Happy May Day! As American naturalist Edwin Way Teale said, “All things seem possible in May.” In these unsettling times, we’re hoping to see brighter days this month. And we’re off to a solid start with this week’s historic win for menhaden.
For nearly 30 years, CBF has been working hard to protect this critical forage fish, a key foundation in the entire Chesapeake ecosystem. This week, after thousands of you over the years raised your voices in support, the Virginia Marine Resources Commission, updated a harvest cap on menhaden in the Chesapeake Bay that will bring Virginia into compliance with the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s management plan.
Also, this week, we continued to bring Bay-saving education into households for students and adults alike—from student investigations and videos on water quality testing and how your neighborhood impacts the Bay to a special webinar and Save the Bay magazine devoted entirely to climate change and the Bay.
Rest assured, our work continues at all levels. Working from home, we’re creating engaging stories to bring the Bay directly to you, advocating for good policies and opposing bad ones, litigating precedent-setting cases at the federal and state levels, and advancing restoration for nature’s great filters: oysters, wetlands, trees, and more. Our work never stops.
As always, thank you for standing with us in these difficult times. And please enjoy this week’s Bay stories and resources. Be safe, healthy, and well.