Clean Water Advocacy: December 2022 Update
December 29, 2022
Though a slower season for advocacy, the past three months saw some important developments on clean water issues across the watershed.
A Fight for History in Hobson
December 21, 2022
Waterwoman and activist Mary Hill is fighting to restore her community’s rights and way of life in Hobson, Virginia.
Freshwater Lifelines
December 19, 2022
Habitat and clean water are the backbone of efforts to stem biodiversity loss in the Chesapeake’s rivers and streams. An important reminder as this month’s United Nations COP 15 Biodiversity Conference adjourns.
Save the Bay News: The Best of 2022
December 16, 2022
How do you sum up 2022? For the Chesapeake Bay, here are CBF's top stories of the year.
Pitching Plastic Bags
December 14, 2022
Plastic bags continue to choke our waterways and health. But there’s a solution!
Top Five Advocacy Wins for the Bay in 2022
December 12, 2022
We look back at what clean water advocates accomplished across the watershed this year.
Enjoying Oysters this Holiday Season?
December 9, 2022
Here are five things Capt. Karl wants you to know about storing oysters, keeping them fresh, and what to do with all those shells after your oyster roast.
Groundbreaking Greenhouse Gas-Reduction Program at Risk in Virginia
December 7, 2022
By ending participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, often called RGGI, Virginia would lose a key tool for reducing air pollution from power plants, which contributes to pollution to the Bay.
Save the Bay News: Urban Gardens, Toxic Cleanups, and Community Action
November 18, 2022
Our monthly roundup of engaging and educational content. This month we share resources for how you can get involved in speaking up for the Bay every day.
5-Millionth Tree Marks Milestone for Pennsylvania
November 10, 2022
Trees provide a plethora of benefits to waterways, farms, economies, and people. That makes them a powerful tool as Pennsylvania works to accelerate progress toward its clean water commitments.
It's Time to Finish Cleaning up Chesapeake Bay
November 8, 2022
Those who fight for clean water urge federal and watershed jurisdiction leaders to honor their legal and moral obligations to reduce pollution to the Bay.
Toxic Waste Hits Home in Hampton Roads
November 4, 2022
As EPA plans cleanup, pollution sparks concern in a Portsmouth community. High tides and heavy rains wash floodwaters over the contaminated site in low-lying Hampton Roads, polluting waterways, threatening wildlife, and creating a public health risk.
Let Leaves Be: Hibernation Season Is Near!
November 3, 2022
Letting fallen leaves stay on the ground provides a plethora of benefits to water quality and wildlife, including winter cover for butterflies, bees, and other beneficial pollinators.
A Bay Without Borders
November 1, 2022
Aquaculturist and activist Imani Black is changing the status quo in the oyster world.
Be the Change
October 27, 2022
For the Islamic Society of Baltimore's Green Team, caring for nature is caring for each other.
Save the Bay News: Environmental Rights, Wetland Fights, and Clean Water
October 21, 2022
Our monthly roundup of engaging and educational content. This month we look at a legislation model to advance clean water protections and climate action, the federal Clean Water Act, and a pivotal Supreme Court case that could jeopardize wetlands.
The More We Eat, the Less They Eat
October 20, 2022
The growing population of invasive blue catfish in the Bay spells trouble for species like blue crabs, but catching (and eating) them can help.
The Real Work of Clean Water
October 18, 2022
Fifty years after the passage of the landmark Clean Water Act, the restoration of rivers, streams, lakes, and coastal waters remains an ongoing and collective project.
To the Streams!
October 17, 2022
Baltimore City teachers and students are heading into the city's waterways as part of a new initiative that aims to overcome barriers to environmental education.
Two Jars of Water, and a Lasting Environmental Legacy for Pennsylvania
October 14, 2022
More than fifty years after the Pennsylvania constitution's Environmental Rights Amendment passed, Franklin L. Kury reflects on how the amendment continues to be a driver for protecting all Pennsylvanians' rights to clean water, air, and a healthy environment.
The Untold Story of One of The Most Successful Oystermen in Hampton
October 13, 2022
John Mallory Phillips—a successful waterman and businessman in the Hampton, Virginia, area at the turn of the last century—made leaps in the Black community at a time that lacked support or recognition for people of color.
