Chesapeake Classrooms


Hands on learning is a hallmark of all CBF environmental education programs, from the youngest students to the most seasoned educators.

Kenny Fletcher

Join us for a summer professional learning adventure! Chesapeake Classrooms courses are designed to model a Meaningful Watershed Educational Experiences (MWEEs) through participant-driven field experiences and authentic research. Each course equips teachers with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to create and implement their own MWEE. Collaborate with a community of educators in an immersive, joyful, and supportive outdoor environment.

2025 Chesapeake Classroom Courses

Registration is now open! The following information applies to all courses. For more information, please contact the Chesapeake Classrooms team, 410-268-8816.

Important Information

Course Credit

Upon successful course completion, participants may be eligible for continuing education credit or contact hours. Graduate credit may also be available for some courses and requires additional forms and fees. See details on the Professional Learning Credits page.


Many courses are designed to meet the needs of a specific school district. However, there are several courses open to any teacher in DC, MD, VA, PA. Review the Course List below for details.


Attendance at an orientation is required prior to your course. Dates and times will be provided.


Generous support from donors and grants allows us to offer each Chesapeake Classrooms course at a discounted rate. Additional school system discounts and teacher scholarships may be available. See course registration pages for details. Unless otherwise stated, lodging and transportation are not included.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations made six weeks before a course's start date will receive a full refund minus a $75 processing fee. No refunds will be granted within six weeks of the course's start date; however, we are happy to transfer registration to another course if space allows. All cancellation and transfer requests must be made in writing and sent to the Chesapeake Classrooms team.

Registration Deadline

Course registration will close three weeks prior to the course start date.

2025 Course List

The following is a list of available courses, grouped by week. An asterisk (*) indicates course registration is open to any teacher in DC, MD, VA, PA. Select the course title to view the details and register.

Week of June 22-28

Week of July 6-12

Week of July 13-19

Week of July 20-26

Week of July 27-August 2

  • Prince William Watershed Investigations and Actions - 3 days
  • Teachers on the Estuary: Science and Social Emotional Learning* - 5 days
  • Week of August 3-9

