Contact CBF's Richmond, Virginia Office

Capitol Place
1108 East Main Street
Suite 1600
Richmond, VA 23219-3539
804-780-1392 (phone)
804-648-4011 (fax)

Chris MooreChris Moore, Virginia Executive Director. Chris leads policy development and technical support for Chesapeake Bay water quality and fisheries restoration efforts. His water quality work involves a wide range of activities, from on-the-ground restoration to working with elected officials through all levels of government to support legislative decisions that ensure enhancement of the Bay watershed. Chris also works to build sustainable fisheries issues through oyster restoration efforts and proactive management of important Bay fisheries such as blue crab and Atlantic menhaden. He is also a US Coast Guard Licensed Captain and runs educational and restoration boat trips for volunteers, media, elected officials, and decision makers. Contact Chris at [email protected].

Patrick Fanning.Patrick Fanning, Virginia Staff Attorney. Patrick is CBF's legal advisor on all aspects of Virginia Office programs, including litigation, liability, contracting, and lobbying. He provides legal advice for the development of CBF goals. Patrick also works with the Virginia Executive Director on the formulation of position statements on environmental legislation and regulations, and advocates on behalf of CBF to legislators, agencies, community decision-makers, and the general public. Contact Patrick at [email protected].

Mike Gerel.Mike Gerel, Virginia Science Manager. Mike assists in the development of Virginia office positions on environmental legislation, funding, and compliance with regulatory programs, focusing on water quality and point and nonpoint source pollution. He reviews local, state, and federal policy, grant and cost share programs, and proposed projects to assure they advance the protection, resilience, and enjoyment of water and living resources. Additionally, Mike manages science and restoration staff in the Virginia Office. Contact Mike at [email protected].

Alston Horn.Alston Horn, Virginia Restoration Specialist. Alston identifies and recruits farm landowners, primarily in the Shenandoah Valley, to adopt agriculture best management practices on their land. He acts as a liaison between farmers, federal, and state staff to help farmers received cost-share for best management practices. Alston also leads CBF efforts on outreach to farmers about alternative grazing management. Contact Alston at [email protected].

Ann Jurczyk.Ann Jurczyk, Virginia Urban Restoration Manager. Ann performs and oversees outreach and grassroots activities in Virginia, managing all of CBF's grassroots staff throughout the Commonwealth. Ann specializes in organizing and engaging CBF constituents, other conservation leaders and organizations, and the general public on CBF advocacy issues. Ann also runs CBF's Clean Water Captains program in Virginia and oversees faith-based outreach in the state. Lastly, Ann provides expertise and oversight for CBF's holistic urban restoration projects in the Central Virginia region. Contact Ann at [email protected].

Matt Kowalski.Matt Kowalski, Virginia Watershed Restoration Scientist. Matt implements wetland and riparian restoration projects and agricultural best management practices throughout the Commonwealth. Matt also leads CBF's outreach to the farm community while assisting in the development of CBF policies regarding state and federal agriculture cost-share programs and agriculture-related legislation. Contact Matt at [email protected].

Kate Lessin.Kate Lessin, Events Coordinator. Kate organizes and oversees events for CBF throughout the Commonwealth, including legislator open houses and receptions, oyster tasting events, our annual Rod and Reef fishing tournament, and other public outreach opportunities. She engages with the public, CBF members, decision-makers, and targeted audiences, ensuring that CBF is a presence in communities throughout Virginia. Contact Kate at [email protected].

Sammie McCabe.Sammie McCabe, Director of Major Giving—Central Virginia. Sammie works with individual donors, corporate partners, and foundations to build financial support for CBF's work to save the Bay. Contact Sammie at [email protected].

Will Poston.Will Poston, Forage Campaign Manager. Will leads CBF's efforts to advocate for menhaden in the Chesapeake Bay. He works to unite the conservation and angling communities under a shared vision of forage fish conservation, and serves as the point person for partners, CBF staff, donors, and the public on our menhaden work. Contact Will at [email protected].

Vanessa Remmers.Vanessa Remmers, Communications & Media Relations Manager. Vanessa acts as the liaison between CBF and media outlets throughout the Commonwealth, creating press releases, writing editorials and letters to the editor, and interacting with press representatives to ensure they understand CBF's mission and policies. Vanessa creates and hones CBF's messaging to the public. She also writes articles and blog posts for CBF. Contact Vanessa at [email protected].

Caleigh RemocaldoCaleigh Remocaldo, Virginia Student Leadership Coordinator. Caleigh manages the Virginia Chapter of CBF's Student Leadership Program which brings together high school students from across the watershed to help Save the Bay. She works alongside students to identify issues in their community and then address those issues through advocacy, action, and awareness. Caleigh connects student leaders, both in the field and virtually, with scientists, experts, and policy makers to help further their knowledge of watershed issues and amplify their voices for meaningful change. Contact Caleigh at [email protected].

Elizabeth Ronston.Elizabeth Ronston, Virginia Program Manager and Financial Analyst. Elizabeth manages budgets for the Virginia office and oversees grant reporting and project coordination. Elizabeth also provides administrative support for the Virginia office, including writing/editing correspondence and newsletters; handling state lobbying reporting; managing recruitment efforts; applying for needed permits; planning for events; and other tasks. Contact Elizabeth at [email protected].

Lindsay Spotts.Lindsay Spotts, Upper James River Watershed Field Technician. Lindsay works with landowners exclusively in the Upper James River watershed to install riparian forested buffers as part of a large-scale project CBF is implementing to add 400 new acres of buffers in this area by 2026. Lindsay helps landowners design, install, and establish the buffers to ensure long-term success. Contact Lindsay at [email protected].

Gabby Troutman.Gabby Troutman, Virginia Outreach and Advocacy Manager. Gabby oversees outreach and volunteer activities in the Richmond area, including the VoiCeS program (among others). She also recruits and nurtures volunteers throughout the Richmond area to develop them into committed advocates for the Bay. Contact Gabby at [email protected].

Joe Wood.Joe Wood, Virginia Senior Scientist. Joe helps develop CBF policies and positions through monitoring of state regulations, guidelines, and funding related to point and nonpoint source pollution in Virginia. Joe also analyzes and provides comments on new or changing laws, regulations, policies, and guidelines in Virginia. Contact Joe Wood at [email protected].

Felicity Zimmerman.Felicity Zimmerman, Virginia Agricultural Restoration Specialist. Felicity works in the Shenandoah River watershed, helping farmers and other landowners to adopt conservation practices on their lands. She also identifies available cost-share and private funding options to help farmers pay to install these practices. Additionally, she is piloting a turnkey program to manage all aspects of best management practice implementation, overseeing the design and installation of conservation practices to remove the time and hassle that many farmers face to implement these practices. Contact Felicity at [email protected].

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