Directions to Clagett Farm

Clagett Farm
11904 Old Marlboro Pike
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772


People with GPS, make sure you type in the correct address. There are other Clagett Farm destinations in Maryland. 

Please also ensure that the last step in the directions should have you enter the farm from Old Marlboro Pike.

People who use MapQuest or GoogleMaps to navigate from D.C. or the beltway tend to get lost. If you are concerned, print out the directions below. They are slightly longer, but easier to follow.


From Washington, D.C. and West

  • Take 495 to Route 4 South (which is Pennsylvania Ave. running out of SE D.C.) and continue about 5 miles. (DO NOT take the Old Marlboro Pike exit from Route 4.)
  • Take the left hand Ritchie Marlboro Road Exit.
  • At the stop sign turn left.
  • At the first stoplight turn left onto Old Marlboro Pike.
  • The farm is just over a mile up the road, marked with a sign reading, "Clagett Farm, Chesapeake Bay Foundation".
  • Turn right on the farm driveway. (If you reach Brooklee Rd or Mellwood Park, you have gone too far)

From Baltimore and Points North & East

  • Take Route 301 south and then Route 4 north for 2 miles.
  • Take the Ritchie Marlboro Road Exit.
  • At the stop sign turn left.
  • At the first stoplight turn left onto Old Marlboro Pike. The farm is just over a mile up the road, marked with a sign reading, "Clagett Farm, Chesapeake Bay Foundation".
  • Turn right on the farm driveway. (If you reach Brooklee Rd or Mellwood Park, you have gone too far)
From Richmond and South
  • Take I-95 N to VA-207 E in Ruther Glen and take exit 104.
  • Continue on AV-207 E to US-301 N. Follow US-301 N to Ritchie Marlboro Rd.
  • Take the Ritchie Marlboro Rd. exit from Route 4 North.
  • At the stop sign turn left.
  • At the first stoplight turn left onto Old Marlboro Pike. The farm is just over a mile up the road, marked with a sign reading "Clagett Farm, Chesapeake Bay Foundation."
  • Turn right on the farm driveway. (If you reach Brooklee Rd. or Mellwood Park, you have gone too far.)

Navigating on the Farm

  • Follow the drive around to the first fork and turn left.
  • Turn left at the fork. Buses should head toward the barns ahead on your right and park on the grass to the left of the barns. Cars—unless you spot us on the way, continue to the top of the hill and park next to the garage. Greenhouses should be within sight.
  • We usually meet at the washing station, which is across the drive. If we are not at the washing station we will leave a sign with our whereabouts.

Please bring the Clagett Farm cell phone numbers (301-646-0282 and 301-627-4662) in case you cannot find us.

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