    Week of August 10-16

    Tuesday, June 24–Thursday, June 26
    James River: Tidal Exploration
    Open to all teachers in DC, MD, VA, PA.
    Natural beauty and ecological diversity are abundant in the Tri-Cities area of Virginia. How can we use these amazing outdoor spaces as classrooms that spark wonder and curiosity in learning? Join the Chesapeake Bay Foundation for three full days of field-based studies where we will explore habitats along the James River and their connection to our students in and out of the classroom. Experience the wonder of watershed ecology firsthand while studying the plants and animals that call the Tri-Cities area home. Learn how humans impact the environment, and which actions can improve and strengthen our relationship with the natural world. Find joy in outdoor discovery with a community of educators and support the development of school environmental literacy plans in your own community.
    Length & Location: Three days of collaborative, outdoor learning on the tidal portion of the James River in the Tri-Cities area of Virginia. Please note, teachers from outside the course location area are encouraged to register but are responsible for their own travel and accommodation.
    Cost: $375. Additional discounts are available for Prince George, Colonial Heights, Hopewell, and Petersburg teachers.
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    Monday, June 23–Friday, June 27
    Montgomery County: Exploring Climate and Environmental Justice
    Open to teachers in Montgomery County, MD.
    Engage students in the story of a changing climate and environmental justice in Montgomery County and the Chesapeake Bay. Join the Lathrop E. Smith Environmental Education Center and the Chesapeake Bay Foundation in this study of our local environment and the people who call it home. This five-day experience is a hands-on exploration of the ecological and social impacts of climate change, and community resiliency surrounding climate change. The course will model the practice of student inquiry and problem-solving. Montgomery County teachers in all content areas and grade levels are encouraged to participate to enhance the cross-curricular experience.
    Length & Location: Five days of collaborative, outdoor learning in Montgomery County, MD.
    Cost: $75, reduced fee thanks in part to a grant from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute through the Inclusive Learning Group.
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    Monday, June 23–Friday, June 27
    Wicomico County Watershed: Inspiration for Learning and Leading
    Open to all teachers in Wicomico County, MD.
    Experience the joy of learning, and design opportunities to connect students to outdoor investigations and community actions on this five-day immersive learning experience. This course will investigate the connections between nature, culture, and history of Wicomico County using interdisciplinary and multimodal approaches. Together we will develop creative practices to foster environmental literacy and student engagement in the classroom. This course will include two days of local exploration, then the chance to travel to the Blackwater Wildlife Refuge to investigate the salt marshes and Chesapeake Bay.
    Length & Location: Five days of collaborative, outdoor learning. Monday-Tuesday in Wicomico County, MD. Wednesday-Friday at CBF’s Karen Noonan Memorial Environmental Education Center for a residential experience. We will prepare and clean up meals as a group. Shared dorm-style housing, food, and cooking supplies are provided while at the center.
    Cost: $575. Additional discounts are available for Wicomico County teachers.
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    Monday, July 7–Friday, July 11
    Capitol Area Watershed Exploration
    Open to all teachers in DC, MD, VA, PA.
    Can we deepen our understanding of urban watershed health through exploring the diverse waterways of our nation's capital region, the District of Columbia? In this innovative five-day professional learning experience, teachers will investigate the dynamic relationships between city landscapes and water systems while exploring D.C.'s unique watershed environments. Reignite your curiosity through hands-on field experiences, expert-led investigations, and meaningful discussions about urban environmental challenges and environmental justice. Through a blend of virtual learning and field experiences, cultivate a deeper understanding of how urban watersheds function; the varied impacts of human activity; and authentic actions that can create positive change in our classrooms, homes, and communities. Work alongside local experts to discover effective ways of engaging students in watershed education and environmental stewardship that connect them to their local environment.
    Length & Location: Five days of collaborative, outdoor learning. Monday-Tuesday synchronous online learning. Wednesday-Friday in-person, in and around Washington, D.C. Please note, teachers from outside the course location area are encouraged to register but are responsible for their own travel and accommodation.
    Cost: $575. Discounts are available for D.C. and Prince George's County teachers. Teacher scholarships also available. See registration page for details.
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    Monday, July 7–Friday, July 11
    Montgomery County: Thinking Like a Watershed
    Open to teachers in Montgomery County, MD.
    Tell the story of your local environment. Discover who the characters are, what the plotline is, how points-of-view shift the narrative, and what themes and settings connect to your community. Join the Lathrop E. Smith Center and the Chesapeake Bay Foundation for five full days of outdoor learning with two days of local discovery and three days of Bay exploration and curriculum connections. Field-based investigations will introduce you to the plants and animals that share our watershed. Dive into the past, present, and future while learning how to elevate student voices as the storytellers of their local environment and community. Montgomery County teachers in all content areas and grade levels are encouraged to participate to enhance the cross-curricular experience.
