Take a deep dive into the current state of the Bay’s blue crabs and investigate the complex underwater life of these beautiful swimmers. Explore what a fish’s appearance can tell you about its lifestyle in the Bay. Learn about the first fish in space (it’s a Bay native) and how science overcame politics to protect Virginia’s menhaden. Revel in the colors of May and release your inner artist with this week’s nature journal prompts. Finally, help us Walk the Watershed to save the Bay!

Kim Cover
Bringing the Bay Home
Uplifting and educational Bay stories, inspirational videos, and more to bring the Bay home to you and your loved ones.
Ask an Expert: What are Mummichogs?
Believe it or not, mummichogs were the first fish sent into space. This "mud minnow," common in brackish marshes, lives an amazing secret life serving science, wildlife, and fishermen. Learn more from Chris Moore, CBF's Senior Regional Ecosystem Scientist, in this week’s Ask an Expert video.
A Menhaden Miracle
Last week, we celebrated a historic win for menhaden when the Virginia Marine Resources Commission brought Virginia into compliance with the coastwide management plan for this critical forage fish. This week, we take a behind-the-scenes look at the decades-long fight to protect menhaden in Virginia—a true testament to the power of science and citizen voices to save the Bay!
Webinar: Claw and Order
The weather is warming (we think!) and blue crabs are stirring in the grasses of the Chesapeake Bay. Summer—and its traditional crab feasts—are around the corner, raising the perennial question: How are blue crabs doing this year? CBF Senior Regional Ecosystem Scientist Chris Moore and Virginia Field Senior Manager Ken Slazyk have the answer in our latest webinar.
Ken Slayzyck/CBF Staff

Ken Slayzyck/CBF Staff
Learn Outside, Learn at Home
Our new initiative to provide students, teachers, and parents with valuable, curriculum-based resources to connect with the Bay and its rivers while at home.
Video: Blue Crab 101
Blue crabs are the Bay’s signature crustacean. But what is a crustacean, anyway? Why are some crabs soft? Watch as CBF Virginia Field Senior Manager Ken Slazyk describes blue crabs’ key features and their life cycle in this animated video. Then, learn more about these important and fascinating creatures by completing the Blue Crab 101 Investigation.
Nature Journaling: The Color Rush of May
May is flashy and eye-catching—its colors more vivid, its weather more robust. A perfect time to test your observation skills and release your inner artist with this week’s nature journal prompts! Explore nature’s color wheel, the phases of the moon, and the metamorphosing magic of insects.
Video: Let’s Go Fishing!
The Chesapeake Bay is home to fish of all shapes and sizes, each species uniquely adapted for the conditions where it lives. What can you learn about a fish’s food source, habitat, and lifestyle just from looking at it? Join CBF educator Leigh Auth as she goes “fishing” for answers in this video, then take a deeper dive with the Fish Adaptations Investigation.
What You Can Do
- Take steps to save the Bay! Create or join a virtual team for CBF’s Walk the Watershed, our first-ever virtual fundraising and restoration event.
- Join us May 14 for a webinar all about birds and the Bay, featuring CBF staff from our award-winning Environmental Education program.
- Like what you see? Sign up to have this delivered right to your e-mail box as our weekly Save the Bay e-newsletter—a roundup of uplifting Bay stories, inspirational videos, helpful teaching resources, and much more.
- Help us continue to bring the Bay to you at home each week. Give today!