This Month in the Watershed: Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

osprey feeding 695x352

This female osprey gently feeds her chick a piece of fish that was brought to the nest by the male.

Michael Weiss

September 2019

At the annual Chesapeake Bay Executive Council meeting in early September, the Bay state governors and other Bay leaders failed to address a glaring problem: Pennsylvania is far behind in meeting its water quality restoration goals, threatening to undermine the entire Bay cleanup effort.

Home to 18 million people and covering 64,000 square miles across six states, the Chesapeake Bay watershed is huge. With this size comes the inevitable need for governments, businesses, and institutions of all sorts to partner together in the name of clean water in our communities and the Chesapeake Bay. But the partnership working to restore the Bay is only as strong as its weakest link.

Also this month, the management of the menhaden fishery took a hit. Menhaden is a keystone species of the Bay and a critical link in the food chain, but the largest harvester of the fish revealed its intent to ignore the harvest limit for Bay menhaden set by the Atlantic Marines Fisheries Commission, the interstate body that manages coastal fisheries.

These two latest examples demonstrate the need for collaboration and teamwork when working towards a goal as complex and challenging as saving the Bay. The ripple effects of decisions made at the northernmost point of the watershed in New York can influence the Bay, as can decisions made at the westernmost point of the watershed in West Virginia. And that reach only increases when you consider the Bay's airshed, an area that spans as far as Indiana and North Carolina.

No one works in a vacuum. At CBF, we continue gathering all stakeholders in the vital work for clean water. From the Chesapeake Oyster Alliance to the Keystone 10 Million Trees Partnership, we can take tangible actions towards saving the Bay. And with the implementation of the Chesapeake Clean Water Blueprint—the ultimate partnership to save the Bay—we can leave a legacy of clean water to future generations.

This Month in the Watershed: PA Struggles, Developing Dead Zone, and Fish Fights

What's Happening around the Watershed in October?


Oyster Gardening

  • From Baltimore to Solomons and everywhere in between, there are plenty of opportunities for Marylanders to help grow the Bay's beloved bivalve—the mighty oyster! Join us for a new oyster gardener workshop to get the supplies and training necessary to grow your own oysters. During the two-hour workshop, you will learn about oyster ecology, the importance of oysters to the Chesapeake Bay, and how to care for your oyster garden. You will also construct four oyster gardening cages for growing your oysters.

Tree Plantings

  • Fall is here, which means it's time to plant trees with CBF! Join us to plant trees in Kent County, MD or Hopewell, VA and help improve local water quality and wildlife habitat.

Education and Fun

Oyster Learning

  • Cape Charles, VA: Join us October 4 for Eastern Shore Oysters on Tap, where you'll enjoy local farm-raised oysters and delicious craft beer while learning about our beloved Bay-saving bivalve, the oyster.
  • Virginia Beach, VA: Join us October 8 as the Brock Environmental Learning Series takes a deep dive into the Chesapeake oyster's past, present, and future. An expert panel will discuss the fossil records of oyster beds, the role the oyster plays in the Bay's ecosystem, and how we can revive the Bay's diminished oyster population.

Skipjack Trips

  • Annapolis, MD: Join us for a Bay Discovery Skipjack Trip this fall aboard CBF's historic skipjack Stanley Norman to explore our national treasure and learn how to restore and protect it for future generations.

VoiCeS Courses

  • CBF's premier adult education course is back. With VoiCeS (Volunteers as Chesapeake Stewards) courses throughout the watershed, there's plenty of opportunity to get involved. This course provides in-depth classroom and field sessions on local environmental issues, transforming new volunteers into effective advocates for clean water in local communities and the Chesapeake Bay. Eastern Shore of Maryland | Baltimore | Shenandoah Valley | Hampton Roads


Anne Arundel Rally for Forest Conservation

  • Annapolis, MD: Since 2010, Anne Arundel County has lost 2,775 acres of forests—more than any other Maryland county by a wide margin. But Bill #68-19 before the County Council can turn the tide for the county's forests. Join us before the public hearing on this bill, as we rally together to save Anne Arundel County forests and ask the County Council to support the bill.
Drew Robinson 90x110

Drew Robinson

Former Digital Advocacy and Outreach Manager, CBF

Issues in this Post

Chesapeake Clean Water Blueprint   Advocacy   Chesapeake Oyster Alliance   Dead Zones   Eastern Oysters   Fisheries   Forest Loss   Offshore Drilling   Smart Growth   CBF in Maryland   CBF in Virginia   Eastern Shore Office   CBF at the Federal Level   Hampton Roads Office   Maryland Office, Annapolis   CBF in Pennsylvania   Virginia Office, Richmond  


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The Bay Needs You

The State of the Bay Report makes it clear that the Bay needs our support now more than ever. Your donation helps the Chesapeake Bay Foundation maintain our momentum toward a restored Bay, rivers, and streams for today and generations to come.

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Do you enjoy working with others to help clean the Chesapeake Bay? Do you have a few hours to spare? Whether growing oysters, planting trees, or advocating for a clean Bay, there are plenty of ways you can contribute.

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