A Cleaner, Greener Future for Pennsylvania Is Within Our Reach

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Water cascades down the falls at Pennsylvania's Ricketts Glen State Park.

Josh Ulanoski

State legislators have the chance to enact change by passing the Clean Streams Fund.

I grew up outside the Wyoming Valley in northeast Pennsylvania. Like many children in the state, my childhood was made up of countless hours fishing, exploring creeks, and wandering the fields and forests that surrounded my rural home.

Doesn’t every Pennsylvanian deserve the opportunity to enjoy clean water where they live or play?

At CBF, we’ve spent the better part of the 2021–2022 Pennsylvania legislative session advocating for the Clean Streams Fund (House Bill 1901/Senate Bill 832). This critical bill would invest $250 million from the federal American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 to tackle the top three sources of pollution plaguing Pennsylvania’s local rivers and streams: agricultural runoff, acid mine drainage, and stormwater runoff from developed lands.

The highlight of the Clean Streams Fund is the Agricultural Conservation Assistance Program (ACAP). This proposed statewide program would provide resources to farmers to install conservation practices that work best for each farm.

The results: healthy soils, clean water, and thriving local economies to name a few—for the benefit of all Pennsylvanians.

Don’t just take our word for it: Advocates in Pennsylvania have been speaking up for months in support of ACAP and the Clean Streams Fund. Here’s what they had to say to legislators:

"This is a bill that I believe is necessary to reduce the impact of overabundance of nutrients in our streams, especially those that run to the Chesapeake Bay, causing damage to its capacity as a nursery for new aquatic and marine life. PA must work to reduce the eutrophication of our streams. As a volunteer involved in stream monitoring in PA, this is an issue very important to me. I am also a member of our town's Environmental Advisory Committee that has planted almost a thousand trees to improve the quality of the streams in our town and the larger watershed." —Carol

"I believe that clean water and healthy soils are of vital importance to the health, wellbeing, and quality of life of all Pennsylvanians. I run along, hike beside, and kayak on the Conodoguinet Creek regularly. But it's impaired and I would like to finally see it unlisted and in its healthiest capacity." —Trisha

"It is well known that transition to more green, less oil will help both jobs and profits. Nothing wrong with that." —Edward

"Having Pennsylvania's contribution to the cleanup of the Chesapeake Bay become a reality is within our reach...Our farmers are a very important part of the state's economy, and we need to encourage and support their efforts at conservation. It's a win-win!!" —Suzanne

The Clean Streams Fund is a once in a generation opportunity for cleaner waters, healthier lands, and a boost to state and local economies. While hundreds of Pennsylvania advocates have shown their support of the bill, a vocal minority opposes investing in it. We must continue to speak up and support passage of this critical legislation.

You Too Can Speak Up For the Clean Streams Fund!
Take Action

Harry Campbell 90x110

Harry Campbell

Director of Science Policy and Advocacy, CBF

[email protected]

Issues in this Post

Advocacy   Agriculture Cost-Share in Pennsylvania   Agriculture   Chesapeake Clean Water Blueprint   Water Quality   CBF in Pennsylvania  


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