webinar offered the City of Lynchburg guidance on developing a public outreach and education plan. Referenced documents are available for download:


JUNE 2014

In June 2014,  CBF and the Center for Watershed Protection  (CWP) offered two free webinars for Pennsylvania municipal officials and engineers in Blair and York Counties. The webinars assisted officials in developing Chesapeake Bay pollution reduction plans and local TMDL plans, both related to municipal stormwater permitting requirements.

CBF and CWP have been assisting communities in York and Blair Counties to develop their stormwater pollution reduction plans. The two webinars provide data and details, and  also spotlight the stormwater successes happening in York and Blair counties.

"Pennsylvania Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) TMDL Planning"

This webinar offers details and suggestions for developing MS4 TMDL plans. Suggestions and examples are based on the innovative approaches being taken by 12 municipalities in Blair County to develop their MS4 TMDL Plan. 

"Chesapeake Bay Pollution Reduction Plan Development for PA Jurisdictions"

This webinar offers details and suggestions for developing Chesapeake Bay Pollution Reduction plans. Recommendations are based on the successful and innovative approaches taken by 45 municipalities in York County. Together with the York County Planning Commission and other partners, these communities have developed a county-wide Chesapeake Bay Pollution Reduction Plan.

MARCH 2014

"MS4—Putting the Pieces Together"

This free Pennsylvania MS4 webinar was made possible by a grant from the William Penn Foundation and presented by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation Pennsylvania Office.This webinar provides

  • an overview of the Chesapeake Bay TMDL and Pennsylvania's MS4 permit requirements;
  • resources available to help local Pennsylvania government officials, technical staff, and communities comply with those requirements;
  • and a discussion of developing an effective public education and outreach program.

"Estimating Pollutant Loads & Managing BMPs"

This free Pennsylvania MS4 webinar was made possible by a grant from the William Penn Foundation and presented by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation Pennsylvania Office.

This webinar provides

  • an overview of a sampling of water quality models and tools available to estimate baseline pollutant loads;
  • general input data requirements for developing models;
  • and the pros and cons associated with each model.


Fact sheets and other resources on low-impact, environmentally sensitive, and green infrastructure practices, designs, and potential funding options.

"Seven Focus Areas for a Quality Urban Municipal Stormwater Plan to Reduce Pollutants"
The Pennsylvania Stormwater Workgroup of the Campaign for Clean Water encourages citizen-based groups interested in local watershed health, DEP permit reviewers, and municipal stormwater managers to use this outline to guide Pollutant Reduction Plan development, review, and evolution through the five-year permit cycle. Download PDF

"Best Practices Guide for Stormwater Utilities, Fees, and Authorities"
This 8-page guide by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation includes best practices in public education and outreach; fair local ordinances and state statutes; setting budgets and fees; innovative financing; and implementing effective programs. Download PDF

"Virginia Conservation Assistance Program Implementation and Design Manual"
The manual (and associated VCAP Program) were developed as a project of the Urban Committee of the Virginia Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts. Participating Soil and Water Conservation Districts are Thomas Jefferson, Culpeper, Hanover-Caroline, and Piedmont. The manual is divided into two parts. Part I deals with the development and implementation of  a pilot program being carried out in the Culpeper, Hanover-Caroline, Piedmaont, and Thomas Jefferson Soil and Water Conservation Districts. Part II contains design standards developed for different Best Management Practices (BMPs). The manual is available on the Thomas Jefferson Soil & Water Conservation District website at

PDF documents to download


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