Doug Myers

Maryland Senior Scientist

Doug's Posts

  • Successful Shorelines Require a Sea Change

    September 15, 2022

    Living shorelines of native plants are often more effective, and more cost-effective over the long run, than armoring shorelines with rocks, concrete or treated lumber.

  • Electrify Your Lawn Care to Help Save the Chesapeake Bay

    May 6, 2022

    Switching from gas-powered to electric lawn and garden equipment significantly reduces air pollution that contributes to smog—a major threat to human health—and the nitrogen pollution that harms waterways.

  • Let's Choose Nature Over Higher Flood Walls

    October 5, 2021

    How we adapt our built infrastructure in the Chesapeake Bay region to the challenge of sea level rise needs to be at the forefront of climate change discussions.

The Bay Needs You

The State of the Bay Report makes it clear that the Bay needs our support now more than ever. Your donation helps the Chesapeake Bay Foundation maintain our momentum toward a restored Bay, rivers, and streams for today and generations to come.

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Do you enjoy working with others to help clean the Chesapeake Bay? Do you have a few hours to spare? Whether growing oysters, planting trees, or advocating for a clean Bay, there are plenty of ways you can contribute.

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