We are most certainly in uncharted waters these days. To help you (and us!) get through them together, we’re launching a weekly roundup of uplifting Bay stories, inspirational videos, helpful teaching resources for those with little ones at home, and much more. Our scrappy staff is putting together these stories from the field (in a social distancing appropriate way), and we’ll be delivering them straight to your inbox each Friday.
In these unsettling times, know that a few things are certain. We at the Chesapeake Bay Foundation care about you, your loved ones, and the environment where we all live. We will pull together to support one another during this critical time, just as we have historically come together for our shared mission to save the Bay.
And rest assured our work to save the Bay continues—stronger than ever. Rulemaking and (de)regulatory efforts are still happening. And EPA’s attempt to turn a blind eye to polluters can’t stand. Our policy experts, attorneys, and others are working overtime to ensure all progress isn’t lost.
Thank you for standing with us, now and always. And please enjoy these Bay stories and resources! Be safe, healthy, and well.