    Length & Location: Five days of collaborative, outdoor learning. Monday-Tuesday in Montgomery County, MD. Wednesday-Friday at CBF’s Karen Noonan Environmental Education Center for a residential experience. We will prepare and clean up meals as a group. Shared dorm-style housing, food, and cooking supplies are provided while at the center.
    Cost: $75, reduced fee thanks in part to a grant from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute through the Inclusive Learning Group.
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    Tuesday, July 8–Thursday, July 10
    Pennsylvania Forests and Rivers Exploration
    Open to all teachers in DC, MD, VA, PA.
    How can we inspire student action that conserves and protects our neighborhoods and our watershed? Use interdisciplinary and multimodal approaches to investigate the connections between nature, culture, and history of south-central Pennsylvania. Throughout the course, we will develop creative practices to foster environmental literacy and student engagement in the classroom. We will begin with a local exploration at Sachs Bridge, then travel to Codorus State Park to investigate the intersection between culture and ecology and its influence on the Chesapeake Bay. Experience the joy of learning, and design opportunities to connect students to outdoor investigations and community actions.
    Length & Location: Three days of collaborative, outdoor learning in and around Gettysburg, PA. Please note, teachers from outside the course location area are encouraged to register but are responsible for their own travel and accommodation.
    Cost: $375. Additional discounts are available for Pennsylvania teachers.
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    Monday, July 14–Friday, July 18
    Chesapeake Bay Exploration: Science and Mindfulness
    Open to all teachers in DC, MD, VA, PA.
    As the largest estuary in the country, the Chesapeake Bay is a vast outdoor classroom abundant in wildlife, habitats, and teachable moments. Join the Chesapeake Bay Foundation for a five-day study of the science and mindfulness found at the heart of the Bay. Participants will spend two days in a virtual class setting learning introductory Bay science, mindfulness applications for the classroom, and the Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience framework. The final three days of the course will take place on Smith Island, a historic fishing village in the heart of the Bay. Through hands-on, place-based field investigations, participants will experience the beauty and challenges facing the Chesapeake, all while learning the benefits environmental education has on student engagement, mental health and wellbeing, and community connection.
    Length & Location: Five days of collaborative, outdoor learning. Monday-Tuesday synchronous online learning. Wednesday-Friday at CBF’s Smith Island Environmental Education Center for a residential experience. We will prepare and clean up meals as a group. Shared dorm-style housing, food, and cooking supplies are provided while at the center.
    Cost: $575. See the registration page for information about teacher scholarships.
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    Monday, July 14–Friday, July 18
    Newport News Climate Change Investigations and Actions
    Open to teachers in Newport News, VA.
    Description to come.
    Registration opens soon.
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    Monday, July 14–Friday, July 18
    Prince George’s County Climate Action Chesapeake Exploration
    Open to teachers in Prince George’s County, MD.
    Immerse yourself in the Chesapeake Bay's diverse ecosystems through a transformative blend of hands-on exploration with cutting-edge climate science in partnership with Prince George’s County Public Schools and the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. From salt marsh investigations in Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge to collaborative research with University of Maryland scientists, you will gain practical field techniques and classroom strategies that bring environmental education alive. Through boat-based water quality testing, marsh walks, and expert-led discussions, you will develop a deeper understanding of the climate change impacts on local ecosystems while building a toolkit of classroom-ready resources. This unique five-day experience, split between UMD College Park, CBF’s Karen Noonan Memorial Environmental Education Center, and a virtual curriculum-focused session, will empower you to connect your students with authentic environmental challenges and solutions in their own backyard.
    Length & Location: Five days of collaborative, outdoor learning. Monday in Prince George’s County, MD. Tuesday-Thursday at CBF’s Karen Noonan Memorial Environmental Education Center for a residential experience. We will prepare and clean up meals as a group. Shared dorm-style housing, food, and cooking supplies are provided while at the center. Friday will be spent learning synchronously online.
    Cost: $575. Additional discounts are available for Prince George’s County teachers.
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    Thursday, July 17–Saturday, July 19
    Worcester County to Tangier Island
    Open to teachers in Worcester County, MD.
    How can we use the tidal marshes, maritime forests, and estuarine beaches of the Eastern Shore as beneficial outdoor classrooms and create curricular inspiration that spark wonder and curiosity in learning? Join CBF and fellow Worcester County teachers for three full days of field-based study in the heart of the Chesapeake and CBF’s Port Isobel Island Environmental Education Center near Tangier Island, VA. There we will explore the unique and varied habitats and history of the Chesapeake Bay. Participants will experience the wonder of watershed ecology firsthand while studying the plants and animals of the Bay’s brackish water system. Be a part of developing the plan to integrate environmental literacy throughout a student’s education with Worcester County Public Schools.
    Length & Location: Three days of collaborative, outdoor learning at CBF’s Port Isobel Island Environmental Education Center for a residential experience. We will prepare and clean up meals as a group. Shared dorm-style housing, food, and cooking supplies are provided while at the center.
