Bringing the Bay Home: Cooling Cities, Reclaiming Mines, and Pirate Lore


Hundreds of acres of forest are lost each year to development.

Tom Zolper

Our weekly roundup of engaging, educational, and inspirational Bay content to enjoy at home during the age of COVID-19.

If you care about clean water, thank a tree. Forests are one of nature’s best filters, protecting streams and the Bay by slowing and trapping polluted runoff. Discover how trees can help fight deadly urban heat and clean waterways at the same time. Find out how we’re helping rebuild native Appalachian forests on Pennsylvania’s abandoned mine lands and which Maryland counties are leading the way to stem the loss of forests to development. Then, learn what goes into planting oysters on reefs and see how much you know about the history of pirates on the Bay.

Video: Keeping Cities Cool

Heat can be deadly in our cities—and climate change is set to make it worse. But not everyone suffers equally. Dr. Jeremy Hoffman, Chief Scientist of the Science Museum of Virginia, discusses his research on the urban heat island effect and how increasing tree canopies and green spaces can both improve the health of city residents and reduce water pollution.

Reclaiming Polluted Mine Land

One-third of the nation’s abandoned mine lands are in Pennsylvania, and legacy pollution poses a threat to communities and waterways. The Keystone 10 Million Trees Partnership is helping to restore the sites by rebuilding the native Appalachian forests that once thrived here, distributing 18,4000 trees that were planted on abandoned mine lands this spring.

Video: Fighting for Forests

As Maryland works to clean up pollution that degrades the Chesapeake Bay, the state is losing forests—one of its best natural filters—to development. But counties are leading the way to turn the tide against forest loss, including Frederick County, which could soon adopt the strongest protections in the state.

Oysters Overboard!

Nearly three months after stay-at-home orders were issued across the Chesapeake Bay region due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our restoration work is back in action. We planted 2.3 million baby oysters (spat on shell) onto sanctuary reefs in the Tred Avon River in a single morning last week!

Pirates of the Bay

Did you know there were once (maybe still are) pirates on our very own Chesapeake Bay? Author and historian Dr. Jamie Goodall talked with us about her favorite notorious fleet, women and Black pirates, buried treasure, and more from her new book, Pirates of the Chesapeake Bay: From the Colonial Era to the Oyster Wars.

What You Can Do

  • Just in time for your socially distant beach vacation, our Save the Bay beach towel is back in stock! They sold out quickly last year, so make sure to order yours soon.
  • Register for our upcoming webinar on July 15, The Chesapeake Clean Water Blueprint: A Model to Reduce Global Dead Zones?
  • Help us continue to bring the Bay to you at home each week. Give today!


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Do you enjoy working with others to help clean the Chesapeake Bay? Do you have a few hours to spare? Whether growing oysters, planting trees, or advocating for a clean Bay, there are plenty of ways you can contribute.

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