Brock Climate Lecture Series

Join us as we bring together a diverse group of community members to share their expertise and insights on the critical issue of climate change and its impact on the Chesapeake Bay.

March 19: Climate Change: Keeping Our Community Safe and Prosperous

April 2: Climate Impacts in Hampton Roads: Adapting with a Nature-Based Approach
Details and registration

May 14: Renewable Energy Solutions

June 11: Climate Challenges (& Solutions) Facing Virginia's Tribes

July 8: Upland Solutions—Cooling Our Cities (Heat Island Effects, Strategies to Cool Cities with Tree Canopy, etc.)

August 12: Coastal Solutions—Protecting Our Shores

September (tbd): Federal and Regional Approaches to Climate Change

October 8: The Impacts of Climate on Fisheries Issues

November 12: Climate Impacts and the Way Forward

The Bay Needs You

The State of the Bay Report makes it clear that the Bay needs our support now more than ever. Your donation helps the Chesapeake Bay Foundation maintain our momentum toward a restored Bay, rivers, and streams for today and generations to come.

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Founded in 1967, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) is the largest independent conservation organization dedicated solely to saving the Bay.

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