CBF's Hampton Roads Grassroots Manager Tanner Council describes Hampton resident Claire Neubert as "one of the most prolific volunteers CBF has ever worked with. For anyone wondering if they can make a difference," he says "Claire Neubert represents what is possible when you build on what you know and love...and how far that can take you."
Claire does it, she says, "because the great blue heron that sits on my dock every morning can't."
But, how did she get started? The answer is something Claire enjoys sharing, hoping her story will give others the inspiration they need to find their niche.

In 2006, CBF Clean Water Captain Claire Neubert began volunteering with CBF as an oyster gardener. To date, she alone has raised more than 7,500 oysters. And, from writing letters to her local paper to visiting her legislators on Capitol Hill, Claire continues to find new ways to help save the Bay.
Jessica Neubert
When Claire moved to Hampton in 2006, a neighbor suggested she try oyster gardening. "It sounded like a cool thing to do, so I did!," says Claire "Oysters gave me a connection and awareness of the water that I may otherwise not have had."
Over the years, oysters led Claire to get involved in other clean-water activities like Hampton Clean City Commission's Waterways Committee, CBF's VoiCeS Program, and Clean the Bay Day.
Somewhere along the way, Claire remembers Tanner saying, "You can pick up litter forever. The only way to really change things is through legislation."
"My 'How can I do that?' evolved into 'How can I NOT do that?,'" Claire recalls. "Good thing I'm not alone!," she says. "My voice is really one amongst a choir of amazing and dedicated people who cheer, advocate, and work hard to save the Bay."
No longer hesitant to engage in advocacy, Claire meets often with local, state, and federal elected officials to advocate for clean water and is regularly published in Newport News' Daily Press.
In the video below, Claire and a contingent of fellow Virginia clean water advocates travel to Capitol Hill to meet with their representatives.