An Open Letter on Holly Beach Farm
October 12, 2022
Honoring a property that deserves to be restored and conserved.
Roots in Rocky Soil
October 11, 2022
Trees, bees, and goats are all part of Tim Wagner's vision to build a farm and a community in central Pennsylvania.
Wetlands Are Waters, Too
September 29, 2022
An upcoming Supreme Court decision could determine the fate of thousands of acres of wetlands in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
Clean Water Advocacy: September 2022 Update
September 28, 2022
Salmon, trees, plastic bags, and more. And all with Election Day right around the corner.
Baltimore Needs Effective and Equitable Transit Infrastructure
September 22, 2022
CBF speaks up on the transit alternatives presented in MDOT MTA’s East-West Corridor Study.
Speaking for the Streams
September 20, 2022
Nancy Kelly has waded, assessed, and protected the Bay's rivers for decades.
Save the Bay News: An Ancient Fish in Danger, Farmer Funds, and Crabs
September 16, 2022
Our monthly roundup of engaging and educational content. This month we look into concerns over a proposed salmon factory, recent landmark federal legislation, crabs, and the latest survey of underwater grasses.
Successful Shorelines Require a Sea Change
September 15, 2022
Living shorelines of native plants are often more effective, and more cost-effective over the long run, than armoring shorelines with rocks, concrete or treated lumber.
Fall Birding on Island Time
September 13, 2022
CBF Educator Shayla Keller shares her love of birding on the Chesapeake and tips to enjoy the fall migratory season.
Underwater Grasses: How Are They Doing?
August 30, 2022
Underwater grasses are a critical habitat in the Bay and its tidal rivers. We asked Dr. Beth McGee for an update on their status and what it means for the health of the Bay.
Soil Your Undies for Science
August 25, 2022
In Pennsylvania, volunteers buried cotton underwear to explore their soil's health.
Lake Anna Added to Virginia Dirty Waters List
August 23, 2022
Algal blooms threaten a water lover's paradise.
An Ancient Fish in Danger
August 17, 2022
A proposed salmon factory puts Maryland's endangered Atlantic sturgeon population at risk.
Funding Farmers to Save the Bay
August 16, 2022
Big federal investment to fight climate change will help farmers too.
A Shellabration on Water
August 10, 2022
With oyster kayak tours, Hampton-based eco-tourism company Shored Up LLC celebrates the Bay’s favorite bivalve.
AquaCon's Proposed Salmon Farm is a Major Environmental Risk for Maryland
August 8, 2022
State regulators need to do more to protect surrounding communities and guarantee pollution in local waterways won't get worse.
The Future of Crownsville State Hospital as a Center for Nature and Healing
August 4, 2022
How a place with a dark past could be transformed into a refuge for nature and healing.
Pennsylvania Budget's Historic Investments In Clean Water Is A Watershed Moment
August 1, 2022
From the Capitol to croplands, making good on these landmark investments is vital to our health, economic well-being, and quality of life.
Talking Soil Health With 4 the Soil
July 28, 2022
CBF Watershed Restoration Specialist, Matt Kowalski speaks with Jeff Ishee and Eric Bendfeldt from the '4 the Soil: A Conversation' podcast, about soil health and water quality.
A Brighter Future for Pennsylvania Students
July 26, 2022
New education standards include critical environmental requirements for all Pennsylvania students.
Outdoor Experiences, The Antidote to Screen Time Overload
July 25, 2022
Hands-on outdoor education improves physical and mental health, builds social skills, enhances creativity and learning, and improves attention and focus.
Save the Bay News: Hurricanes, Heat Waves, and Unpaving Paradise
July 22, 2022
Our monthly roundup of engaging and educational content. This month we look at the impacts of climate change and the things we can do to make communities, and the Bay, more resilient.
Tracing a River's Rage
July 20, 2022
Kicking off a week-long exploration of the Chesapeake Bay, students connect the dots between climate change, communities, and water quality in Ellicott City, Maryland and beyond.
Here Comes the Story of a Hurricane
July 19, 2022
Fifty years ago last month, monster storm Agnes unleashed horror on the Chesapeake Bay region. That was just the beginning.
Catching a Heat Wave
July 18, 2022
The Chesapeake Bay is warming. Researchers are finding out why—and what a hotter future means.
