Bringing the Bay Home: Outdoor Education, Oyster Filtration, and a Backyard Report Card

riparian buffers Liz Yocum 1171x593

As part of a Learn Outside, Learn at Home investigation, CBF Field Educator Liz Yocum visited a local stream to show why riparian buffers are important for clean water. Her ice tray contains a few of the macroinvertebrates that live there.

Liz Yocum/CBF Staff

Our weekly roundup of engaging, educational, and inspirational Bay content to enjoy at home during the age of COVID-19.

September means back to school. And while things may look different this year, CBF’s Education team is excited to keep students learning the best way we know: outside, in the Bay watershed. Hear from educators about our new virtual learning program this fall, find resources to help students investigate their environment outside, from home, and learn why it’s important to include outdoor education experiences in remote learning plans. Then, check out our oyster filtering investigation and a Backyard Report Card you can do at home.

The Case for Outdoor Learning

As schools rethink their strategies in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, now is the opportunity to include more outdoor learning. Tom Ackerman, CBF’s Vice President of Education, makes the case for incorporating outdoor education experiences into remote learning plans to keep students engaged and help them explore environmental issues in their communities.

From Bay to Classroom

Just as parents and educators have had to switch up their back to school planning, CBF’s Education team is doing the same. Hear from three of our field educators about our new virtual learning program, how we’re bringing the Bay to teachers and students, and what they’re excited for in the coming months.

Video: Backyard Report Card

Clean water starts with each of us—in our homes, our yards, our neighborhoods, and our communities. From turning off the faucet to mowing lawns less frequently to providing wildlife habitat, every action matters. Follow along with our Backyard Report Card video and investigation to explore how you can safeguard the Bay at home.

Video: Oyster Filtering Experiment

Did you know that oysters feed on algae and naturally filter the water? In this video, see for yourself how oysters make the water clearer. After watching, figure out your family’s water usage and then calculate how many oysters you’d need to filter that amount of water with our Oyster Power Investigation.

Learn with Us

We’re excited to learn outside! CBF educators are creating new content from their own backyards and home offices so teachers and students can keep exploring the watershed and learning about the environment. This fall, we’re continuing to update our Learn Outside, Learn at Home content to include new video resources, field investigations, and printable watershed curriculum.

What You Can Do


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Do you enjoy working with others to help clean the Chesapeake Bay? Do you have a few hours to spare? Whether growing oysters, planting trees, or advocating for a clean Bay, there are plenty of ways you can contribute.

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