    Cost: $375. Additional discounts are available for Worcester County teachers.
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    Tuesday, July 22–Thursday, July 24
    Lancaster Watershed Exploration
    Open to all teachers in DC, MD, VA, PA.
    How can we inspire student action that conserves and protects our neighborhood and our watershed? Use interdisciplinary and multimodal approaches to investigate the connections between nature, ecology, and history of the Lancaster, Pennsylvania area. Throughout this three-day course, we will develop creative practices to foster environmental literacy and student engagement in the classroom. We will begin with local explorations and travel to field sites to investigate the intersection between ecology and history and its influence on the Chesapeake Bay. Experience the joy of learning and design opportunities to connect students to outdoor investigations and community actions.
    Length & Location: Three days of collaborative, outdoor learning in and around Lancaster, PA. Please note, teachers from outside the course location area are encouraged to register but are responsible for their own travel and accommodation.
    Cost: $375. Additional discounts are available for Pennsylvania teachers.
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    Monday, July 21–Friday, July 25
    Shenandoah Valley: Farm to Table and Clean Water
    Open to all teachers in DC, MD, VA, PA.
    How do streams, habitats, and sustainable farming practices in the Shenandoah Valley connect us to the larger Chesapeake Bay watershed? Join the Chesapeake Bay Foundation for an immersive exploration from the Valley to the Bay. Learn how local farmers markets and best management practices influence the ecology of the region and how they can inspire sustainable choices. Then investigate the habitats and community connections on Smith Island, MD, a small fishing village in the heart of the Bay. Gain an in-depth understanding of your connection to the watershed during this five-day course and learn how to use outdoor spaces to support student engagement, action, and your school’s environmental literacy plan.
    Length & Location: Five days of collaborative, outdoor learning. Monday-Tuesday in and around Rockingham County and Harrisonburg, VA. Wednesday-Friday at CBF’s Smith Island Environmental Education Center for a residential experience. We will prepare and clean up meals as a group. Shared dorm-style housing, food, and cooking supplies are provided while at the center. Please note, teachers from outside the course location area are encouraged to register but are responsible for their own travel and accommodation.
    Cost: $575. Discounts are available for Rockingham County teachers. Teacher scholarships also available. See registration page for details.
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    Tuesday, July 29–Thursday, July 31
    Prince William Watershed Investigation and Actions
    Open to teachers in Prince William County, VA.
    How can we inspire student engagement using the local environment? Join the Chesapeake Bay Foundation for three days of field-based investigations to answer this question in Prince William County. Learn from local experts and collaborate with colleagues. Explore the neighborhoods, habitats, and waterways of our local area and develop a connection to the wider watershed. Gain the skills and confidence needed to lead outdoor learning experiences for your students that are place-based, cross-curricular, and aligned with Prince William County’s Environmental Literacy goals.
    Length & Location: Three days of collaborative, outdoor learning in and around Prince William County, VA.
    Cost: $75. Reimbursement stipends are available for Prince William County Public School teachers.
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    Monday, July 28–Friday, August 1
    Teachers on the Estuary: Science and Social Emotional Learning
    Open to all teachers in DC, MD, VA, PA. If you are a non-formal educator interested in attending, please join our waitlist on the registration page. We will contact you in early July if a spot is available. Priority will be given to classroom teachers.
    Meaningful Watershed Education Experiences enliven learning and support social-emotional learning and wellness for students and teachers. This course is designed to model a Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience for middle and high school students through participant-driven field experiences and authentic research conducted by a community of educators in an immersive, joyful, and supportive environment. To best utilize our time together, participants are encouraged to complete the MWEE 101 online course prior to the in-person event. This dynamic five-day program to explore cultural coastal habitats and iconic communities is offered in collaboration with the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration and Maryland's Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve.
    Length & Location: Five days of collaborative, outdoor learning at CBF’s Karen Noonan Memorial Environmental Education Center for a residential experience. We will prepare and clean up meals as a group. Shared dorm-style housing, food, and cooking supplies are provided while at the center.
    Cost: $125. Reduced fee due to support from generous sponsors and Maryland's Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve.
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    Monday, August 4–Friday, August 8
    Exploring a Changing Chesapeake
    Open to all teachers in DC, MD, VA, PA.
    The health and productivity of the Chesapeake is dependent on the delicate balance of natural, social, and economic systems. How is climate change impacting those systems and how is the Chesapeake Bay responding? Join the Chesapeake Bay Foundation for a five-day immersive exploration of a changing Chesapeake. The course will begin with two days of synchronous online learning introducing participants to the largest estuary in the nation, current climate science, and the Meaningful Watershed Education Experience framework. The remainder of the course will take place at CBF’s residential island education center on Port Isobel, an island adjacent to Tangier Island, VA. Through hands-on investigations, participants will collect data, explore historic island communities, and discover how to make a positive impact on local environments from our classrooms and community spaces.
