Save the Bay Blog September 2024

  • Save the Bay News: Voting for the Bay

    September 27, 2024

    Stories, resources, and other things you need to know to vote for the Bay

  • The Bay Watershed's 11 Most Unexpected Places to Vote

    September 24, 2024

    What's it like to cast your vote at a whiskey distillery, nature center, or Pennsylvania Dutch Smorgasbord?

  • All for an Oyster

    September 18, 2024

    This past year, CBF and our partners added millions of baby oysters into Chesapeake Bay waters. Take a look into their journey. You may be surprised the lengths we’ll go to, all for an oyster.

  • This Is the Moment—To Think Big for the Chesapeake Bay

    September 12, 2024

    CBF President and CEO Hilary Harp Falk addresses why it's important the members of the Chesapeake Executive Council meet in December and recommit to a clean Bay.

  • Counteract Screen Time with Outdoor Learning

    September 9, 2024

    Time and again, research shows that spending time outside boosts material learned, improves attention and focus, and strengthens social skills.

  • Restoring a Spring on Family Land

    September 6, 2024

    Motivated by memories of the past and the desire to leave a legacy for the future, a West Virginia landowner's decision to restore a spring that starts on his family's farm has revived the brook trout population and made the water there and downstream cleaner in the present.

  • Maryland Has a Clear Path for Cleaner Waterways

    September 5, 2024

    Progress and potential. That is how the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) described current Chesapeake Bay cleanup efforts in its latest two-year milestone report. But with Maryland reporting 83 percent to 100 percent achievement toward its goals for nutrient and sediment pollution reduction, some might wonder—why aren’t we seeing more improvement in Bay water quality?


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