To Unpave Paradise, Pull Up a Parking Lot
July 15, 2022
CBF and Branch's Baptist Church look to nature to solve environmental, health, and economic problems in Richmond.
Baltimore's Heat Islands Are a Problem, but New Tree Planting Efforts Could Help
July 14, 2022
The state's urban tree planting program presents an opportunity to deal with sweltering heat in the city.
Brotherly Love for Trees
July 12, 2022
Community activist Kiasha Huling finds trees are some of the best tools to combat Philadelphia's harmful 'heat islands'.
Summer Reading to Save the Bay
July 7, 2022
A CBF partnership with Montgomery County Public Libraries inspires children and teens to read, learn about the Bay, and help restore it.
Clean Water Advocacy: June 2022 Update
June 30, 2022
Our work to restore and protect the Bay and its rivers is off to a strong start this year. Here’s where things stand.
Let's Clean Up and Protect Western Pennsylvania's Waterways
June 29, 2022
We fouled our precious waterways, now it is time to clean them up. Over one-third of Pennsylvania's waters are impaired and western Pennsylvania's streams are no exception.
One Person, One Park, One Hour
June 27, 2022
Bay advocate Bill Hafker thinks beyond Clean the Bay Day.
Save the Bay News: All About Oysters
June 24, 2022
Our monthly roundup of engaging and educational content. This month we look at the importance of oysters and how we can restore and protect them.
Pass the Salt, Please
June 17, 2022
Oysters like things a little salty. So, what happens when the Bay gets fresh?
Four Faces of the Oyster Industry
June 16, 2022
From oyster farmers to oyster shuckers, we asked four different key figures in the industry about their journeys toward saving the Chesapeake Bay's beloved bivalve.
Eat Your Crabs, and Have Their Backs, Too
June 10, 2022
Blue crabs need our help and the most critical action we can take to help them is reducing the amount of pollution that flows into the bay.
Skies Clear in Pennsylvania as Volunteers Plant Thousands of Trees
June 8, 2022
Undampened spirit of volunteers and CBF staff quickly turn Keith Campbell Day of Service into 'Days' of service.
What to Do About Bay's Troubling Blue Crab Decline?
June 6, 2022
Two-prong approach needed to reverse decline of the iconic Chesapeake blue crab; scientists must research what's contributing to the species' decline, while fishery managers swiftly work to reverse it.
Infrastructure That Works for the Bay and for the People
June 3, 2022
The announcement from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency officials, increasing federal funding for Chesapeake Bay restoration earlier this month is cause for celebration, and reason to take careful note of what works.
Postcards from Paradise
May 27, 2022
Every summer, hundreds of teachers, principals, and administrators participate in a CBF's professional development immersion courses along the Bay and its rivers. In between testing water quality and setting crab pots, participants learn lessons to bring back to the classroom and fall in love with teaching again.
Save the Bay News: Headwaters, Hellbenders, and Stopping a Toxic Brew
May 20, 2022
Our monthly roundup of engaging and educational content. This month we look at the importance of headwaters and how we can restore and protect them.
Funding Crucial for the Future of Clean Water in Pennsylvania
May 20, 2022
The commonwealth's legislature has a once in a lifetime opportunity to act on its clean water commitment by passing the proposed spending budget and legislation to provide investments for critical financial and technical resources to farmers and communities for clean water.
Seeing the Watershed Anew
May 17, 2022
CBF President and CEO Hilary Harp Falk shares a new look at Bay restoration after an insightful first few months on the job.
A Symbol for Pennsylvania
May 16, 2022
The largest salamanders in North America were plentiful in the Bay watershed decades ago. Today, with their populations teetering and habitat facing multiple threats, the Eastern hellbender is still as charismatic and ugly a critter as ever.
When the Student Becomes the Teacher
May 12, 2022
As CBF holds a celebration marking the success of the Macon and Joan Brock Classroom, this is just one example of the many amazing ways our partnership with Virginia Beach City Public Schools is building the next generation of environmental leaders.
A Cleaner, Greener Future for Pennsylvania Is Within Our Reach
May 10, 2022
State legislators have the chance to enact change by passing the Clean Streams Fund.