    Length & Location: Five days of collaborative, outdoor learning. Monday-Tuesday synchronous online learning. Wednesday-Friday at CBF’s Port Isobel Island Environmental Education Center for a residential experience. We will prepare and clean up meals as a group. Shared dorm-style housing, food, and cooking supplies are provided while at the center.
    Cost: $575. See the registration page for information about teacher scholarships.
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    Monday, August 4–Friday, August 8
    Marvelous Delmarva: Exploring the Eastern Shore
    Open to all teachers in DC, MD, VA, PA.
    Come explore the beautiful and diverse ecosystems of Maryland's Eastern Shore on foot and by canoe during this five-day immersive professional development experience. Connect local resources to classroom content and understand how to create rich learning experiences outside of the classroom using Maryland State Parks. The course will begin with two days of synchronous online learning introducing participants to watershed science and outdoor learning best practices. The remainder of the course will take place in-person at state parks on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. This course is designed to help you increase student engagement and set the stage for Meaningful Watershed Educational Experiences (MWEEs) in your own school community.
    Length & Location: Five days of collaborative, outdoor learning. Monday and Friday synchronous online learning. Tuesday-Thursday in-person at a mid-eastern shore state park for a residential cabin-camping experience. We will prepare and clean up meals as a group; food and cooking supplies are provided. Cabins are rustic. Bathroom facilities are located nearby, but not within cabins. Participants will need to pack sleeping pads and sleeping bags.
    Cost: $575. See the registration page for information about teacher scholarships.
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    Tuesday, August 5–Thursday, August 7
    Richmond City Watershed: Exploration and Action
    Open to all teachers in DC, MD, VA, PA.
    Come explore Richmond City and the surrounding watershed's unique natural and cultural heritage. On this three-day course, learn how to use the environment as a context for learning and engaging your students in meaningful outdoor learning experiences. We will investigate the water quality, wildlife, and habitats of Richmond’s parks and schoolyards. Consider and create new tools to jumpstart investigations, activate student voices, and inspire actions that support Richmond City students as they connect with and advocate for their local ecosystem.
    Length & Location: Three days of collaborative, outdoor learning in and around Richmond, VA. Please note, teachers from outside the course location area are encouraged to register but are responsible for their own travel and accommodation.
    Cost: $375. Additional discounts are available for Richmond City teachers.
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    Monday, August 4–Friday, August 8
    South Mountain Climate and Land Use Exploration
    Open to all teachers in DC, MD, VA, PA.
    How can we inspire student action that conserves and protects our neighborhood and our watershed? Use interdisciplinary and multimodal approaches to investigate the connections between nature, culture, and history of south-central Pennsylvania. Throughout the course, we will develop creative practices to foster environmental literacy and student engagement in the classroom. The five-day program will consist of local explorations that include a trip to the Carbaugh Run Rhyolite Quarry Site to investigate the intersection between culture and geology and its influence on the Chesapeake Bay. Experience the joy of learning, and design opportunities to connect students to outdoor investigations and community actions.
    Length & Location: Five days of collaborative, outdoor learning in and around Shippensburg, PA. Please note, teachers from outside the course location area are encouraged to register but are responsible for their own travel and accommodation.
    Cost: $575. Additional discounts are available for Pennsylvania teachers.
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    Monday, August 11–Friday, August 15
    Potomac River: Our Neighborhood, Our Watershed
    Open to all teachers in DC, MD, VA, PA.
    Inspire student action that conserves and protects water. Dive into this topic and your own watershed during a unique professional learning opportunity with the Lathrop E. Smith Environmental Education Center and the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. Begin with two days of local exploration in and around Montgomery County and Washington, D.C. Then travel down Maryland's Eastern Shore to CBF’s Karen Noonan Memorial Environmental Education Center to immerse yourself in Chesapeake Bay ecology. Teachers in all content areas and grade levels are encouraged to participate.
    Length & Location: Five days of collaborative, outdoor learning. Monday in Montgomery County, MD and Tuesday in Washington, DC. Wednesday-Friday at CBF’s Karen Noonan Memorial Environmental Education Center for a residential experience. We will prepare and clean up meals as a group. Shared dorm-style housing, food, and cooking supplies are provided while at the center. Please note, teachers from outside the course location area are encouraged to register but are responsible for their own travel and accommodation.
    Cost: $75, reduced fee thanks in part to a grant from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute through the Inclusive Learning Group.
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    Your donation helps the Chesapeake Bay Foundation maintain our momentum toward a restored Bay, rivers, and streams for today and generations to come.

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    Do you enjoy working with others to help clean the Chesapeake Bay? Do you have a few hours to spare? Whether growing oysters, planting trees, or advocating for a clean Bay, there are plenty of ways you can contribute.

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