Acid Mine Drainage: A Toxic Brew Flowing Downstream
May 6, 2022
The headwaters of Kittanning Run are like other coldwater fisheries in Pennsylvania. The stream is clear and supports diverse aquatic life. But less than a mile downstream, the Kittanning turns ugly.
Electrify Your Lawn Care to Help Save the Chesapeake Bay
May 6, 2022
Switching from gas-powered to electric lawn and garden equipment significantly reduces air pollution that contributes to smog—a major threat to human health—and the nitrogen pollution that harms waterways.
Save the Bay News: Plastic, Pollinator Gardens, and Trees from Space
April 22, 2022
Our monthly roundup of engaging and educational content for you to enjoy at home. This month we check in with a man on a mission to rid the Susquehanna River of plastic; see which plants will help you create a pollinator buffet; and track trees from space.
52 Years of Earth Day
April 21, 2022
This Friday marks the 52nd anniversary of Earth Day. This important day set off an extraordinary movement to celebrate our natural world and inspire people from all walks of life to stand up for its critical protection and restoration. Look at the history of what this day has meant to all of us who insist on a clean and healthy Earth.
Saving the Bay from Space
April 15, 2022
With half a million new trees slated to take root in Pennsylvania over the next few months, the Keystone Ten Million Trees Partnership is getting help from landowners on the ground—and satellites in space.
River Protector
April 13, 2022
Pennsylvania resident John Naylor is on a mission to rid the Susquehanna of its plastic problem.
Five Facts You Didn’t Know About Beavers
April 7, 2022
These toothy, big-tailed creatures are some of the Chesapeake’s best Bay savers.
Enhancing the Environmental Justice Policy in Pennsylvania
April 6, 2022
The Department of Environmental Protection is working on long overdue updates to its EJ policy. Here’s how you can help.
Nine Reasons We Love Spring
April 5, 2022
As if we really needed a reason! Still here are some of our favorite things about this special season in the watershed.
Planting Trees, Building Community, Saving the Bay
March 31, 2022
Recent CBF intern Marina McCaney reflects on the trees she planted, the passionate people she met, and what she learned about saving the Chesapeake Bay.
Women Saving the Bay and Making History
March 25, 2022
In honor of Women’s History Month, we asked eight talented CBF women what inspires them each and every day to keep pushing the save the Bay movement forward.
One 'Really Empowering' Trip to Richmond
March 22, 2022
High schooler Jordyn Lewis meets with Virginia senators and delegates to urge support for environmental literacy.
Save the Bay News: Striped Bass, Sturgeon, and Where Oysters Are Thriving
March 18, 2022
Our monthly roundup of engaging and educational content for you to enjoy at home. This month we look at the state of striped bass, sturgeon, and where oysters are thriving.
A Day in the Life of an Oyster Farmer
March 16, 2022
We joined Maryland-based Hollywood Oyster Company for a glimpse of what life is like on an oyster farm.
Chesapeake Marvel, the Patricia Campbell, Celebrates 20th Year of Oyster Restoration
March 11, 2022
This one-of-a-kind vessel has changed the way we restore oysters—and save the Bay.
Forest Fish
March 9, 2022
CBF's Brian Gish has a plan to restore habitat for brook trout in Pennsylvania.
Saving the Striper
March 4, 2022
Conservation brought striped bass back from the brink. Now, these big, beloved fish are vulnerable once again.
Resilient Return
March 2, 2022
Resurgence of Atlantic sturgeon in the Chesapeake Bay is reason to continue pollution-reduction efforts.
Cleanup Deadline Is Near, the Bay Needs Action Now
February 25, 2022
The science has been clear; we know what we need to do to restore the Chesapeake Bay but we are not doing it fast enough or at the scale necessary to succeed.
Wood and Kreps: Floaters, Heelsplitters and Pigtoes—Why Virginia Must Invest in Freshwater Mussels
February 21, 2022
Freshwater mussels, the unsung heroes of Virginia's rivers and streams, are facing extinction. Virginia legislators are now considering proposals that could help bring them back.
Save the Bay News: Local Food, Whales, and Hatching Oysters
February 18, 2022
Our monthly roundup of engaging and educational content for you to enjoy at home. This month we look at how the way we farm ultimately affects everything downstream, including Bay critters big and small.
Building a Farm, and a Movement
February 17, 2022
In his 40 years at CBF’s Clagett Farm, Michael Heller has transformed the way we think about food, farms, and the connection between our lands and waters.
Five Ways Buying Local Benefits You and the Bay
February 15, 2022
From your health to your environment to your community, all the ways that buying fresh, local foods benefits you.
How Does an Oyster Hatchery Work?
February 11, 2022
Virginia-based oyster hatchery, Oyster Seed Holdings, invites the public to a behind-the-scenes hatchery experience.
Dinner and a Movie: How to Love the Bay This Valentine's Day
February 10, 2022
From fungi documentaries to French classics, spatchcocked chicken to oysters and mignonette, these farm films and foods pair perfectly with Chesapeake Bay-saving.
Maryland Leaders Must Seize This Year's Opportunity to Protect the State's Environment
February 9, 2022
Leaders have an unprecedented opportunity to protect Maryland's future generations from a changing climate and ensure we meet the Chesapeake Bay Clean Water Blueprint goals.
Virginia Needs the Community Flood Preparedness Fund
February 8, 2022
A critical legislation is currently under threat in the General Assembly.
Full Attention on Halfmoon Creek
February 4, 2022
CBF and partners create a unique watershed restoration plan.
This Groundhog Day, We're Feeling a Bit Like Bill Murray.
February 2, 2022
Discover a few of the most important federal issues that CBF is tracking in 2022.
Virginia Needs Reliable Investment to Fight Flooding and Pollution
February 1, 2022
We simply cannot afford to press reset on funding flood protection. Our economy, well-being, and quality of life depend on it.
Supporting Farmers Calls for Solid Cost-Sharing Programs
January 31, 2022
Virginia now has an unprecedented opportunity to fully fund its agricultural cost-share program.
Charismatic Creatures
January 26, 2022
A Pennsylvania farm owner steps up to protect bog turtles on his land.
Defending Virginia's Citizen Boards
January 24, 2022
Virginia's citizen boards play key roles in the state's balanced framework for protecting the environment.
Save the Bay News: Are We on Track?
January 21, 2022
Our monthly roundup of engaging and educational content for you to enjoy at home. This month we discuss the 2021 State of the Blueprint report and how we can get Bay restoration back on track.
Pennsylvania's Steep Road to Clean Water
January 20, 2022
Earlier this month, CBF released its 2021 State of the Blueprint report with a large focus on Pennsylvania. Here are the highs, lows, and next steps for the Keystone State.
Five Ways We’re Advocating for Bay Restoration in 2022
January 18, 2022
Legislative sessions have kicked off around the watershed. Here’s what we’re fighting for.
Miniature Marvels
January 12, 2022
Lined seahorses rely on the Bay's underwater grass beds for food, shelter, and a place to breed.
Winter Leviathan
January 6, 2022
Known for their acrobatics, humpback whales sometimes venture into the Chesapeake to feed.
Natural Born Chesapeake Leader
January 3, 2022
Hilary Harp Falk, a proven expert in large-scale ecosystem restoration, leading organizational change, and coalition building, is CBF's next president and CEO.
Save the Bay Blog - 2022
Recent Posts
- Our Charge Is Clear: Focus on What People and Nature Need
- Virginia Leaves Critically Needed Menhaden Study Plan Unfunded
- Our Bay, the Perfect Classroom
- What’s the State of Bay Restoration 50 Days into the New Administration?
- EPA’s Chesapeake Bay Program Grant Sparks Healthy Living Movement at Richmond Church
- Keep 'Forever Chemicals' Out of Our Water and Food
- “My Voice Was Really Heard”
- Save the Bay News: Fighting for the Bay We Love
- We Are Built for These Moments
- Knocking on Virginia Lawmakers’ Doors
- Black History and the Bay
- Community
- Farmer Success Stories
- Fishing
- Fox Island Farewell
- Fun
- Guardians of the Headwaters
- History for All
- Honoring Will Baker
- Learn Outside
- Locally Grown
- Nature Journaling
- Politics
- Save the Bay News
- Saving the Striper
- Slowing the Flow
- State of the Bay
- Student Leadership
- Voices for Clean Water
- Volunteers
- Water Quality
- Watershed Watchdogs
- Women's History and the Bay
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